I usually have my two grandchildren Friday night through Saturday lunch. This weekend was no exception. Although I am always tired and the house is a mess after the children leave, I love having them here.
Nathan is 9 and in into Nintendo DS and skateboarding. Arabella is 4 and wants to do everything her brother does but in little girl lipstick and fingernail polish. She is a study in contrasts. And at 4 she knows WAY more than Grandma Nancy - at least she thinks she does.
Nathan is at the age where he has so many questions about life and God and the economy and friends and the future and just how to deal with everything. He also enjoys showing me all the tricks he has learned to do on the skateboard and showing me his skateboard heroes on You Tube. He is a budding cartoonist who makes flip books and story books, plays guitar, and is learning to speak French.
Bella just goes wide open all the time. She has very few questions but lots of statements - tells everything with authority even when what she is saying makes no sense at all. I guess it makes sense to her. At least she has strong beliefs even if they are skewed by being 4 years old.
I really enjoy watching them grow up; helping them with the learning processes; helping them cope with all the stuff they encounter. My son and his wife are great parents and I certainly don't interfere with their parenting decisions. But I like the fact that my grandchildren feel they can ask me anything. I will try to help them understand; to alleviate fears; comfort sorrows; encourage growth mentally, spiritually and physically. Maybe for me it's that feeling of having a 2nd chance to do things better than I did with my son.
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