Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Glory to God in the Highest

I like the fact that God's first public announcement about the birth of His Son was to shepherds out in the field. Plain, ordinary men who were doing plain, ordinary work on a plain, ordinary day that was made extraordinary by the appearance of a multitude of angels singing, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!"

It pleases me that God did not plan to go to "church" or to the priests or the religious leaders or the political leaders to make this world changing announcement. I don't know why that is except that it helps to assure me that God really cares about ordinary people living ordinary lives...which means me. His salvation is for ALL people. His Word is to be shared with ALL people. People without the training or "learning" to understand but who simply believe.

When the angels left, the shepherds said let's go find this baby and see what has happened in Bethlehem. No questioning, no hesitation just an immediate trip into town. My prayer is that I would respond with the same urgency, the same faith when God speaks to me. Luke 2:8-20

God's Faithfulness

Mary's response in Luke 1:46-55 to God's startling revelation that she would have a son who would be the Son of God and her cousin Elizabeth's confirmation of this, is a beautiful expression of God's faithfulness. I wonder if I would have that much faith and trust if I had to face something so life changing or life shattering.

A few verses later, God unloosens the tongue of Zechariah as soon as Zechariah agrees with God about the birth of John the Baptist, the son born to Zechariah and Elizabeth in their old age. Gabriel had told Zechariah that he would not be able to speak until after the child was born because he, Zechariah, questioned whether he would actually have a son.

God always does what He says He will do. Always has, always will. I don't know why it is so hard to remember that at times.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Help My Unbelief

As Jesus went around the countryside healing the sick, Sometimes He said don't tell anyone about this but the people were so excited that they could not keep the news to themselves. (Mark 1:40-45)

Other times Jesus told them to tell others (Mark 5:18-20). Whether Jesus said be quiet or tell others, everyone had to tell someone because Jesus had touched their lives. Do I keep Jesus to myself or do I tell everyone I know?

Sometimes I think that maybe I don't recognize the touch of Jesus on my life. I should recognize that my health, my job, the air I breathe, my family, my friends, my church...every good thing is a gift from God.

When the disciples would question Jesus, more than once He asked do you not understand? Even after walking with Him every day, they still did not always understand how or why He did what He did or who He really was. Unfortunately, I am that way too. I have walked with Jesus for lots of years and sometimes I just don't have a clue. I can imagine Jesus shaking His head saying, "Nancy, do you not yet understand?" And then I want to cry out, "I believe, help my unbelief!"

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sometimes I think I want to take a break from, church, grandchildren, life in general. Sometimes I think it is because I have not been getting enough time for me. Not me is a selfish way but me in a just sit and read a book way. Me in a do what I want to do - or do nothing at all - way and not feel that I should be doing something.

Part of it is not feeling well over the last week. And part of not feeling well is being too busy the week before. Well, actually, for about 10 days I was not home any evening before 9 or 10 and not home two weekends in a row. But I did get to sleep a lot Saturday afternoon and that helped.

Getting in this mood does make me begin to think seriously about retiring. My fear is that I might become a hermit if I didn't HAVE to get up and get dressed and get out of the house. Or I might get one of those comfy chairs at Barnes & Noble and put my name on it and read...a lot.

Even today I was torn about getting up at 4:30 to be at church by 5:30 and spend the whole day there but when I finally left at 2:45 this afternoon I was really glad I had been there. I like the roady part of the day - the movin' out and loadin' up at the end of the day. And we had a good day production wise too. So all in all it was a GOOD day. (Having over 100 salvations wasn't shabby either!!)

But I still might retire next July!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saved from God

I was listening to James McDonald yesterday. He's on the radio while I am at work so I don't get to listen very often or don't get to hear all that he says. James has been one of my favorite Bible teachers for many, many years.

But yesterday he said something that made me stop and think - especially in light of the series we have been in at NewSpring on How to Survive the End of the World. James asked, "Why are you saved; what are you saved from."  Many will say I am saved from my sins or saved from hell but James says that is not right. We are saved from God.

God's wrath is real and in the end times that wrath will be poured out on all who have not received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Those who know Jesus have been saved from God's wrath because Jesus has already born the wrath of God on our behalf. Those who do not know Jesus will face God's wrath personally. And I don't think any of us want to do that - or have those we know face that wrath.


One of the things I like about the way God put the Bible together is how different the 4 New Testament Gospels are. I've been reading through Matthew and he was writing originally to the Jewish community.

