I am now almost 3 months into my retirement. I must say that I like it. I was not sure I would because I had worked every day for 40+ years except for my yearly vacation and a few holidays. Money is doing OK although I have had times when I have had to fill the gas tank more often than before I retired (I went to Greenville 4 times one week). Being paid once a month is a new thing for me so that has been an adjustment.
I am volunteering regularly with Mobile Meals of Spartanburg but have turned down some volunteer opportunities because they sounded too much like work but just not getting paid for it. It is important to me that I am doing something that helps people more than just helping an organization. I am still trying to find the right balance between doing enough and not doing anything but sit in a chair and read.
Over time I may increase my "output" but right now, I am having lots of fun trolling the library and Barnes & Noble; taking the grandchildren here and there; reading books by the score (although NOTHING deep or meaningful - everything just purely for fun and enjoyment); taking care of my cat, which I didn't particularly want but the grandchildren did and could not have at their apartment.
I am finding retirement to be everything I want it to be which is a good thing. Maybe that is because I chose to retire and was not forced to retire. And also because I like me and spending my days with me suits me just fine!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I love the fall of the year...the beautiful colors of the trees, the crisp morning air, and Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. Christmas has become so commercial and the "I want..." is the loudest voice heard. There are public battles over religious displays in stores and government offices and whether it is appropriate for someone to say Merry Christmas rather than Happy Holidays. Kinda gives one the bah-humbugs.
New Years is about parties, drinking and making resolutions that can be broken soon. Easter is about Spring and eggs and bunnies - not much Jesus to be found in any of that.
But Thanksgiving is a time of reflection; a time to join with family and friends around the dinner table and just celebrate being together. It doesn't seem to upset the "separationists" (as in separation of church and state) if someone thanks God for his provision during the past year.
Even our "pagan" Christmas is about giving to others; New Years is about starting over with a clean slate and Spring is about new birth or re-birth. Sounds to me like pretty deep theology even for those who don't want to ever mention Christ or God in connection with these holidays.
God gave the greatest gift to mankind by sending His Son to earth as an act of love. It is through Him that we can have new life and a clean slate through the forgiveness of our sins by His blood shed on Calvary's cross. In addition, EVERY good and perfect gift comes from Him. Every beat of my heart, every breath I take, every, everything that I have in my life - salvation, people, stuff, health, income - all of it is because of God's graciousness to me. And for that I WILL say "Thank You, Lord!"
To set aside a time of reflection and thanksgiving should be part of my day, each day. But just in case the busyness of life gets in the way, Thanksgiving provides the perfect opportunity to do it.
Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. Christmas has become so commercial and the "I want..." is the loudest voice heard. There are public battles over religious displays in stores and government offices and whether it is appropriate for someone to say Merry Christmas rather than Happy Holidays. Kinda gives one the bah-humbugs.
New Years is about parties, drinking and making resolutions that can be broken soon. Easter is about Spring and eggs and bunnies - not much Jesus to be found in any of that.
But Thanksgiving is a time of reflection; a time to join with family and friends around the dinner table and just celebrate being together. It doesn't seem to upset the "separationists" (as in separation of church and state) if someone thanks God for his provision during the past year.
Even our "pagan" Christmas is about giving to others; New Years is about starting over with a clean slate and Spring is about new birth or re-birth. Sounds to me like pretty deep theology even for those who don't want to ever mention Christ or God in connection with these holidays.
God gave the greatest gift to mankind by sending His Son to earth as an act of love. It is through Him that we can have new life and a clean slate through the forgiveness of our sins by His blood shed on Calvary's cross. In addition, EVERY good and perfect gift comes from Him. Every beat of my heart, every breath I take, every, everything that I have in my life - salvation, people, stuff, health, income - all of it is because of God's graciousness to me. And for that I WILL say "Thank You, Lord!"
To set aside a time of reflection and thanksgiving should be part of my day, each day. But just in case the busyness of life gets in the way, Thanksgiving provides the perfect opportunity to do it.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hurting People
As part of the prayer team, I get to hear about a lot of the hurts people are going through. I talked to Sarah yesterday at NewSpring, Greenville, who is longing for love. She is a 20 something, obese, sexually promiscuous woman who has a 2 year old son but has never been in a relationship with a guy; all her encounters with men are just for sex. She also said she had been abused by her step-father when she was a child.
I prayed with Sarah and got her a Bible and talked to her a little about Jesus and life as a believer but then we parted and I don't know if any of it "took". Sometimes that makes me feel so impotent. I know the answer to all their questions is Jesus and I know He has to draw people to Himself for them to be healed of all that is wrong in their lives. That was true in my own life and I know it will be true in their lives. But sometimes it would be nice to see the lights go on, to know they get it.
At least it is good that those who are hurting are putting themselves in the position to hear of the love of Jesus by actually being in church on Sunday.
I prayed with Sarah and got her a Bible and talked to her a little about Jesus and life as a believer but then we parted and I don't know if any of it "took". Sometimes that makes me feel so impotent. I know the answer to all their questions is Jesus and I know He has to draw people to Himself for them to be healed of all that is wrong in their lives. That was true in my own life and I know it will be true in their lives. But sometimes it would be nice to see the lights go on, to know they get it.
At least it is good that those who are hurting are putting themselves in the position to hear of the love of Jesus by actually being in church on Sunday.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One of my favorite passages from Daniel is the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace. When they refused to bow down to the golden image Nebuchadnezzar had set up, they were told they would be burned alive.
Their response? "If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out your your hand, O king. But IF NOT (emphasis mine), be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."
This passage always causes me to search my heart. Even if I pray fervently and do all the "right" things but God chooses not to deliver me from whatever confronts me, will I still trust Him? Will I still acknowledge that He is in control? Or what if it is something that touches my child or grandchildren? Often it is easier to accept things that happen to me but not to someone else.
