Monday, August 30, 2010


I have heard people say, and have even thought myself, that God does not do miracles like He did in the Bible. I mean I have never seen a river (like the Jordan) or a sea (as in Red) parted for people to walk through on dry ground.

I have never seen food on the ground with the dew in the morning. I have not seen the miraculous, instantaneous healing of a blind, deaf or mute person. I have not seen water turned to wine.

But yesterday at NewSpring, I saw hundreds of dead people raised to life. And I had to praise God that He still performs miracles in my day, in my presence. Of course these were not people whose bodies had quit functioning in the physical form of death. They were people who were dead in their sins, destined for an eternity separated from God. Now, because of Jesus and the cross and the willingness of these to say "Yes!" to the prompting of the Spirit in their hearts and to surrender their lives to Jesus, over 500 people on all campuses are now raised from the dead and are new creations in Christ Jesus.

Lord God, I can not thank You enough for allowing me to be part of what You are in doing in my day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I have been praying for God to make changes in the lives of my family. Today Nathan asked for a Bible after church. I asked him if he would read it and he said he yes so we got a Bible from Guest Services. Nate started Fuse last week and has already invited someone to go with him this Wednesday.

Jeremy and Holly signed up today to be part of a home group. I hope they will be able to find a group of people they can bond with. I am seeing a real interest in the things of God in their lives that was not there even a few months ago.

In my own life I am having opportunities to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time. One of those things is helping Kevin in Production to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, etc. so that he can be proactive in communicating with the team members, to foster a real since of family. I would love to see this develop into an actual care ministry within the Production Team.

God is SO good. He loves us so much and really wants us to be alive in Him. He wants to give us so much but it is often hard to trust Him with our futures. Giving up control is not easy but God is so much wiser than me. He has more resources than me. He has more power than me. Keep me, Jesus, close to Your heart. I want to be on Your team. I want to be on fire for You, to surrender all that I am and all that I have!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Today Was a Good Day

Perry was pumped up today as he preached at NewSpring! He's really on fire to see people reach their potential in Christ and his excitement is contagious.

After church Holly said they need to attend a membership class. I reiterated the need to tithe and to volunteer and she said surely there is something they can volunteer for that will work into their schedule. (This being Jeremy going to school Mon - Thurs from 8-11 AM, plus 2 online classes, plus kids get home from school at 3 PM, plus he goes to work at 5 and works until midnight.) All this said as we were leaving the church and they were headed to the Fuse building to get the scoop on Fuse and to let Nate see and hear what will be going on.

Nate is excited about going to Fuse. I hope this will carry over so that he will study hard to get his homework done so he can go every week. Bella was very excited today as well about moving up to her K5 group. She learned about making friends and also got a sticker for being the first one to find all her items in a scavenger hunt.

I am so glad that NewSpring is a place they look forward to attending; that God is working in their lives; and that He is going to show himself faithful as they trust Him with everything.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Taming the Tongue

When many people read what James has to say about taming the tongue, they naturally think of gossip or telling lies or hurting people with our words or bragging about our accomplishments. All these are part of taming the tongue. That can be a lifelong process.

But the passages that really get to me are verses 9 & 10. This really causes me, most of the time, to think before I speak about someone. Especially if I don't particularly like the person. Or maybe it is someone I don't even know personally but is "famous" - a politician, an actor, a church leader - and I disagree with what I read and hear about them.

Even if I don't use profanity, I can still curse someone by holding them in disdain or ridiculing them or dismissing them as stupid or unworthy of thought or respect. ALL people are made in the image of God.

My mom used to say if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That old saying is at the heart of these verses. But in our society today, we all have a "right" to speak our minds and we are bombarded with political pundits and entertainment gurus who want to speak all the dirt they can about everyone they can. It is our habit, although a very bad habit, to have our say, to voice our opinion, to jump into the fray - whatever you want to call it - over things that really don't matter much in the greater scope of things but they cause use to speak all sorts of curses over people made in the image of God.

God loves those we hate. Jesus died for those we disagree with. The Holy Spirit can convict them AND me of sin and draw us to Jesus.

So, do I praise Jesus on Sunday and curse the President on Monday? This should not be!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Evangelism Seminar - Now What?

