Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Love My Church

I love my church. Perry took the time today at NewSpring to do another question and answer service. Well, actually 3 of them.

I just love the way Perry will honestly answer whatever anyone asks. He doesn't beat around the bush or gloss over his answers. He just tells us what God's word says. And that after all is THE final authority for every issue in life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Night of Vision

Had a great night at the Greenville campus as Perry hosted a night of vision to walk us through changes that are being implemented. I love the technology that we use to get all 4 campuses together for an event like this. There wasn't even a delay tonight. We came in just as the Anderson crowd was told to be seated.

It was great to hear some of the statistics like summer attendance is up at all our campuses. Giving has not dwindled because the economy tanked...we've not had any budget cuts or layoffs of staff. In fact, we are hiring. Since 2008 we have opened 3 campuses and are about to open a 4th.

So why is this going on at NewSpring? The favor of God! First and foremost it's a God thing. BUT it is also because we have a solid vision, passionate servants and financially generous people. I am so blessed that God allows me to be part of this. I am overwhelmed again and again that He chose me to be part of NewSpring.

Perry also shared our new vision statement - NewSpring is a church where change takes place. And our new core values - Found people find people, Saved people serve people, I can't do life alone, Growing people change, and I can't out give God.

One point I really liked was we will no longer be a church with members but with owners. Members have rights but owners have responsibility. That resonated with me...I need to take ownership of this small segment of God's Church to do whatever it takes to follow closely after God to help further the vision and values of NewSpring.

The most exciting part of the night was Perry's announcement that we are going to start local community service projects. That has been something I have mentioned on more than one occasion to Production Staff so I am really glad to see that coming to reality.

I can't wait to see what God does over the next year - or ten!! (Scripture for the night: Hosea 10:12)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


It has been a busy day. Nate had a birthday party at No Name Skate Park in Greenville. I helped transport the boys, ages 9-15, who are Nate's friends and skating buddies.

On the way home I enjoyed listening to the 3 boys that were in the car with me. They were speaking a language that I hear from Nate on occasion but this was non-stop...rock the fakie, 50-50, drag your tail, spitfire, mini mini, drop in, sick, pop shove it... I can't remember all the terms. Every trick and every ramp has a special name. Their skateboards have different kinds of boards, grip tape, trucks, wheels and bearings. These kids really live and breathe skateboarding.

I guess every activity is like that to some degree. Each has its own names and unique lingo. It's fun to listen to these kids be so excited about what they can do and so willing to help each other learn.

By Faith

The 11th chapter of Hebrews is known as the "Hall of Faith".  This chapter opens with a verse that is one of the most quoted in Scripture. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The NIV renders this, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I particularly like the Amplified Bible, "Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]."

I like the bracketed comment at the end. I want to have faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Just like the people listed in this Hall of Faith.

Seventeen times the phrase "By faith..." is used to describe people or events. The writer tells us that "Without faith it is impossible to please God...and that He rewards those who seek Him." He goes on to tell in Hebrews 11:32-38 how some conquered kingdoms, some were tortured; some enforced justice, some were mocked and flogged; some obtained promises, some were in chains and imprisoned; some stopped the mouths of lion, some were stoned; some quenched the power of fire, some were sawed in two; some escaped the sword, some were killed with the sword.

Often we Christians view those who experience the "good" half of the comparison to have been rewarded for seeking God and those who experienced the "bad" half of the comparison NOT to be rewarded by God. Yet we are told they were ALL commended for their faith - even though they did not receive what had been promised. NONE of them received what had been promised.

But that promise has now been fulfilled. "Therefore...Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." Hebrews 12:2

Why do we think that God's reward is earthly satisfaction in life with ease and health and plenty? If we have met Jesus, if we have been called to Him we have the greatest reward coming; we have received the promise!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Clothed with Christ

I don't have any idea how many times I've read Galatians 3:26-29. But today God opened my eyes to something I don't think I have thought about recently.

Verse 27 says, "for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." I have a note in one of my Bibles that clothed means enveloped. As I thought about that I thought about the clothes I wear. My clothes surround me. Not a head to toe covering but enough to protect me from the sun, insect bites and scrapes. My clothes are the first thing people might notice about me. My clothes project an image and cause people to make a judgement about me whether true or not.

So what about being clothed with Christ. Is my relationship with Christ one of the first things people notice about me? Do my actions and my words speak to others of my being clothed with Christ? Have I allowed my clothing to become ragged and dirty by the way I live?

Jesus Christ clothed me with Himself when I professed Him as my Lord and Savior. This clothing can not be bought or earned. But I think it does require maintenance on my part to keep it fresh and clean...confession of sin; and to keep it mended...daily time in the Word and worship.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Plan B

What a treat to have Pete Wilson from Cross Point Church in Nashville TN with us today at NewSpring. He talked about what you do when your life is a good news/bad news life using the story of Joseph from Genesis.

We all experience bad news at some time - loss of job, divorce, illness, death, etc. How the Christian reacts to this bad news is important because people are watching. Just as the Bible tells us "the Lord was with Joseph" when he was sold as a slave by his brothers and later was put in prison for a crime he didn't commit, God is with us even when we are in the midst of bad news, when we have to go to plan B.

It is imperative that we remember who God is and what He has promised rather than looking at our circumstance. Often we may not feel like God is there but we MUST believe He will never leave us or forsake us. We must take Him at His word!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

KidSpring Takeover

On July 4, KidSpring took over the services at every campus of NewSpring. My family went to the 6 pm service in Anderson. Jeremy and Holly really liked the church facility there and the whole atmosphere. The grandkids - well all of us - loved the actual service.