Because of that he tells how Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy. He will tell of something that happened or something Jesus did and then give the Old Testament reference for the prophecy Jesus fulfilled. Although I have never done an in depth study of this I find it extremely interesting to go back and forth to see how God did exactly what He said He would do.

Matthew also talks frequently of Jesus compassion for the people and how He healed all their diseases. (Matt 9:35-36, Matt 12:15, Matt 14:14) Healing all who come to Him is something I believe today. The problem is we look for healing here on earth or healing of bodies when healing of souls may be a greater healing.

I believe with all my heart that my brother was healed the instant he died. He suffered for 20+ years but when God sent His angels to take him home, I believe he was instantly healed. My daddy, too, who was bent over with arthritis, whose hands and knees didn't work so good anymore and my mama who had a stroke are well today! And I can't wait to see them again when God finally takes me home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flood Damage

I did not have the grandchildren last weekend because I went to Austell, GA with a group from NewSpring so I had to be in Anderson by 6:30 AM on Saturday. Now that was some serious kind of tired by the end of the day.

Our group of about 100 went to the area SW of Atlanta where the flooding was about a month ago. The group I was with went to an older neighborhood with houses that had already been gutted but all the trash had to be moved from the yard to the street so the city would pick it up. The trash included furniture, drywall, insulation, clothes, lumber - pretty much everything in the house. We did this at 2 houses then raked the yards to get up all the small debris.

The devastation was unbelievable. The water line was clearly visible about 2 feet up on the roof line of these single story houses. One house we saw and that will be demolished was sitting at a 45 degree angle to the foundation.

After lunch we moved to a relatively new subdivision where the rest of our team had been working in the morning. These 2 story patio homes had been flooded to the 2nd story. Many of these homes had already had the "big" trash hauled away but the yards were still littered with glass, drywall scraps, pens, utensils and that kind of thing. So we spent the rest of the afternoon getting up as much of the leftover stuff that was buried in the mud of their yards. We even shoveled and bagged the mud along the curbs.

Because we had a large group of men, they were able to move a redwood deck that was still in tact but was sitting in the front yard of a house 5 houses away from where it supposed to be. About 35 or so guys picked it up and walked it to the back yard of the house where it belonged.

We didn't see many homeowner because they can not live in their houses but those we did see were grateful to have the help. We also ran into a group from Samaritan's Purse that was helping to do a lot of clean up. They too were really glad for the the extra help.

The two men I spoke to that were homeowners were still in shock I think. The floods were so sudden and the loss so devasting that they just can't quite come to grips with it. It's been a month and they are still "homeless". Their dreams and plans are shattered right now along with their homes. Even though the waters have receeded the pain is still there.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Between the Testaments

I was reading the other day a brief outline of the history of Israel during the years between the Old Testament and the New Testament. It was kinda weird reading about Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and Alexander the Great and how they fit into this time frame.

I remember studying about these guys in history class or learning passages from Shakespeare in English class but for some reason I never really connected them as part of God's continuing story; as part of His preparation for the coming of His Son. 

It made me realize once again how ALL of history is in God's hands; how MY life NOW is part of His continuing story. Often I think of the Bible as "then" and me as "now". Although I know God is still very active in the world and in my life personally, I sometimes have a disconnect with that reality. I guess when that happens it's because I am not spending enough time in prayer or in the Word.

God IS alive. His purposes are never thwarted by man - or anything else. Even if I don't do what He wants, if I make wrong or bad choices, He still works to make His purpose succeed. And He has already told us the end of the story...Jesus wins, His saints win, God rules and reigns forever and ever and ever!

Great White Throne Judgment

Last Sunday Perry preached snapshots from the book of Revelation. One thing he talked about briefly was what he called one of the most disturbing passages in Scripture...the Great White Throne Judgment as recorded in Revelation 20:11-15.

Tonight as I was coming home from Membership Class, I heard part of  Skip Heitzig's message on this same passage. He called it one of the most frightening things in Scripture. As Skip talked about it, he likened the throne room to a court room with a prosecutor and judge but no defense, no jury, no debate of guilt or innocence, no parole, no time off for good behavior. Just open the books!

No name written in the Book of Life? Then judgment is based on your works, your thoughts, your motives, your actions but no one can stand before a holy God on his own merit. Without Jesus we are all doomed.

Then he said perhaps the reason Christ followers are not there is so friends and family who are condemned will not look at us and ask, "Why didn't you tell me?" What a sobering thought that is!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I bought a Wii this week. I'd been saving my money for a while so I could get one for Christmas so the kids would have something to do here when the weather is bad during the winter. But I found out the price dropped a few weeks ago by $50 so I had enough money now to buy one.

