Brad Cooper tweeted something several days ago that I really liked. In fact I liked it so much I wrote it down and now have it in my study Bible. It is a quote from St. Augustine:
"Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand."
That has really given a new perspective to my study time. Before if I came across something difficult, I would read it for understanding with an attitude of I'm not sure I can believe this until I understand what God is trying to say. Now I start with an attitude of I AM sure I believe this God because You wrote it, help me to understand.
I have believed God's word for a long time but now I am going to focus more on believing. No wavering, no doubts.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Songs of Praise
I really love reading the Psalms of praise.
"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord...let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!" "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Psalm 95
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before Him all the earth." Psalm 96
"The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice..."; "Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to His holy name!" Psalm 97
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" Psalm 98
"The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!" "Let them praise Your great and awesome name! Holy is He!" "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy!" Psalm 99
"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!" Psalm 100
"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord...let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!" "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Psalm 95
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before Him all the earth." Psalm 96
"The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice..."; "Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to His holy name!" Psalm 97
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" Psalm 98
"The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!" "Let them praise Your great and awesome name! Holy is He!" "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy!" Psalm 99
"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!" Psalm 100
Friday, June 25, 2010
World Cup
This morning as I came to work I was listening to some reports about the World Cup. France and Italy, former winners, both lost in early rounds.
What was so amazing to me was the response from the home countries. The Minister of Sports in France got up in their Parliament or whatever it is called and spoke of the disgrace to the country and the damage to all the school children because their team did not fare well in a soccer tournament. A SOCCER TOURNAMENT!!
The French team did act badly and brought the loss on themselves by their refusal to practice. They found it necessary to sneak back into the country through a small, seldom used airport so they would not have to face the public or the reporters. The Sports Minister spoke of the loss of hope.
One guy who was interviewed spoke of the economic issues that had everyone depressed and now this - the depression just gets worse.
I guess it's true in America too that people let their identity and worth be tied into the success or failure of their favorite sports team whether college or professional. What a sad day for the French and the Italians and even for our world, that the hope of a country rides on the shoulders of a soccer team, or a baseball team, or any kind of team.
If our hope is in any person except the person of Jesus Christ, we are in a sad state indeed. People will always disappoint us but Jesus NEVER will.
What was so amazing to me was the response from the home countries. The Minister of Sports in France got up in their Parliament or whatever it is called and spoke of the disgrace to the country and the damage to all the school children because their team did not fare well in a soccer tournament. A SOCCER TOURNAMENT!!
The French team did act badly and brought the loss on themselves by their refusal to practice. They found it necessary to sneak back into the country through a small, seldom used airport so they would not have to face the public or the reporters. The Sports Minister spoke of the loss of hope.
One guy who was interviewed spoke of the economic issues that had everyone depressed and now this - the depression just gets worse.
I guess it's true in America too that people let their identity and worth be tied into the success or failure of their favorite sports team whether college or professional. What a sad day for the French and the Italians and even for our world, that the hope of a country rides on the shoulders of a soccer team, or a baseball team, or any kind of team.
If our hope is in any person except the person of Jesus Christ, we are in a sad state indeed. People will always disappoint us but Jesus NEVER will.
I listened to and sang the song "Better is one day in Your courts, better is one day in Your house, better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere" until I thought if I hear that song again I'll scream. That used to be a huge youth group song.
So when I read it this morning in Psalm 84 it immediately brought that song to mind. I thought I know it's scripture but I really do hope I don't have to hear it ever again. I like the rest of verse 10 that says I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.
To me being a doorkeeper is a sign of servanthood, of surrender. The doorkeeper is not the big shot or the rich and famous or the CEO but rather one who is willing to just be there to open doors, to make entrance a little easier. Most times people don't even know or notice the doorkeeper - unless he is absent.
Dwelling in the tents of the wicked can certainly be fun and sometimes profitable, being a doorkeeper doesn't bring much excitement and not much reward in the eyes of the public. But serving people, especially in the house of God, has rewards that are so much greater than anything the world has to offer.