But what if it got to the point in this country that being a Christ follower means imprisonment or torture or even death? Well, death is easy...I'm ready for that and going home to Jesus is the ultimate ending to life. But what if I was treated like Joseph who was sold into slavery and wrongly imprisoned. Or David who had to run for his life from King Saul. Or Stephen who was stoned. Or Paul who was beaten. Or believers today in China or Iraq or Myanmar or a host of other countries around the world. And of course Jesus who went to the cross after He was abused to the point of death!
Do I have the courage to stand for and continue to trust Christ no matter what? I pray, Father, that it would be so!
Their response? "If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out your your hand, O king. But IF NOT (emphasis mine), be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."
This passage always causes me to search my heart. Even if I pray fervently and do all the "right" things but God chooses not to deliver me from whatever confronts me, will I still trust Him? Will I still acknowledge that He is in control? Or what if it is something that touches my child or grandchildren? Often it is easier to accept things that happen to me but not to someone else.
But what if it got to the point in this country that being a Christ follower means imprisonment or torture or even death? Well, death is easy...I'm ready for that and going home to Jesus is the ultimate ending to life. But what if I was treated like Joseph who was sold into slavery and wrongly imprisoned. Or David who had to run for his life from King Saul. Or Stephen who was stoned. Or Paul who was beaten. Or believers today in China or Iraq or Myanmar or a host of other countries around the world. And of course Jesus who went to the cross after He was abused to the point of death!
Do I have the courage to stand for and continue to trust Christ no matter what? I pray, Father, that it would be so!
Lying Prophets
I read something the other day written by a young man who professes to follow Christ. He is single and wrote "God told me" a particular woman was God's choice for him. They started seeing each other but she broke it off but he's not gonna give up. Made me think that maybe he will be arrested later as a stalker.
Of course he may be pursuing her in a very gentlemanly, casual, non-harassing way and may be prepared to give the relationship the time and space it needs to actually determine if she will see him again. There was no indication of what he is doing to try to convince her God told him she's the "one". And she may well be the one for him but I wonder if God really told him or if his eyes or hormones told him.
That made me think about how casually people in the Church say, "God told me..." Many televangelists speak for God about health, wealth and all good things coming our way if we'll just sow a seed (always money) into their particular ministry. Sometimes people who have a determined attitude about what should or should not happen in a particular area of the Church or how particular people should act will say, "God told me..."
But back in the day of Jeremiah when the prophets were preaching health and prosperity, God called them lying prophets. The Bible tells us that in days of old God spoke through the prophets but now speaks to us through Jesus. So unless the "prophet" is quoting Jesus from Scripture when he says, "God told me..." I'm not sure I would believe him. I sure would hate to stand before God one day and have Him say, "I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them." In other words, they are liars.
Of course he may be pursuing her in a very gentlemanly, casual, non-harassing way and may be prepared to give the relationship the time and space it needs to actually determine if she will see him again. There was no indication of what he is doing to try to convince her God told him she's the "one". And she may well be the one for him but I wonder if God really told him or if his eyes or hormones told him.
That made me think about how casually people in the Church say, "God told me..." Many televangelists speak for God about health, wealth and all good things coming our way if we'll just sow a seed (always money) into their particular ministry. Sometimes people who have a determined attitude about what should or should not happen in a particular area of the Church or how particular people should act will say, "God told me..."
But back in the day of Jeremiah when the prophets were preaching health and prosperity, God called them lying prophets. The Bible tells us that in days of old God spoke through the prophets but now speaks to us through Jesus. So unless the "prophet" is quoting Jesus from Scripture when he says, "God told me..." I'm not sure I would believe him. I sure would hate to stand before God one day and have Him say, "I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them." In other words, they are liars.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
God's Sovereignty
Most of the time that I have "issues" with God is when I don't tremble before Him or fear Him as I should. God is THE Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He alone gives life to me day by day. He is the only wise God. He alone can judge my heart and my life. He alone can say "well done".
So why do I push Him aside at times? Why do I make my own decisions? Why do I fail to build the relationship with Him that I should? Why do I not surrender EVERY area of my life to Him? Why am I not ashamed of my thoughts and actions that are an affront to this holy God?
It is because I lose my focus on who God really is. I become complacent. He becomes a distant relative. But as I read His word, I see that I should be afraid of Him. Not because He will zap me with a lightening bolt but because He CAN.
God's love for me is so intense that He poured all His wrath on Jesus on the cross yet He says I should be holy for He is holy. How can I take that lightly? Fear of God is more than just awe at a sunset or marveling at the birth of a child. It is a real fear of God's power and sovereignty coupled with a confidence that God makes the way for me to live at peace with Him through Jesus.
Do I need to be afraid of God? Absolutely. Only He holds the keys to heaven or hell. Do I need to be afraid of God? Absolutely not. He is my Father. His love overwhelms me and assures me of His constant care for me.
Monday, October 25, 2010
I Have Not Sinned
Even if I have never been so brash as to think "I have not sinned" how many times have I made excuses for my sin, tried to rationalize my sin?
In Jeremiah 2:25b God says, "Behold I will bring you to judgment for saying, 'I have not sinned'". It's so easy to make myself into the victim - making my sin someone else's fault rather than my own choice. Which in essence is saying I have not sinned. She was rude so I was angry and bitter. He lied so I won't forgive. He has "needs" so he is sexually immoral. The clerk gave back the wrong change but it was only a quarter so I keep.
Later in chapter 3 God speaks through Jeremiah saying, "Return...for I am merciful... Only acknowledge your guilt..." And that is the central point - I must be willing to say, "I HAVE sinned", must be willing to acknowledge my guilt. I love the way God was speaking the Gospel into the lives of His people long before Jesus ever walked on the earth. It gives me great peace to know that God is always the same...His hatred of sin but His love and mercy toward His people never changes.
