Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Between the Testaments

I was reading the other day a brief outline of the history of Israel during the years between the Old Testament and the New Testament. It was kinda weird reading about Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and Alexander the Great and how they fit into this time frame.

I remember studying about these guys in history class or learning passages from Shakespeare in English class but for some reason I never really connected them as part of God's continuing story; as part of His preparation for the coming of His Son. 

It made me realize once again how ALL of history is in God's hands; how MY life NOW is part of His continuing story. Often I think of the Bible as "then" and me as "now". Although I know God is still very active in the world and in my life personally, I sometimes have a disconnect with that reality. I guess when that happens it's because I am not spending enough time in prayer or in the Word.

God IS alive. His purposes are never thwarted by man - or anything else. Even if I don't do what He wants, if I make wrong or bad choices, He still works to make His purpose succeed. And He has already told us the end of the story...Jesus wins, His saints win, God rules and reigns forever and ever and ever!

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