So when I read it this morning in Psalm 84 it immediately brought that song to mind. I thought I know it's scripture but I really do hope I don't have to hear it ever again. I like the rest of verse 10 that says I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.
To me being a doorkeeper is a sign of servanthood, of surrender. The doorkeeper is not the big shot or the rich and famous or the CEO but rather one who is willing to just be there to open doors, to make entrance a little easier. Most times people don't even know or notice the doorkeeper - unless he is absent.
Dwelling in the tents of the wicked can certainly be fun and sometimes profitable, being a doorkeeper doesn't bring much excitement and not much reward in the eyes of the public. But serving people, especially in the house of God, has rewards that are so much greater than anything the world has to offer.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Restore Us
Our country is sorely in need of revival from God. His Church in America is sorely in need of revival. We - the American Church - are like the church at Laodicea that received a rebuke from Jesus for being lukewarm and self-satisfied.
Verses 3, 7, 19 of Psalm 80 are my prayer today for the Church. I like the way the Psalmist expands his view of God in these verses - from God to God Almighty to LORD God Almighty.
But of course the Church is people so that means me! I need a fresh, expanded view of God, a renewed fervor, a new sense of God's purpose in me. So this prayer is not just for the Church "out there" but for the life of God's Son "in here", in me...restore us, O LORD God Almighty! Let Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
Verses 3, 7, 19 of Psalm 80 are my prayer today for the Church. I like the way the Psalmist expands his view of God in these verses - from God to God Almighty to LORD God Almighty.
But of course the Church is people so that means me! I need a fresh, expanded view of God, a renewed fervor, a new sense of God's purpose in me. So this prayer is not just for the Church "out there" but for the life of God's Son "in here", in me...restore us, O LORD God Almighty! Let Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I've read Psalm 78 several times over the last few days. This Psalm is an admonition to teach the next generation about God's faithfulness. But there is much about Israel's forgetfulness.
HE: established, appointed, commanded
They: turned back, did not keep, refused, forgot
HE: divided, led, split, gave, made
They: tested, spoke against, [doubted]
HE: was full of wrath BECAUSE
They: did not believe God and did not trust His saving power
HE: commanded, opened, rained, gave, sent, caused, let
They: sinned; did not believe
HE: made their days vanish, killed
They: repented, sought, remembered, flattered, lied
HE: atoned, restrained, remembered
They: rebelled, grieved, tested, provoked, did not remember
HE: performed His signs in Egypt, led out, brought, drove out, apportioned, settled
They: tested, rebelled, turned, acted treacherously, twisted, provoked, moved Him to jealousy
HE: wrath, rejected, forsook, delivered to captivity, gave over, vented, awoke, put to rout, put to shame, rejected, chose, built, founded
Nothing much ever really changes. God certainly doesn't. Even with all the rebellion and forgetfulness on the part of Israel, God still provided for needs, still atoned, still led. Yes, He punished sin but He never stopped caring for His people.
And nothing much changes with people either. We're still rebellious and testing and unbelieving during so many of our least I seem to be. Help me, Lord, to be sold out to You so that I do believe, so that I have no desire to be rebellious or test You.
HE: established, appointed, commanded
They: turned back, did not keep, refused, forgot
HE: divided, led, split, gave, made
They: tested, spoke against, [doubted]
HE: was full of wrath BECAUSE
They: did not believe God and did not trust His saving power
HE: commanded, opened, rained, gave, sent, caused, let
They: sinned; did not believe
HE: made their days vanish, killed
They: repented, sought, remembered, flattered, lied
HE: atoned, restrained, remembered
They: rebelled, grieved, tested, provoked, did not remember
HE: performed His signs in Egypt, led out, brought, drove out, apportioned, settled
They: tested, rebelled, turned, acted treacherously, twisted, provoked, moved Him to jealousy
HE: wrath, rejected, forsook, delivered to captivity, gave over, vented, awoke, put to rout, put to shame, rejected, chose, built, founded
Nothing much ever really changes. God certainly doesn't. Even with all the rebellion and forgetfulness on the part of Israel, God still provided for needs, still atoned, still led. Yes, He punished sin but He never stopped caring for His people.