I love my church! On Monday of this week Perry came to Greenville to lead an evangelism seminar. I was working production and didn't get to really listen to all he had to say. So tonight I was able to watch the seminar live from the Anderson campus as Perry concluded a week of live teaching at each campus.

The challenge is to put into action all that he talked about. Building relationships. Preparing and sharing my testimony. Praying for opportunities and boldness. Just being available and willing to talk about what Jesus has done for me.

It's not always easy but God's word IS alive and active and able to do what God intends for it to do. Perry challenged us to prepare to lead one person - just one - to Christ in the next 12 months; to disciple them and encourage them to lead one person to Christ and for me to lead one more. As we multiply this out the potential to reach our state, our nation and the world is staggering.

Open my eyes, Lord, to see the fields ripe for harvest. To understand the part I play in Your plans for the salvation of people in my family and community. Give me a heart that cares for those You care about that are far from God. Give me opportunities and the boldness to grab those opportunities when You present them.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great Opportunities

Last week I had the opportunity to do a couple of things. On Wednesday I went to the office of one of the ladies where I work to seek information. The office manager was in this office and the conversation turned to communion and baptism and salvation.

I was asked if a person had to be baptized by immersion to take communion at NewSpring. I said no you just have to be able, in your heart, to affirm that you have asked Jesus into your heart and you know that you have a personal relationship with Him. I continued to say that baptism does not save you (to the person who always says at least her children are Christian because they have been baptized and go to a Christian school.) She seemed to be shaken by what I said but I left her in the able hands of the manager.

Later that day a man on staff at Miracle Hill Ministries in Spartanburg was in the office to speak to one of the men. I happened to walk to the copier while they were together and Dan called me into his office to meet Jim. After talking to him and reading the book he gave me, I am absolutely convinced this is the place God wants me to serve. I don't know how God will use me but I am so excited to see what's going to happen.

Jim said they need mentors and Bible study leaders and people to preach at chapel services. I said I'm not a preacher but Dan piped up and said I heard you preaching earlier to those women [in the office]. I laughed and said that I could talk easily about my faith one on one or in small groups but preach - I don't think so.

So I had 2, count them TWO, great opportunities last week. I got to share the Gospel with a co-worker who believes in works based religion and I got to talk to Miracle Hill about opportunities of service. I will be calling Jim after I quit work and will go over to the Rescue Mission, take a tour and have lunch with the residents and staff. Then we will see where I might fit in.

God is already working in my retirement. Woo Hoo!!

Fall from Heaven

Although Isaiah 14:12-14 is often quoted as the story of the fall of Lucifer from his place of prominence in Heaven, this passage is actually about the fall of Babylon.

But it doesn't matter who the topic of conversation is about because it is the story of all mankind. It is about me and it is my story as much as that of anyone else.

The "I" pronoun is the prominent feature of this passage. "You said in your heart, 'I will..., I will..., I will..., I will..., I will.'" Before I met Christ that was who I was...selfish, me focused, worshiping myself or my stuff or my resources or anything but God. Because of our sin nature, that is the story of each person until we meet Jesus and surrender all the "I" to Him.

The really scary part of this passage is verse 15, "But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit." Without Jesus I too would be in the pit and facing a life AND eternity without hope. I am so grateful that Jesus saved me and I want to share that as often as possible with those I know.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Stand Firm

In Isaiah 7, Ahaz has become king of Judah and some of the local tough guys decide to lay siege to Jerusalem. God sent Isaiah to Ahaz to tell him not to be afraid. He said you've heard that Rezin and Aram and Ephraim have plotted your ruin. But God said, "It's will not take place, it will not happen." And then He proceeds to tell Ahaz how these who are plotting against him will be destroyed. Then God says, "If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all."

Stand firm in your faith. What does that really mean? To me it means I should never doubt God. But how many times have I doubted God's presence or His leading or His care or His ability AND willingness to come through in a tough situation. Does doubt running below the surface of my thoughts, my Bible study, my prayers prevent God from acting on my behalf?

In James 1:2-8 we are told "But when he asks [God], he must believe and not doubt." James goes on to say the one who doubts should not expect to receive anything from God.

How can I say I believe God is who He says He is and still have doubts, still have fears, still wonder what will happen next? Although God told Ahaz what would happen next, I don't always get to know how my situation will end. But God still says, "Stand firm!"