The acting was very well done and really kept the attention of both children. They clapped and danced and sang all the way through the performance. I thought the message "God has a plan for my family" was clearly presented along with the message about making right choices and that cheating and being mean don't honor God.

After the service was over we went to the little park down the road and had a picnic. There were lots of ducks there and room for the children to run and play. Then we went back toward the church for the evening fireworks.

We had been to downtown Spartanburg for the fireworks on Saturday night as well. I was pleasantly surprised that  the fireworks in Anderson were really pretty different from the ones we had seen the night before. We had a really good view too because we were just off 81 in the back lot of the church on the corner of Concord Rd. LOTS of people at both events. Great way to close out July 4, 2010.

Wii Fit Plus

It has been so hot recently that I have not wanted to go for walks. So I decided to drop a small bundle of cash on a Wii Fit Plus.

This has been the most fun! I had gotten so tired of the bowling and golf and pool and other games that I had here. Now I am doing yoga and riding a bicycle and jogging and riding a segway. I was concerned about the cost but I think it is going to be a well used addition to my entertainment and fitness library of stuff.

When I retire in a month and a half and the weather, hopefully, is much cooler, I will be able to walk outside AND do some fun exercises inside. After 46 years of employment I will be able to set my own schedule. I won't be pushed for time anymore! WooHoo!!

Too Great and Too Marvelous

I've been reading Psalms 120-134. Each called "A song of ascents", they were probably written to be sung as pilgrims approached Mt. Zion for the annual feasts. Every one of these songs has something in it that I want to meditate on.

But Psalm 131 has a phrase that really caught my attention. This song is attributed to David who spent a lot of time with God. At the end of verse 1 he says, "I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me." That struck me as a very important verse for me.

I recently heard a preacher talking about God's will. He asked and answered his own questions. Is God sovereign? Yes! Does God know ALL things? Yes! Does man have free will to choose? Yes! How can you have both? I don't know!!

That is one of the things that has been debated for centuries. But it is a concept too great and too marvelous for me! There are other things that I just will not know about God or life or death until I get to heaven some day. In the mean time, I do not need to occupy myself with them. I do not need to spend time debating or trying to reason or prove these concepts. I just need to believe that my God it too great and too marvelous for me to completely understand these things now.

Monday, July 5, 2010

His Heart Is Firm

I just love reading the Psalms. As I read I come across verses that cause a song to pop into my head. I think it's great the way God gave these songs to His people so long ago and musicians today can use them to reach people in our time as well. God's word is timeless.

But I Bible titles each Psalm. The title for Psalm 112 is "The Righteous Will Never Be Moved". Verses 7-8 say "[The righteous] is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries."

That was great reminder to me in this day of corporate bad news like the economy and the oil spill or even if I should have personal bad news about health or family, my heart should be firm. I am counted among the righteous because of Jesus so my trust should always be in God, not my circumstance.

Jesus said, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

I Give Myself to Prayer

I ran across this little sentence in Psalm 109 the other day. David is voicing a complaint to God about men who are lying and deceitful, who have become his enemies and then he says, "...but I give myself to prayer."

That made me stop and think. Do I give myself to prayer? Praying is probably one of the hardest things I do. It is so easy to just mouth a "Forgive me" or "Help me" or something similar without really getting into a deep conversation with God. But if I want to hear from God, I've got to get into those real conversations with him. And that takes more than a couple of minutes of going over my to do list for God.

It means taking time to approach a holy God with an attitude of meekness and humbleness. It means praising Him because He is worthy of praise. It means confessing my sins. It means remembering and thanking him for His faithfulness. And THEN I can offer up my to do list but mixed into all of this is time to listen. A lecture is when one person speaks and another listens. A conversation is give and take, both speak at times and both listen at times. Prayer is to be a conversation WITH God and that means I have to stop talking and just listen. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

God Bless America

That phrase has become very trite over the years as people sing it on the 4th of July with hearts that are very far from God. And right now many people don't believe God is blessing our country because of the recession, the unemployment, the uncertainty of the future.

God HAS blessed this country over all the years of our existence. We have more stuff - including food and shelter than most countries in the world. So why is it that we are very rarely satisfied - content might be the biblical word - with what we have. We have an almost insatiable appetite for more. More cars, more TVs, more electronics, more money, more music, more clothes, more, more, more. There are many people who would be satisfied with one meal a day, nothing more, while we accumulate debt to buy stuff we don't need.

But on July 4, 2010 I do want to ask God sincerely to bless America - with revival. Turn our hearts, Lord, to You. Open our eyes to our pitiful condition, not because we don't have enough stuff, but because we are on the highway to destruction. A life lived without Jesus is an empty, pitiable life even if you have all the riches of the world. Luke 12:16-21

Happy 4th of July, America! I love this country! One of the greatest blessing God ever gave to me was allowing me to be born an American. I don't ever want to take that blessing for granted.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Nothing Worthless

A day or two ago I read a passage in Psalm 101 that I came back to this morning. The first half of verse 3 says "I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless."

I've been thinking about how much worthless stuff I might be setting before my eyes. I don't watch a lot of TV anyway but I have wondered how much of what I do watch is worthless. Is it really worth spending my time just sitting in front of a TV - or a computer - just looking at stuff? Especially if I am just filling time.

And what about what I read. I read fiction for pleasure and relaxation but is there anything uplifting or beneficial in what I read?

One day I will stand before a holy God. Will what I have watched or read be acceptable to Him? The optimal word here is that God is HOLY! Much of what I watch or read is not. There may be murder and mayhem or sexual innuendo or disrespect for authority or language that I don't use. So does that make it worthless? I would have to say it probably does.