And nothing much changes with people either. We're still rebellious and testing and unbelieving during so many of our least I seem to be. Help me, Lord, to be sold out to You so that I do believe, so that I have no desire to be rebellious or test You.
Itching Ears
Last night at home group, I mentioned something I had read on Todd Rhodes blog about the ordination of non-celibate gay and lesbian people to the clergy and to positions of leadership in "Christian" churches.
It really bothers me that those who profess Christ, and are in leadership positions in the church, uphold a persons sin rather confront it. ALL sinners - no matter what the particular sin - need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't need to be told you're OK just as you are but rather your sin has consequences (the wages of sin is death) that separate you from a holy God who loves you so much He sent His son to die in your place.
As I was thinking about this on the way home, 2 Timothy 4:2-3 came to mind. Right now, itching ears want to hear that homosexuality is normal, acceptable. I have walked the path of sexual immorality and there is nothing normal about it, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual. It is emotionally, physically and spiritually devastating.
We all struggle with sin. The Bible says if anyone says he is without sin, he is a liar. That is why I am so thankful for Perry and NewSpring Church and leadership that believes God's word is Truth. I am grateful that week after week the message is the same - Jesus Christ! The church does not gain by embracing the lies of the evil one but by standing on the firm foundation of Jesus.
It really bothers me that those who profess Christ, and are in leadership positions in the church, uphold a persons sin rather confront it. ALL sinners - no matter what the particular sin - need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't need to be told you're OK just as you are but rather your sin has consequences (the wages of sin is death) that separate you from a holy God who loves you so much He sent His son to die in your place.
As I was thinking about this on the way home, 2 Timothy 4:2-3 came to mind. Right now, itching ears want to hear that homosexuality is normal, acceptable. I have walked the path of sexual immorality and there is nothing normal about it, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual. It is emotionally, physically and spiritually devastating.
We all struggle with sin. The Bible says if anyone says he is without sin, he is a liar. That is why I am so thankful for Perry and NewSpring Church and leadership that believes God's word is Truth. I am grateful that week after week the message is the same - Jesus Christ! The church does not gain by embracing the lies of the evil one but by standing on the firm foundation of Jesus.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
As I listened to Perry today about my plans for me vs God's plans for me, I thought about how I often want God to give me the long range plans so I will know how something is going to turn out. That means I don't really believe God has GOOD plans for me or that He will provide what I need along the way.
In the model prayer, one of the things Jesus taught the disciples to pray was "give us this day our DAILY bread". Not this week's or this month's or this year's - but today's bread.
Psalm 68:19 says "Blessed be the Lord, who DAILY bears us up; God is our salvation."
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning [DAILY]; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23
If God is going to be there for me on a daily basis, I need to be sure I connect with Him on a daily basis. I must not neglect my time in the Bible, in prayer, in worship. That should be a priority of my day, every day.
As Perry said today, God wants my joy. Surrendering everything - every fear, every hope, every plan, every need, every relationship - to Him is the surest way to real joy. Joy that is internal and not based on my circumstance.
Father's Day
I was thinking about my daddy today. It's been 5 1/2 years since my daddy died and there are still times when I miss him a lot. At 91 years of age, I was blessed to have him around for a long time - and in good health until the day he died.
My daddy was a godly man who loved my mama and my brother and me. He also loved God and other people. He worked hard all his life to provide for our family. He baked cookies for the "girls" at his bank. He remembered birthdays - not just family but friends as well. He was generous with his money.
He taught me to look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, deal honestly with people, don't spend more than you earn, give at least a tithe (plus offerings) to the church. He loved me even when I was doing all sorts of stuff I should not have been doing, not just as a rebellious teenager but as a rebellious adult. More than once he got me out of a jam with sound advice or money or whatever the situation needed. He had my back!
