Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acts 1:8

As I have been reading through the book of Acts, I keep thinking about "the beginning" of the spread of the Gospel. Jesus told his followers that they would be the instrument He would use to spread the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to all the world.

Jesus had selected 12 followers to be His closest friends, men He would mentor to be the leaders of this revolution. By the time Jesus ascended into heaven that number had grown to 120. These men became powerful speakers, boldly proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am a believer today because of the faithfulness, the boldness of these men.

What if I had been one of the 120 in that day? Would I have done my part to tell everyone about Jesus? Would I advance the Gospel? But the challenge is NOT what would I have done 2000 years ago but what will I do TODAY! The truth of the saving grace of Jesus Christ is still spread primarily by individuals who invite family and friends to church, who share Jesus when the opportunity arises, who live lives above reproach. Am I doing what I can to be a leader of this revolution?

Today is just as challenging as it was in Bible days. With all the interest in Eastern religions and New Age and atheism and witchcraft and politics as salvation and money as salvation and the stock market or laws or government or public figures. We look to anyone and anything OTHER than Jesus Christ for our salvation. But nothing else works. EVERYTHING else will lead to destruction.

Lord God, help me to fulfill the role You have called me to. To be obedient in all the little things You ask of me. To be unafraid to speak when opportunities arise.

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