In Jeremiah 2:25b God says, "Behold I will bring you to judgment for saying, 'I have not sinned'". It's so easy to make myself into the victim - making my sin someone else's fault rather than my own choice. Which in essence is saying I have not sinned. She was rude so I was angry and bitter. He lied so I won't forgive. He has "needs" so he is sexually immoral. The clerk gave back the wrong change but it was only a quarter so I keep.
Later in chapter 3 God speaks through Jeremiah saying, "Return...for I am merciful... Only acknowledge your guilt..." And that is the central point - I must be willing to say, "I HAVE sinned", must be willing to acknowledge my guilt. I love the way God was speaking the Gospel into the lives of His people long before Jesus ever walked on the earth. It gives me great peace to know that God is always the same...His hatred of sin but His love and mercy toward His people never changes.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
No Matter What
Paul, the writer of a large percentage of the New Testament, is a "no matter what" person. When I read about his desire to be like Christ, to suffer for Christ, to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I think that I could never be like that. But then I ask myself why not?
I have not been called to do the things that Paul did but I have been called to follow and proclaim Christ no matter what. It amazes me that Paul was stoned and dragged out of Lystra and left for dead. But when he came to he went back into the city. When he was in prison with Silas, their chains fell off but he didn't go running out of the prison. He stayed and told the guard about Jesus.
Paul's thoughts were not for his own safety or comfort but for those who were far from God and needed to hear the life changing message of salvation. Why do I think it strange that Paul was willing to give up everything for Jesus? Maybe that is the problem...maybe I'm not willing to give up EVERYTHING! Maybe I'm not a "no matter what" follower of Christ.
And I wrestle with do I really want to be that kind of follower? I think I would be willing to give up everything. I think I would go anywhere. I think I would talk about Jesus to anyone. So, am I brave enough to pray that kind of prayer? Lord, I will give up EVERYTHING for You! Jesus knows my heart so are they just words or is it really the desire of my heart?
Jesus has not asked me to give up home, or family, or wealth, or health, or freedom, or friends, or comfort, or security but if He did would I say Yes...no matter what?
I have not been called to do the things that Paul did but I have been called to follow and proclaim Christ no matter what. It amazes me that Paul was stoned and dragged out of Lystra and left for dead. But when he came to he went back into the city. When he was in prison with Silas, their chains fell off but he didn't go running out of the prison. He stayed and told the guard about Jesus.
Paul's thoughts were not for his own safety or comfort but for those who were far from God and needed to hear the life changing message of salvation. Why do I think it strange that Paul was willing to give up everything for Jesus? Maybe that is the problem...maybe I'm not willing to give up EVERYTHING! Maybe I'm not a "no matter what" follower of Christ.
And I wrestle with do I really want to be that kind of follower? I think I would be willing to give up everything. I think I would go anywhere. I think I would talk about Jesus to anyone. So, am I brave enough to pray that kind of prayer? Lord, I will give up EVERYTHING for You! Jesus knows my heart so are they just words or is it really the desire of my heart?
Jesus has not asked me to give up home, or family, or wealth, or health, or freedom, or friends, or comfort, or security but if He did would I say Yes...no matter what?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Too often we think of preachers as the guy who stands on a stage on Sunday morning delivering a message to the folks sitting in the chairs. But yesterday Brad told us that the Gospel preaches to us and through us. When we have been impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ, we MUST tell someone the good news of salvation. That makes us all preachers.
When the great persecution of the early church began after the stoning of Stephen, everyone scattered EXCEPT the apostles (the preachers). But we are told in Acts 8:4 that those who were scattered went about preaching the word. Hmm...preaching.
Part of the misconception of the Church today is that we have no responsibility to preach when we are scattered out of the Sunday morning church setting to the world of work or family or neighborhoods or wherever we might be. We have a tendency to think preaching is only for Sunday and only for the guy on stage.
Help me to speak - preach - boldly the word, the salvation of Jesus, to those with whom I come into contact.
When the great persecution of the early church began after the stoning of Stephen, everyone scattered EXCEPT the apostles (the preachers). But we are told in Acts 8:4 that those who were scattered went about preaching the word. Hmm...preaching.
Part of the misconception of the Church today is that we have no responsibility to preach when we are scattered out of the Sunday morning church setting to the world of work or family or neighborhoods or wherever we might be. We have a tendency to think preaching is only for Sunday and only for the guy on stage.
Help me to speak - preach - boldly the word, the salvation of Jesus, to those with whom I come into contact.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
There is a lot in the Bible about suffering. In Old Testament times it was usually agreed suffering was because of sin and God's anger. One person's sin could bring suffering to the whole nation of Israel.
But in the New Testament we are told repeatedly that suffering comes to conform us to the likeness of Christ. One of the things that struck me as I read Philippians is that how I handle suffering can advance or hinder the spread of the Gospel (1:12, 1:14)
And that made me think of Romans 8:28-29. Whatever is happening in my life, even the evil things of this world that God allows but does not cause, can be used to conform me to the image of Christ. Those things can be used by God, if we are willing, to give us the mind and the heart of Christ.
In Philippians 1:29, Paul uses the phrase "It has been granted to you...to suffer.." Wow. That sounds like suffering is a privilege granted by God. So how do I view any suffering? If I cheat in a relationship or betray a confidence, if I spend more that I make, if I steal time or material from my boss - if I do any of these things, I am only suffering consequences but do I consider the illness, the job loss, the financial difficulty, the broken relationship that seems to come from nowhere, or come because I took a stand for righteousness, as a PRIVILEGE granted to me by God? All because He loves me and wants me to be more like His Son.