Daddy was not a hugger or verbal with the "I love yous" but I always knew that he did love me. I look forward to the day when I will be with him - and Mama and David - in heaven to worship Jesus together for all eternity.
My daddy was a godly man who loved my mama and my brother and me. He also loved God and other people. He worked hard all his life to provide for our family. He baked cookies for the "girls" at his bank. He remembered birthdays - not just family but friends as well. He was generous with his money.
He taught me to look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, deal honestly with people, don't spend more than you earn, give at least a tithe (plus offerings) to the church. He loved me even when I was doing all sorts of stuff I should not have been doing, not just as a rebellious teenager but as a rebellious adult. More than once he got me out of a jam with sound advice or money or whatever the situation needed. He had my back!
Daddy was not a hugger or verbal with the "I love yous" but I always knew that he did love me. I look forward to the day when I will be with him - and Mama and David - in heaven to worship Jesus together for all eternity.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
In Beth Moore's book, "Believing God" at one point near the end of the book she shares a pretty dramatic example of God showing up in a situation. But then she asks a question - what do you do until the next dramatic encounter with God?
You focus on the fundamentals - prayer, a daily quiet time with God, praise and worship, attending church, serving a church body, giving. These, she says, are the fundamentals and they never change. We can make all the excuses in the world for not practicing this one or that, but they represent the backbone of obedience. We may want the mystical while God often insists on the practical. We may want a constant dose of dramatics, but God enjoys seeing the perseverance and proven faithfulness of daily devotion.
You focus on the fundamentals - prayer, a daily quiet time with God, praise and worship, attending church, serving a church body, giving. These, she says, are the fundamentals and they never change. We can make all the excuses in the world for not practicing this one or that, but they represent the backbone of obedience. We may want the mystical while God often insists on the practical. We may want a constant dose of dramatics, but God enjoys seeing the perseverance and proven faithfulness of daily devotion.
In His Steps
I've just finished reading "In His Steps" the original version of "What Would Jesus Do?" I have a 1935 edition of this book that was written in 1896.
This was a time in America of great class distinction. This book takes aim at the "haves" and how they should live their lives in light of the sufferings of Christ. Over and over again the author asks how can the well to do Christian live a life of luxury and ignorance or even abhorrence for the poor, wretched masses.
In my minds eye I can see the fine carriages and top hats of the social elites, along with the women in all their refinement as well as their large houses. (Too many movies perhaps!) I can also see the tenements, the slums, with no heat, no running water, no toilets - death and disease at their door, the people wearing rags and wondering where their next meal is coming from.
A pastor who gave up his position to move into the slums told those in his church who were appalled at his decision they would think differently if he was going overseas to be missionary to India or Africa. They would applauded his sacrifice but to move a short distance away, to give up his luxury, to try to reach people of his own city was baffling.
One character in the book, Rollin, was a rich, lazy young man who spent his time in social clubs. After meeting Christ, he continues to go to the clubs to try to convert whom he may saying that the rich have no one else. Many churches and charitable organization donate to the poor but who considers the rich whose god is his money?
I suppose it is not much different from today except "What Would Jesus Do" became a slogan, a feel good t-shirt or wrist band to wear. But really - how many Christ followers step regularly into situations willingly seeking the mind of Christ to walk in His steps - to actually follow Christ - no matter what it costs us in reputation, money, job, friendships? Romans 8:17, Philippians 3:10
This was a time in America of great class distinction. This book takes aim at the "haves" and how they should live their lives in light of the sufferings of Christ. Over and over again the author asks how can the well to do Christian live a life of luxury and ignorance or even abhorrence for the poor, wretched masses.
In my minds eye I can see the fine carriages and top hats of the social elites, along with the women in all their refinement as well as their large houses. (Too many movies perhaps!) I can also see the tenements, the slums, with no heat, no running water, no toilets - death and disease at their door, the people wearing rags and wondering where their next meal is coming from.
