Perry is starting a new series on September 27 about the end times. I am so excited to hear what he will say. I have been through a year long study of The Revelation to John and find it most fascinating. Perry is doing a 5 part series and preaching on the entire book of Revelation in one sermon. That ought to be a whirlwind trip. Maybe I find it fascinating because I have been a sci-fi fan for many years and some of the revelations seem to be so strange as to be almost incomprehensible, almost science fiction in nature.
In the Old Testament there are prophecies in Isaiah, Daniel and Joel, maybe others. In the New Testament there is Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 2, and of course Revelation. Ever since Jesus ascended into heaven we have been in the end times awaiting His return. And although Jesus clearly says no one knows the time except the Father, people in every generation speculate is it now.
Having just recently read Daniel and Joel has peaked my interest so it's not really a sci-fi connection. It is more my desire not to taste death but to meet Jesus in the air; to be changed in the twinkling of an eye; to be on earth to hear the trumpet and see Him descend from Heaven. Of course watching it from the other side, from Heaven, has it's on special moments...seeing the Lamb come forward to take the scroll; seeing preparation for the battle of Armeggedon; already being in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
All I can say to that is "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"
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