But in the New Testament we are told repeatedly that suffering comes to conform us to the likeness of Christ. One of the things that struck me as I read Philippians is that how I handle suffering can advance or hinder the spread of the Gospel (1:12, 1:14)
And that made me think of Romans 8:28-29. Whatever is happening in my life, even the evil things of this world that God allows but does not cause, can be used to conform me to the image of Christ. Those things can be used by God, if we are willing, to give us the mind and the heart of Christ.
In Philippians 1:29, Paul uses the phrase "It has been granted to you...to suffer.." Wow. That sounds like suffering is a privilege granted by God. So how do I view any suffering? If I cheat in a relationship or betray a confidence, if I spend more that I make, if I steal time or material from my boss - if I do any of these things, I am only suffering consequences but do I consider the illness, the job loss, the financial difficulty, the broken relationship that seems to come from nowhere, or come because I took a stand for righteousness, as a PRIVILEGE granted to me by God? All because He loves me and wants me to be more like His Son.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I've not looked up a dictionary definition of the word rejoice but to me it means to be overwhelmingly glad or joyful but not necessarily overwhelmingly happy. "Happy" is based on circumstance and "joy" comes from the heart of God.
In the short letter to the Philippians, Paul uses the word rejoice 8 times. It does strike one as being rather contradictory to rejoice while one is in prison; while people are preaching with false motives; while many have turned their backs on this aging apostle. But Paul continues to find reason to rejoice and admonishes his friends in Philippi to rejoice as well.
Joy is part of the fruit of the Spirit but how often is my life characterized by real joy? How often have I grieved a holy God who rejoiced at sending His Son to die in my place by not rejoicing when I should?
The grace of God that has brought me from death to life is reason to rejoice if nothing else in my life ever goes the way I want it to (keyword there being "I"). I never want to lose sight of the great thing Jesus did for me. I never want to forget that God did EVERYTHING for me so that I can know Him and bring glory to Him and serve Him. If I get a "pass" on some hardship, that's a bonus but even if not, I will rejoice.
In the short letter to the Philippians, Paul uses the word rejoice 8 times. It does strike one as being rather contradictory to rejoice while one is in prison; while people are preaching with false motives; while many have turned their backs on this aging apostle. But Paul continues to find reason to rejoice and admonishes his friends in Philippi to rejoice as well.
Joy is part of the fruit of the Spirit but how often is my life characterized by real joy? How often have I grieved a holy God who rejoiced at sending His Son to die in my place by not rejoicing when I should?
The grace of God that has brought me from death to life is reason to rejoice if nothing else in my life ever goes the way I want it to (keyword there being "I"). I never want to lose sight of the great thing Jesus did for me. I never want to forget that God did EVERYTHING for me so that I can know Him and bring glory to Him and serve Him. If I get a "pass" on some hardship, that's a bonus but even if not, I will rejoice.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What If God Says No
One of the issues Christ followers struggle with is the fact that God does not always answer our prayers the way we want Him to. Sometimes that is because of sin in our lives. Sometimes it is because God has a better plan that we will see later. Sometimes we just don't know why God says no.
Am I able to believe that God is who He says He is even when I don't get what I want? Am I able to believe I am who God says I am even when He says no?
Too many times I forget that God is NOT my personal servant to do my bidding. I am HIS servant. Servants do not question the Master's directives. Servants do not second guess motives. Servants obey.
God has made a lot of promises to His children and I firmly believe He never breaks a promise. But how He fulfills those promises is up to Him, not me. So sometimes He will tell me no - or at least not now - when I ask something of Him. Sometimes the fulfillment of His promises is not for my life or this generation. That does not mean God is slow or weak or unloving or distant or unconcerned. It doesn't mean He is cruel or mean. It just means He's smarter than me and I need to accept His answer, even a no.
Jesus asked His Father if redemption could come any other way than the cross. God said no! So Jesus went willingly, beaten and humiliated by men, to be tortured on the Roman cross. He didn't complain or whine or back out. He just did what He was told.
I, too, must have the mind of Christ, to serve God no matter what, even through the "no's".
Am I able to believe that God is who He says He is even when I don't get what I want? Am I able to believe I am who God says I am even when He says no?
Too many times I forget that God is NOT my personal servant to do my bidding. I am HIS servant. Servants do not question the Master's directives. Servants do not second guess motives. Servants obey.
God has made a lot of promises to His children and I firmly believe He never breaks a promise. But how He fulfills those promises is up to Him, not me. So sometimes He will tell me no - or at least not now - when I ask something of Him. Sometimes the fulfillment of His promises is not for my life or this generation. That does not mean God is slow or weak or unloving or distant or unconcerned. It doesn't mean He is cruel or mean. It just means He's smarter than me and I need to accept His answer, even a no.
Jesus asked His Father if redemption could come any other way than the cross. God said no! So Jesus went willingly, beaten and humiliated by men, to be tortured on the Roman cross. He didn't complain or whine or back out. He just did what He was told.
I, too, must have the mind of Christ, to serve God no matter what, even through the "no's".
Sun Stand Still
I've just finished Steven Furtick's book, Sun Stand Still. The book just came out last week so it is brand, spankin' new. This is an amazing book about having audacious faith. As I read I was challenged to pray audacious prayers and to believe God to bring those prayers to fruition.
But as I have spent time thinking about my life and things that have been happening around me, I decided I have already been praying audacious prayers and seeing God move to answer them. I think especially of my son and his family. At one time they were far from God (as I had been as a young adult). They are now actively attending church, my son is back in school studying nursing, my grandson has given his heart to Jesus and was recently baptized. WOW! That is ONLY the grace of God and the work of His Spirit in their lives.
God has done so much for me personally throughout my life - even when I was living far from Him. Part of that, I believe, is the audacious prayers my mama prayed for me. I am so glad she lived long enough to see God answer her prayers for me as I have my prayers for my son.