A pastor who gave up his position to move into the slums told those in his church who were appalled at his decision they would think differently if he was going overseas to be missionary to India or Africa. They would applauded his sacrifice but to move a short distance away, to give up his luxury, to try to reach people of his own city was baffling.
One character in the book, Rollin, was a rich, lazy young man who spent his time in social clubs. After meeting Christ, he continues to go to the clubs to try to convert whom he may saying that the rich have no one else. Many churches and charitable organization donate to the poor but who considers the rich whose god is his money?
I suppose it is not much different from today except "What Would Jesus Do" became a slogan, a feel good t-shirt or wrist band to wear. But really - how many Christ followers step regularly into situations willingly seeking the mind of Christ to walk in His steps - to actually follow Christ - no matter what it costs us in reputation, money, job, friendships? Romans 8:17, Philippians 3:10
Friday, June 11, 2010
Can't Take It with You
I was looking at pictures of the children in the Segera mission area of Kenya. David Lazaro is the young man I have started to support each month. To think that $39 a month can help David realize his ambition to be a doctor is unbelievable to me.
When I see pictures of the stick and mud huts, the dirty, worn clothes, and the SMILES my heart breaks. Having been there and seen for myself and met the people, I am overwhelmed that God has put me in a position to help. I have sooo much! By American standards I'm on the lower end of the totem pole financially but by the world's standards I am RICH!
By God's standard, too, I am rich...and not just financially! But I am a daughter to THE King, the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who says, "the world is mine" so that makes me rich financially too.
Next week I'm sending my grandson to skateboard camp at a cost of $119. He's so excited and I'm glad to give him the opportunity to do something he loves and really wants to do. But that same money would support David, or someone like him, for 3 months with food and school supplies and teachers. I AM rich - to have money to spend on something like learning to ride a skateboard when most of the world would just like something to eat.
I want to make a difference in the lives of people, whether here or in Kenya. God has put me where I am for a reason. He has given me the resources He has for a reason. He has given me the desire "to do" for a reason. I don't want to disappoint Him or me by not being faithful to go where He leads and to spend my money as He directs. Psalm 49:16-17 is another "can't take it with you" message so I will look for opportunities to give as God directs. Nothing is mine anyway!!
When I see pictures of the stick and mud huts, the dirty, worn clothes, and the SMILES my heart breaks. Having been there and seen for myself and met the people, I am overwhelmed that God has put me in a position to help. I have sooo much! By American standards I'm on the lower end of the totem pole financially but by the world's standards I am RICH!
By God's standard, too, I am rich...and not just financially! But I am a daughter to THE King, the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who says, "the world is mine" so that makes me rich financially too.
Next week I'm sending my grandson to skateboard camp at a cost of $119. He's so excited and I'm glad to give him the opportunity to do something he loves and really wants to do. But that same money would support David, or someone like him, for 3 months with food and school supplies and teachers. I AM rich - to have money to spend on something like learning to ride a skateboard when most of the world would just like something to eat.
I want to make a difference in the lives of people, whether here or in Kenya. God has put me where I am for a reason. He has given me the resources He has for a reason. He has given me the desire "to do" for a reason. I don't want to disappoint Him or me by not being faithful to go where He leads and to spend my money as He directs. Psalm 49:16-17 is another "can't take it with you" message so I will look for opportunities to give as God directs. Nothing is mine anyway!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
There was a time in my life when I used to question my salvation. Not because I didn't love Jesus but because of 1 John 3:6. Every time I would sin I would think I must not really belong to God. This verse says no one who lives in [Christ] keeps on sinning.
I know to God sin is sin but to man there are often classifications of sin...gossip or little white lies are OK but adultery or homosexuality or murder are BIG, BAD sins. For years I couldn't reconcile my life, my salvation and this verse whether the sin was "little" or "big".
