I was reading a story posted today on Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,579979,00.html about the government going into the compound of a mega church in China, arresting the pastors, damaging the church and trying to scatter the believers. It amazes me, though, that as persecution comes, the church grows. The people may be in hiding but they still spread the gospel.
In America my faith costs me so little yet I have been given so much. I don't have to worry about the police storming the doors of my church or throwing me in jail or beating me up yet at times I refuse to speak the name of Jesus. Am I afraid of someone shunning me or laughing at me or not liking me any more if I am so "radical" that I take Jesus into the workplace or my neighborhood.
I've just finished reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Part of his challenge is to really seek God and what He would have me do with the abundance I have been given. One of the things he did was downsize his house so he would have less house payment and more money to give away. His church in California is giving away 58% of all they take in financially.
And it's not JUST money he talks about giving away. He also talks about time and energy and giftedness. I get so comfortable in my own little world that I often forget about the "least of these" that Jesus challenges me to help. Reading this made me think of Matt Beasley and his LOT project in Anderson. Matt is a college student who was burdened for the kids from the projects and decided to do something to help and the L.O.T. (least of these) project was born. http://thelotproject.com/The_Lot_Project/The_Lot_Project_Anderson_SC_Homepage.html
As I celebrate Christmas and the God who gave His best, His only Son, I am challenged to give my best, to even give until it hurts. Especially since I don't face any persecution or hardship in my walk with Jesus.
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