I am still praying for my son. I am asking God to make him the best nurse around-to make him top in his field; to fill him with a desire to share Christ with those he encounters; to be willing to use his nursing skills locally or around the world as part of mission endeavors to touch the lives of the forgotten and the downtrodden.
For me personally, I want God to help me be generous with all that He has given me - in whatever form that takes - with the discernment to make wise use of God's resources. And that He would allow me to live in good health to see my great grandchildren as He did for my parents.
But as I have spent time thinking about my life and things that have been happening around me, I decided I have already been praying audacious prayers and seeing God move to answer them. I think especially of my son and his family. At one time they were far from God (as I had been as a young adult). They are now actively attending church, my son is back in school studying nursing, my grandson has given his heart to Jesus and was recently baptized. WOW! That is ONLY the grace of God and the work of His Spirit in their lives.
God has done so much for me personally throughout my life - even when I was living far from Him. Part of that, I believe, is the audacious prayers my mama prayed for me. I am so glad she lived long enough to see God answer her prayers for me as I have my prayers for my son.
I am still praying for my son. I am asking God to make him the best nurse around-to make him top in his field; to fill him with a desire to share Christ with those he encounters; to be willing to use his nursing skills locally or around the world as part of mission endeavors to touch the lives of the forgotten and the downtrodden.
For me personally, I want God to help me be generous with all that He has given me - in whatever form that takes - with the discernment to make wise use of God's resources. And that He would allow me to live in good health to see my great grandchildren as He did for my parents.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Answer is Jesus
One of the things Pastor P says frequently is if you're in church the correct answer to questions is Jesus. He is being facetiously serious - if there is such a concept.
In Revelation 1:4-6 I see that played out. John is sending greetings to the Church. Jesus is, Jesus was and Jesus is to come. Jesus is the faithful witness. Jesus is the firstborn of the dead. Jesus is the ruler of kings on earth. Jesus loves us. Jesus freed us from our sin by His blood. Jesus made us a kingdom of priests.
Too many times I get caught up in all the stuff of life and forget that Jesus is the answer. He is to be my focus. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..."
One of the most heart searching things I was reminded of recently by a radio preacher...one day I will stand before Almighty God to give an account of every word, every thought, every deed. My sins are paid for but my actions will be judged to see if they withstand the scrutiny of God's fire. All things that don't point to the kingdom of God will be burned up and only those things that DO point to the kingdom will remain.
Am I living my life for the world and it's joys and pleasures, for the "applause" of man or for God's kingdom? Will I have anything that remains after all the useless, pointless stuff is burned away? When I am involved in relationships, vacations, family dinners, recreation, volunteering - all the stuff of life - am I building something that will last? Am I using those times, those relationships to pour Truth into lives?
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, the Jew first and also the Greek. Romans 1:16 Lord God, help me to never, NEVER be ashamed - or fearful - to speak the name of Jesus because He is the ONLY answer for salvation.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
What a Great Day
I heard a preacher on the radio a few days ago who was preaching on money. He said in Matthew, Mark and Luke one in every 5 verses deals with money and Jesus told 26 parables and 15 are about money. Money is an important subject in the life of most Americans. We just never seem to have enough of it.
The current series Perry is preaching is The Blessed Life. He has been speaking about money for two weeks because Jesus spoke a lot about money. I just love my pastor. He is so unapologetic in the messages he brings to us. Because of that God spoke to me loudly through Perry's message and that makes it a GREAT day!!
Several things Perry said made an impact on me but the one that really got to me was being told over and over I was dead and now I am alive...all because of Jesus and God's great love for me. How can I not give back what God has so generously given to me? One thing I need to do is constantly remind myself that it is God's money. If He wants it back, I should give it to Him. He has promised to provide for all my needs - which He has done extravagantly for years and years!
Perry said we're careful with our money and he didn't mean in a good way. Since retiring and taking a huge cut in pay, I need to be frugal BUT...I don't need to be too careful. When God puts a ministry or a need on my heart, I don't want to second guess God or make excuses for not giving. I already give to NewSpring my tithe and offerings and give to other organizations but today I was convicted that I may not be generous enough with the financial blessings God has given me. I want God to show me how I can be more generous.
The current series Perry is preaching is The Blessed Life. He has been speaking about money for two weeks because Jesus spoke a lot about money. I just love my pastor. He is so unapologetic in the messages he brings to us. Because of that God spoke to me loudly through Perry's message and that makes it a GREAT day!!
Several things Perry said made an impact on me but the one that really got to me was being told over and over I was dead and now I am alive...all because of Jesus and God's great love for me. How can I not give back what God has so generously given to me? One thing I need to do is constantly remind myself that it is God's money. If He wants it back, I should give it to Him. He has promised to provide for all my needs - which He has done extravagantly for years and years!
Perry said we're careful with our money and he didn't mean in a good way. Since retiring and taking a huge cut in pay, I need to be frugal BUT...I don't need to be too careful. When God puts a ministry or a need on my heart, I don't want to second guess God or make excuses for not giving. I already give to NewSpring my tithe and offerings and give to other organizations but today I was convicted that I may not be generous enough with the financial blessings God has given me. I want God to show me how I can be more generous.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sexual Purity
Most of the time when I think of sexual purity, I think of not having sex outside of marriage. But as I've been reading Ephesians 5:4-5, I've begun to think more about verbal sexual purity.
I have friends whose speech is always sprinkled with sexual innuendo. Or they tell sexy jokes - nothing truly filthy - but in my human, sinful mind they are funny and I laugh making myself agree with what is being said. Even on TV so much of what is said in comedy shows - the ones with real people and the ones that are cartoons - hinges on sex.
I don't have a problem when I get an email. If I start reading and decide it's not what I want to read, I just delete it and don't read all the way to the end. If I see or hear something on TV, I change the channel or turn it off. But when someone is speaking, especially in a group, I have trouble removing myself.