Then I read (and understood) verse 8 in the ESV. Whoever makes a PRACTICE of sinning, is of the devil. I learned that although I do have a choice whether I sin or not, whether I glorify God or not in any situation by what I say or think or how I act, I was not making sin a practice in my life. Even the little sins would haunt me. I would be filled with remorse and repent.
1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There was complete forgiveness of all my sin - past, present and future - when Jesus shed His blood on Calvary. And there were immediate changes in my life when I surrendered to Him but I have learned that this cleansing is a lifetime process.
The Keep on Truckin' logo of the 60's is what comes to mind when I think about making a practice of sinning. Just following the crowd with no thought of where I go or what I do. Just keep on sinnin'...and that definitely is NOT me.
I know to God sin is sin but to man there are often classifications of sin...gossip or little white lies are OK but adultery or homosexuality or murder are BIG, BAD sins. For years I couldn't reconcile my life, my salvation and this verse whether the sin was "little" or "big".
Then I read (and understood) verse 8 in the ESV. Whoever makes a PRACTICE of sinning, is of the devil. I learned that although I do have a choice whether I sin or not, whether I glorify God or not in any situation by what I say or think or how I act, I was not making sin a practice in my life. Even the little sins would haunt me. I would be filled with remorse and repent.
1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There was complete forgiveness of all my sin - past, present and future - when Jesus shed His blood on Calvary. And there were immediate changes in my life when I surrendered to Him but I have learned that this cleansing is a lifetime process.
Do Not Fret
I was at a cookout Saturday night with a group of church people. One of the guys who had not been there in a long time got all excited - angry even - when one of the ladies made the comment she had read an article that the Tea Party was dangerous. (He didn't know we don't take politics seriously.) He began to rail against the liberals who are the dangerous ones. He was raising his voice to make his point.
When he stopped his harangue to take a breath, I said I don't much care. My understanding of the Bible is that God puts rulers and authorities over us and my job as a Christ follower is to pray for them. I go out and vote but I don't worry about the outcome. The Bible tells us as the time for Christ to return gets closer, things will get worse and worse in the world. So it really kind of excites me - maybe the Day will come in my lifetime!!
This morning I read Psalm 37:1-3. I don't want to waste my energy fretting over things I ultimately have no control over. God will sort out the "good" and the "evil" and deal with us all as He has ordained. I want to live our verse 3 - "Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."
When he stopped his harangue to take a breath, I said I don't much care. My understanding of the Bible is that God puts rulers and authorities over us and my job as a Christ follower is to pray for them. I go out and vote but I don't worry about the outcome. The Bible tells us as the time for Christ to return gets closer, things will get worse and worse in the world. So it really kind of excites me - maybe the Day will come in my lifetime!!
This morning I read Psalm 37:1-3. I don't want to waste my energy fretting over things I ultimately have no control over. God will sort out the "good" and the "evil" and deal with us all as He has ordained. I want to live our verse 3 - "Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."
Friday, June 4, 2010
Why I Read the Bible
"Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them - bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping." 2 Peter 1:21-2:3
There are so many people, TV people, public people, well respected people, "church" people who teach things that sound good. Maybe what they say even comes from Scripture...or it sounds like it should be Scripture. Satan quoted Scripture to Jesus when he tempted Him but Jesus knew what the words really meant. He understood the heart of His Father and could denounce the enemy with more Scripture. The Bible is not a defensive weapon but an offensive one..."the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
If I don't know what the Bible REALLY teaches, I may be drawn into a destructive belief pattern that could give me a false sense of hope, a false sense of salvation. It could make me view God from the wrong perspective. It could make me distrust the Church. It could be my downfall.
The Bible is the LIVING Word of God that gets better and better the more I read it. As I grow in my relationship with God, His word grows with me. That sounds weird because the words don't ever change, but I am able to see new things, understand new things which means my relationship with God grows and I see new things and understand new things and my relationship grows and the cycle continues.
So help me, Lord, to find time every day to read Your story. Speak to my heart as I read and give me ears to hear what You want me to hear.