To say Nathan and Bella had a good time playing is probably the understatement of the century. I was really surprised how well Bella could do. She KO'd Nate once in boxing and almost beat him in bowling...she did beat me in bowling. And she loves playing golf. Although her score has always been too high to win, she did get a birdie on one hole.

They played a gazillion times and mostly Nathan won but Bella was really able to hold her own. I think it was good use of $200 - especially since it was a planned expenditure.

Fall for Greenville

Went to Greenville today to enjoy some good food and music and crowds! I shared eating tables with 2 sets of couples at different times. One couple was from Union and one was from Charleston. The woman of the Charleston couple had never been to Greenville before although the guy is from Easley. She was really impressed with the charm of the city and the quality of the food at the event. She was glad that there were local, non chain restaurants with food to sample.

It was supposed to rain but turned out to be a beautiful day although rather warm and muggy. I spent some time down by the river where it was nice and shady and much cooler that up on the street. And I spent the last 30 minutes or so I was there sitting on a bench just watching the crowds. Sure was a huge variety of people - young and old, preppy and trashy, collegiate and biker.

If it's not raining I'll be going back again on Sunday with Jeremy and Holly and the children. Tomorrow is Bella's 5th birthday and they thought she might enjoy playing on all the kids stuff before she has her real party. Now what would be good to eat that I didn't try today...hmmm!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Life and Life

I've been thinking a lot about life and death recently. Two ladies in our office each have a family member that is approaching death. And then people ask questions about my parents and my brother who have all died. So it keeps it close to the surface and in my mind. On top of that Perry is preaching about How to Survive the End of the World.

As I have thought about all this over the last few weeks, I've decided that what I will experience is life and life, not life and death. I've always known that but I want to really make that the thought of my heart and my mind. I don't want to focus on the death of the body, the destruction of this earthly tent as Paul put it, but on the abundant life I have RIGHT NOW. And the absolutely wonderful (I can't even think of words to describe what eternity will be like) life forever in the presence of the Lord.

I don't want to leave this world early because I want to see my grandchildren grow up and my son accomplish dreams that he has and I have so much life to live. But at the same time the anticipation of Heaven, of seeing Jesus face to face, of being reunited with my family, of living forever and forever and forever with NO sorrow or sickness or envy or hatred or anger or tears or loneliness or fear or regrets or sin or ... The list goes on and on of how wonderful Heaven will be.

As long as I am on this earth and have the ability to talk and to read and to write and to share Jesus with others I need to keep doing that. All of that is preparing me to truly worship God in spirit and in truth!

Prophecy Fulfilled

I was reading about Phillip in the book of Acts the other day when he went running up to the chariot of the eunuch, heard him reading the Scripture, asked did he understand, then explained - beginning there - all about Jesus.

I remember on the road to Emmaus after Jesus was resurrected, He met some disciples and starting with Moses told them all about the Himself and how He must suffer and die and be resurrected.

As I've been reading through the Old Testament, I've read all those prophecies but how ready am I to tell that story with chapter and verse. Even though I may be able to say this is in Genesis or Isaiah or Zechariah, I don't think I am "up to snuff" when it comes to knowing where something actually is in Genesis or Isaiah or Zechariah.

Then I wonder is it because I don't think it is important to know that? Do I need to be a Biblical scholar to do that? Even if I don't memorize the verses or know the chapter in the book - or even the book itself - should I be able to tell the story from scripture to anyone who might ask, including the Old Testament prophecies and how they were fulfilled in Jesus Christ?

Remembering where they are will be the hard part. I read just the other day in Zechariah about the king coming riding on a donkey, on a colt the foal of a donkey, but WHERE was it?? Maybe I need to make notes as I read, not after. DUH!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Judgment Seat of Christ

Perry preached a great message today in the series How to Survive the End of the World. I really appreciate the reminder to be a good steward of my time, my money and my gifting. I am so grateful that Jesus has already paid the price for my sins so I don't have to worry about standing at the Throne of Judgment.

But I will be held accountable for the the stewardship of all God has given to me. Some days I think I'm doing OK. Other days I know I am not. As Perry said I am not perfect and will make mistakes and sometimes stupid decisions, but I should be constantly growing in my relationship with Christ so that I am using my time, my money and my gifts to help grow the kingdom of God - to help reach those around me who don't know Jesus.

Can't wait to hear Perry preach through Revelation in one message!! Already looking foward to next week.