God's word says, "Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place..." How easy it is to laugh with the world at what the world laughs at. Instead I need to keep all that out of my mind, my heart, my speech.
I want my heart to be so pure, so holy that I will NOT laugh or even smile when I hear something that is sexually impure or immoral. I want to speak the truth (Ephesians 4:25) to these friends who claim to be Christ followers. Yet I don't want to be the person with the log in his eye trying to remove the speck from his friends eye. Hopefully, someone will speak truth to me about things they see in me that need to change.
I have friends whose speech is always sprinkled with sexual innuendo. Or they tell sexy jokes - nothing truly filthy - but in my human, sinful mind they are funny and I laugh making myself agree with what is being said. Even on TV so much of what is said in comedy shows - the ones with real people and the ones that are cartoons - hinges on sex.
I don't have a problem when I get an email. If I start reading and decide it's not what I want to read, I just delete it and don't read all the way to the end. If I see or hear something on TV, I change the channel or turn it off. But when someone is speaking, especially in a group, I have trouble removing myself.
God's word says, "Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place..." How easy it is to laugh with the world at what the world laughs at. Instead I need to keep all that out of my mind, my heart, my speech.
I want my heart to be so pure, so holy that I will NOT laugh or even smile when I hear something that is sexually impure or immoral. I want to speak the truth (Ephesians 4:25) to these friends who claim to be Christ followers. Yet I don't want to be the person with the log in his eye trying to remove the speck from his friends eye. Hopefully, someone will speak truth to me about things they see in me that need to change.
After the Conference
I am so tired this morning. The opportunities to serve at the NewSpring Leadership Conference were amazing but exhausting. I think I realize my age more after I participate in something like this. I don't really like to focus on "I'm not as young as I once was" but that is a fact of life.
I talked to some great people who were blown away by the service they were getting from our volunteers. People were amazed not to have to get up to throw their trash away after lunch and dinner. They were in awe that great snacks were provided - as much as they wanted - between every session. One was surprised that we just gave him a new conference booklet after his wife misplaced hers (he thought he would have to buy it). They couldn't believe that cards we gave out at the end of the day were actually hand written.
All the follow-up twitter traffic I have seen has been VERY positive - best conference I have been to kind of positive. The speakers were awesome by everyone's account. I only got to listen to sporadic minutes here and there but what I heard was great.
I also got to see some people I know - a pastor from New Orleans, a female friend who is on the board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a guy on staff at FBC, Spartanburg. Plus I got to see the new set up for A Control, got a peak at the new Green Room, and arranged to get some training at the NewSpring, Greenville offices next week to do some volunteer work for Kevin and the production team.
In the days prior to the conference I got to go into the offices and laminate stuff and meet people I probably would not have met otherwise. I also saw the "creative" space where all the IT, web and video editing people work. Plus I got to speak to the one and only Perry Noble as he came in to say thank you to the volunteers who were putting packets together.
But what amazes me most is that God moved me from where I was to here. He had to do some serious tearing down to get me away from where I was. But since becoming submissive to His leadership, I have been blown away by all that He has allowed me to participate in. Our God is doing some AWESOME things in the lives of people and I get to see it and to help make it happen. That He would choose me...me! Who am I that He should choose me to be on His team, to see and do all that I get to do? Every time I think about it, I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.
I talked to some great people who were blown away by the service they were getting from our volunteers. People were amazed not to have to get up to throw their trash away after lunch and dinner. They were in awe that great snacks were provided - as much as they wanted - between every session. One was surprised that we just gave him a new conference booklet after his wife misplaced hers (he thought he would have to buy it). They couldn't believe that cards we gave out at the end of the day were actually hand written.
All the follow-up twitter traffic I have seen has been VERY positive - best conference I have been to kind of positive. The speakers were awesome by everyone's account. I only got to listen to sporadic minutes here and there but what I heard was great.
I also got to see some people I know - a pastor from New Orleans, a female friend who is on the board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a guy on staff at FBC, Spartanburg. Plus I got to see the new set up for A Control, got a peak at the new Green Room, and arranged to get some training at the NewSpring, Greenville offices next week to do some volunteer work for Kevin and the production team.
In the days prior to the conference I got to go into the offices and laminate stuff and meet people I probably would not have met otherwise. I also saw the "creative" space where all the IT, web and video editing people work. Plus I got to speak to the one and only Perry Noble as he came in to say thank you to the volunteers who were putting packets together.
But what amazes me most is that God moved me from where I was to here. He had to do some serious tearing down to get me away from where I was. But since becoming submissive to His leadership, I have been blown away by all that He has allowed me to participate in. Our God is doing some AWESOME things in the lives of people and I get to see it and to help make it happen. That He would choose me...me! Who am I that He should choose me to be on His team, to see and do all that I get to do? Every time I think about it, I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Be Imitators of God
In Ephesians 5:1 Paul exhorts us to "be imitators of God". So what does that mean? How do I imitate God?
Paul starts this verse with "therefore" so I need to look back to see what leads up to that. The previous paragraph - starting at 4:25 - also begins with therefore so I go back even further to Ephesians 4:17. Now I am beginning to see what Paul is talking about.
The non-believers live in the futility of their minds, without understanding. I am to put off the old self with all the impurity of thought and action and to be renewed by the Spirit in my mind. Which is what he also said to the Romans.
So how do I get my mind renewed? It is the work of the Spirit as I read God's word. I can not be holy, faithful, truthful, loving, kind, giving, pure or any of the other traits of God's children without knowing how God would have me live. But, as Pastor P often says, I am to read my Bible not for information but for transformation.
I need to read asking and expecting the Holy Spirit to convict me of sin, to illuminate truth, to affirm what I am getting right, to change my way of thinking about God, about life, about people. Renewing my mind so that I have the mind of Christ.