There are so many people, TV people, public people, well respected people, "church" people who teach things that sound good. Maybe what they say even comes from Scripture...or it sounds like it should be Scripture. Satan quoted Scripture to Jesus when he tempted Him but Jesus knew what the words really meant. He understood the heart of His Father and could denounce the enemy with more Scripture. The Bible is not a defensive weapon but an offensive one..."the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
If I don't know what the Bible REALLY teaches, I may be drawn into a destructive belief pattern that could give me a false sense of hope, a false sense of salvation. It could make me view God from the wrong perspective. It could make me distrust the Church. It could be my downfall.
The Bible is the LIVING Word of God that gets better and better the more I read it. As I grow in my relationship with God, His word grows with me. That sounds weird because the words don't ever change, but I am able to see new things, understand new things which means my relationship with God grows and I see new things and understand new things and my relationship grows and the cycle continues.
So help me, Lord, to find time every day to read Your story. Speak to my heart as I read and give me ears to hear what You want me to hear.
Test My Heart
The shepherd boy, David, already had a heart for God long before he became King David and wrote all the great Psalms. It is because David HAD a heart for God that he became King.
When I read Psalm 26:2 my first thought was that's a risky thing to ask God to do. One Psalm over David says, "My heart says to You, Your face, Lord, do I seek." And then in the next Psalm he says, " heart trusts in [God] heart leaps for joy..." David knew how is heart was devoted to God.
Even as a Christ follower with the Holy Spirit residing in my heart, I can still have pockets of fear or doubt or hatred or greed or pride - all sorts of things that show my heart is not fully devoted to God. But God DOES test my heart whether I ask Him to or not. "If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your HEART that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 Before I can even claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, God has tested my heart to see if I believe.
Test my heart, Lord. Show me if there is anything in me that does not bring glory to Your name, any hidden corner of my heart, sin that I might harbor, that I'm trying to hide from You.
When I read Psalm 26:2 my first thought was that's a risky thing to ask God to do. One Psalm over David says, "My heart says to You, Your face, Lord, do I seek." And then in the next Psalm he says, " heart trusts in [God] heart leaps for joy..." David knew how is heart was devoted to God.
Even as a Christ follower with the Holy Spirit residing in my heart, I can still have pockets of fear or doubt or hatred or greed or pride - all sorts of things that show my heart is not fully devoted to God. But God DOES test my heart whether I ask Him to or not. "If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your HEART that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 Before I can even claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, God has tested my heart to see if I believe.
Test my heart, Lord. Show me if there is anything in me that does not bring glory to Your name, any hidden corner of my heart, sin that I might harbor, that I'm trying to hide from You.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Yet You Are Holy
Psalm 22 was written by David. This is a personal cry of anguish, yet prophetic of the suffering of Christ. I don't know what David was going through when he cried, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" David wants relief from his suffering but it doesn't seem to be forth coming.
However, immediately after his "where are You" questions, David says, "Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel."
Often in my life, I have assumed because God didn't rescue me from whatever or "come through" for me that God was not able or had deserted me or didn't care or I wasn't worthy of an answer. Too often when I didn't get what I wanted from God, I have turned my back on Him. Like I think God is there to do MY bidding.
I want to have the faith, the strength to say yet You are holy - even when I don't perceive God to be near or working on my behalf. I want God to open my heart and mind to what I may need to learn through whatever is going on. I want God to convict me of sin if that is the case. I can be awfully disobedient and unrepentant yet expect God to jump through my hoops. I want to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. I want to praise His name, just because He is worthy to be praised, not because He responds to my needs.
However, immediately after his "where are You" questions, David says, "Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel."
Often in my life, I have assumed because God didn't rescue me from whatever or "come through" for me that God was not able or had deserted me or didn't care or I wasn't worthy of an answer. Too often when I didn't get what I wanted from God, I have turned my back on Him. Like I think God is there to do MY bidding.
