Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prayer and Action

In the book of Nehemiah we are told the story of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem after the exiles returned from Babylon and Persia. The Jews were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon who was later defeated by the Persians.

The people were allowed to go back home at 3 separate times. Nehemiah was in the last group to go. He was the cup bearer (aka wine taster/poison control) to King Artaxeres. Nehemiah had always been cheerful but one day he was really sad because he had gotten word that the walls of Jerusalem were in ruins and the gates had been burned. When King Artaxeres noticed Nehemiah's distress he asked the cause and then allowed Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem to oversee the rebuilding project.

As the people were working there were those who opposed them fiercely. They tried to discourage the Jews every way they new how. When that didn't work, they planned to fight them. Nehemiah had been praying and telling the people to be courageous but when he learned of the planned battle the Bible tells us in Nehemiah 4:9 that they prayed and then set up a guard. Later we learn that half the men worked on the walls and half were dressed and ready for battle.

Too often when we pray we are inactive in our waiting on God. Waiting is actually an active thing not passive. Nehemiah prayed for God's protection but armed the men for battle. When I pray for God's intervention in my life, I should also be active. If I am in the midst of financial distress, I should be cutting my expenses and living on a budget as I wait for God to help. If I need a job, I should let people know I am looking and send out some resumes or go back to school. If I need physical healing, I should see the doctor and take his advice and the prescribed medications.

God expects our faith to be in Him but at the same time He expects us to use the resources He puts around us. I heard a funny/sad story one time of a man caught in a flood. The rescue team comes by to take the man to safety but the man wouldn't leave. He said I've prayed and God will save me. A little later when the man has to go to the 2nd story of his house because the water is rising, a motor boat comes by but again the man won't leave. Finally the man is on the roof of the house and a helicopter comes but again he refuses to leave and dies in the flood. When he gets to heaven, he tells St Peter I thought God would save me when I prayed. St Peter replied, God sent you the rescue team, the motorboat and the helicopter...what more did you want?

God's remedy for my finances will not be the lottery or money falling from heaven. A new job will hardly be offered if I don't let people know I want one. God is the Great Physician but He gives doctors wisdom to be His instruments in the process of healing. I should pray fervently but also take action to prepare for battle.

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