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and love people. If I do that, and it is impossible without the Spirit of God living in me, I will be an imitator of God. It's not the loving God that gives me problems, it's the loving people. They can be annoying and obnoxious!! Help me, Lord, to love people as You do. You loved people - me - even as we were pounding the nails into your flesh.
Paul starts this verse with "therefore" so I need to look back to see what leads up to that. The previous paragraph - starting at 4:25 - also begins with therefore so I go back even further to Ephesians 4:17. Now I am beginning to see what Paul is talking about.
The non-believers live in the futility of their minds, without understanding. I am to put off the old self with all the impurity of thought and action and to be renewed by the Spirit in my mind. Which is what he also said to the Romans.
So how do I get my mind renewed? It is the work of the Spirit as I read God's word. I can not be holy, faithful, truthful, loving, kind, giving, pure or any of the other traits of God's children without knowing how God would have me live. But, as Pastor P often says, I am to read my Bible not for information but for transformation.
I need to read asking and expecting the Holy Spirit to convict me of sin, to illuminate truth, to affirm what I am getting right, to change my way of thinking about God, about life, about people. Renewing my mind so that I have the mind of Christ.
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and love people. If I do that, and it is impossible without the Spirit of God living in me, I will be an imitator of God. It's not the loving God that gives me problems, it's the loving people. They can be annoying and obnoxious!! Help me, Lord, to love people as You do. You loved people - me - even as we were pounding the nails into your flesh.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Leadership Conference
NewSpring Church is hosting a leadership conference this Thursday with some of the most influential leaders in the Church today...Jud Wilhite, Judah Smith, Mark Driscoll, Francis Chan, Steven Furtick, Rick Warren and our own Perry Noble.
I hope that I will be able to hear some of these guys during the day. I'm not familiar with Jud and Judah although I know their names. The rest of the men I know through their books or their blogs. These guys lead some of the most dynamic churches in America and have written some of the most read books.
I don't know yet where I will be serving but I do know it is going to be an exciting (but extremely tiring) day. SO looking forward to it.
I hope that I will be able to hear some of these guys during the day. I'm not familiar with Jud and Judah although I know their names. The rest of the men I know through their books or their blogs. These guys lead some of the most dynamic churches in America and have written some of the most read books.
I don't know yet where I will be serving but I do know it is going to be an exciting (but extremely tiring) day. SO looking forward to it.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Blessed Life
In yesterday's sermon from Perry at NewSpring, he was talking about the blessed life and how it is better to give than to receive. I believe that wholeheartedly. He also talked about not being able to out give God. I believe that wholeheartedly as well.
Perry told how he felt led to give someone $1000. He talked to his wife and then wrote the check. Later in the day he learned he had received a rebate check for $1348 so he made $348 off the deal. I know that happens but more money in my pocket may not be the end result of giving as God leads. Only in America do we equate blessing with cash. Getting more money back may or may not happen when I give as God directs.
I certainly don't believe that just because you are poor you will be more blessed by God. But in James we are told the those poor in the eyes of the world are often rich in faith. For those who love Jesus, being poor can be a blessing because they have to rely on Him rather than their money. One example of poverty in the Bible is the story of the widow's mite - she gave all that she had into the treasury of the church by giving two small coins. Jesus doesn't say she is more blessed than the rich people who gave lots of money but her story has been told for over 2000 years as an example of sacrificial giving. I have seen this lived out in Kenya!
By retiring I am taking a 42% cut in pay which actually puts me at poverty level - if I didn't have savings. I'm often asked if I have enough money in savings to live out my life and I always say I don't have a clue. I don't intend to get into my savings for daily expenses but I may give my savings away over time.
Even though I am at the poverty level financially, am I blessed? You betcha! I am breathing and walking around, I have friends, I have family, I have a home, I have food, I have a car, I have no debt except my house. God has given me opportunities to see life change in my family and in friends and acquaintances. My grandson has given his heart to Jesus. My son and his wife are becoming active in church. They are reading their Bibles and seeking to know God and how He would have them live. I wouldn't take a million bucks in exchange for those things. I truly am blessed beyond my wildest dreams!!
Perry told how he felt led to give someone $1000. He talked to his wife and then wrote the check. Later in the day he learned he had received a rebate check for $1348 so he made $348 off the deal. I know that happens but more money in my pocket may not be the end result of giving as God leads. Only in America do we equate blessing with cash. Getting more money back may or may not happen when I give as God directs.
I certainly don't believe that just because you are poor you will be more blessed by God. But in James we are told the those poor in the eyes of the world are often rich in faith. For those who love Jesus, being poor can be a blessing because they have to rely on Him rather than their money. One example of poverty in the Bible is the story of the widow's mite - she gave all that she had into the treasury of the church by giving two small coins. Jesus doesn't say she is more blessed than the rich people who gave lots of money but her story has been told for over 2000 years as an example of sacrificial giving. I have seen this lived out in Kenya!
By retiring I am taking a 42% cut in pay which actually puts me at poverty level - if I didn't have savings. I'm often asked if I have enough money in savings to live out my life and I always say I don't have a clue. I don't intend to get into my savings for daily expenses but I may give my savings away over time.
Even though I am at the poverty level financially, am I blessed? You betcha! I am breathing and walking around, I have friends, I have family, I have a home, I have food, I have a car, I have no debt except my house. God has given me opportunities to see life change in my family and in friends and acquaintances. My grandson has given his heart to Jesus. My son and his wife are becoming active in church. They are reading their Bibles and seeking to know God and how He would have them live. I wouldn't take a million bucks in exchange for those things. I truly am blessed beyond my wildest dreams!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Who Is God?
Lately I've been reading Isaiah 42-45 over and over trying to really absorb who God is.