I want to have the faith, the strength to say yet You are holy - even when I don't perceive God to be near or working on my behalf. I want God to open my heart and mind to what I may need to learn through whatever is going on. I want God to convict me of sin if that is the case. I can be awfully disobedient and unrepentant yet expect God to jump through my hoops. I want to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. I want to praise His name, just because He is worthy to be praised, not because He responds to my needs.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Praise and Thanksgiving
An acronym I once learned about how to pray is ACTS - adoration (or praise), confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (petitions). Although the sequence is a little different, it is based on the model prayer Jesus taught His disciples.
Too often in my prayer life I forget everything except the supplication. I never forget to ask God for something. Whether it is for me or my family or friends or members of NewSpring, I don't hesitate to ask God for stuff!
Lately I'm trying to focus more on the other aspects of prayer. One of the things I have noticed when I have been involved in corporate prayer, or even conversations, is that most people confuse praise and thanksgiving. We praise God for the new job or house or healing or whatever. But praise is not about what God DOES for us; that is thanksgiving. I am thankful for what God does for those for whom I pray.
Praise is about who God IS. He is praised and adored and worshiped because He is Almighty God; Creator of heaven and earth; holy and righteous; never changing; all powerful (omnipotent); all knowing (omniscient); everywhere present (omnipresent); loving; faithful; Redeemer; Shepherd; King of kings and Lord of lords.
Help me, Lord, to learn to really praise You. I will spend eternity in Your presence and I want to get lots of practice living a life of praise in the here and now.
Too often in my prayer life I forget everything except the supplication. I never forget to ask God for something. Whether it is for me or my family or friends or members of NewSpring, I don't hesitate to ask God for stuff!
Lately I'm trying to focus more on the other aspects of prayer. One of the things I have noticed when I have been involved in corporate prayer, or even conversations, is that most people confuse praise and thanksgiving. We praise God for the new job or house or healing or whatever. But praise is not about what God DOES for us; that is thanksgiving. I am thankful for what God does for those for whom I pray.
Praise is about who God IS. He is praised and adored and worshiped because He is Almighty God; Creator of heaven and earth; holy and righteous; never changing; all powerful (omnipotent); all knowing (omniscient); everywhere present (omnipresent); loving; faithful; Redeemer; Shepherd; King of kings and Lord of lords.
Help me, Lord, to learn to really praise You. I will spend eternity in Your presence and I want to get lots of practice living a life of praise in the here and now.
Strangers in the World
I often wonder why people - Christians - get upset and bent out of shape when the world doesn't agree with the Christian agenda. In the opening verse of 1 Peter, God's elect are called strangers in the world. Jesus said those "in the world" would hate believers. John the apostle said we should not be surprised that the world hates us.
So if someone thinks I am weak (Christianity is just a crutch) or narrow minded (only one way to heaven & God) or a prude (no sex outside of marriage) or a bigot (homosexuality is a sin) or stupid for not trying to "gain the world" (he who dies with the most toys wins), why would I get angry at them? They are just LOST! Totally lost without Jesus. How can I engage them so they have a desire to see what Jesus is all about? How can I love them rather than call them names in return?
One of Perry's complaints about the Church is we're too often more about what we're against than what we are for. If we are vocally against everyone who hates us because of Jesus, how can we be salt and light in the world. Jesus even said we should rejoice at persecution. Now when was the last time THAT occurred in the public arena?
So if someone thinks I am weak (Christianity is just a crutch) or narrow minded (only one way to heaven & God) or a prude (no sex outside of marriage) or a bigot (homosexuality is a sin) or stupid for not trying to "gain the world" (he who dies with the most toys wins), why would I get angry at them? They are just LOST! Totally lost without Jesus. How can I engage them so they have a desire to see what Jesus is all about? How can I love them rather than call them names in return?
One of Perry's complaints about the Church is we're too often more about what we're against than what we are for. If we are vocally against everyone who hates us because of Jesus, how can we be salt and light in the world. Jesus even said we should rejoice at persecution. Now when was the last time THAT occurred in the public arena?
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