He is Creator. He is Redeemer. He is the Holy One. He is the first and the last. He pours out His Spirit. He renews the earth with water. He wants me to believe and be His witness and His servant. He formed man to bring glory to God. There are no other gods. He knows what will happen before it happens. He goes with me through times of trouble. He is the Lord Almighty. He forms light and creates darkness. He brings prosperity and creates disaster. He does new things. He speaks with integrity. Before Him every knee will bow and every tongue will swear. He is King. He is with me so I do not need to fear. He triumphs over His enemies.
This is just a little of what these chapters contain about God. I am so glad He wants me to know who He is. He took the time to tell Isaiah and the people of Israel almost 3000 years ago this story of who He is knowing that I would also benefit from this telling.
All that He was to Israel in those days, He is to me right now. My God never changes and I can depend on Him to do and be all that He says.
He is Creator. He is Redeemer. He is the Holy One. He is the first and the last. He pours out His Spirit. He renews the earth with water. He wants me to believe and be His witness and His servant. He formed man to bring glory to God. There are no other gods. He knows what will happen before it happens. He goes with me through times of trouble. He is the Lord Almighty. He forms light and creates darkness. He brings prosperity and creates disaster. He does new things. He speaks with integrity. Before Him every knee will bow and every tongue will swear. He is King. He is with me so I do not need to fear. He triumphs over His enemies.
This is just a little of what these chapters contain about God. I am so glad He wants me to know who He is. He took the time to tell Isaiah and the people of Israel almost 3000 years ago this story of who He is knowing that I would also benefit from this telling.
All that He was to Israel in those days, He is to me right now. My God never changes and I can depend on Him to do and be all that He says.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Time Off
I just spent a wonderful weekend with some really good friends at a house at Lake Junaluska. Quite a mix of people and life stories and walks with Christ.
We always have a great time talking and laughing and catching up on everything that is happening in everyone's life. Everyone was either congratulatory or jealous of my retirement. I am excited about what the future holds.
One thing one of the ladies told me over and over is to not get myself over committed in the volunteering area. I
could seem to make her understand that I will do what God leads me to do. If that is one day a week, I will volunteer one day a week. If that is 5 days a week, I will volunteer 5 days a week. But I don't plan to commit too fast to too much so I can give God time to direct me.
I am planning to take the next week off as a vacation week - a time to just relax and refresh and do a lot of thinking about God and where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. I am NOT planning to do lots of yard work or closet cleaning or other household chores during this time. I AM planning to do a lot of Bible study and book reading and exercising (we ate soooo much food this weekend!).
Retirement (meaning a life spent doing only what I want to do or doing nothing at all) is not a biblical concept. Just because I will no longer be someone's paid employee, I am not giving up on using the gifts God has given me. I must continue to serve and work and touch lives wherever He leads me.
As a paid employee I did what was required by the job I had and spoke Jesus into the lives of my coworkers as often as I could. As a retiree I will be free to pursue interests that God has put on my heart and still use the abilities He has given me and hopefully will speak Jesus into a lot more lives without the restraints of "work".
We always have a great time talking and laughing and catching up on everything that is happening in everyone's life. Everyone was either congratulatory or jealous of my retirement. I am excited about what the future holds.
One thing one of the ladies told me over and over is to not get myself over committed in the volunteering area. I
could seem to make her understand that I will do what God leads me to do. If that is one day a week, I will volunteer one day a week. If that is 5 days a week, I will volunteer 5 days a week. But I don't plan to commit too fast to too much so I can give God time to direct me.
I am planning to take the next week off as a vacation week - a time to just relax and refresh and do a lot of thinking about God and where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. I am NOT planning to do lots of yard work or closet cleaning or other household chores during this time. I AM planning to do a lot of Bible study and book reading and exercising (we ate soooo much food this weekend!).
Retirement (meaning a life spent doing only what I want to do or doing nothing at all) is not a biblical concept. Just because I will no longer be someone's paid employee, I am not giving up on using the gifts God has given me. I must continue to serve and work and touch lives wherever He leads me.
As a paid employee I did what was required by the job I had and spoke Jesus into the lives of my coworkers as often as I could. As a retiree I will be free to pursue interests that God has put on my heart and still use the abilities He has given me and hopefully will speak Jesus into a lot more lives without the restraints of "work".
Monday, August 30, 2010
I have heard people say, and have even thought myself, that God does not do miracles like He did in the Bible. I mean I have never seen a river (like the Jordan) or a sea (as in Red) parted for people to walk through on dry ground.
I have never seen food on the ground with the dew in the morning. I have not seen the miraculous, instantaneous healing of a blind, deaf or mute person. I have not seen water turned to wine.
But yesterday at NewSpring, I saw hundreds of dead people raised to life. And I had to praise God that He still performs miracles in my day, in my presence. Of course these were not people whose bodies had quit functioning in the physical form of death. They were people who were dead in their sins, destined for an eternity separated from God. Now, because of Jesus and the cross and the willingness of these to say "Yes!" to the prompting of the Spirit in their hearts and to surrender their lives to Jesus, over 500 people on all campuses are now raised from the dead and are new creations in Christ Jesus.
Lord God, I can not thank You enough for allowing me to be part of what You are in doing in my day!
I have never seen food on the ground with the dew in the morning. I have not seen the miraculous, instantaneous healing of a blind, deaf or mute person. I have not seen water turned to wine.
But yesterday at NewSpring, I saw hundreds of dead people raised to life. And I had to praise God that He still performs miracles in my day, in my presence. Of course these were not people whose bodies had quit functioning in the physical form of death. They were people who were dead in their sins, destined for an eternity separated from God. Now, because of Jesus and the cross and the willingness of these to say "Yes!" to the prompting of the Spirit in their hearts and to surrender their lives to Jesus, over 500 people on all campuses are now raised from the dead and are new creations in Christ Jesus.
Lord God, I can not thank You enough for allowing me to be part of what You are in doing in my day!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I have been praying for God to make changes in the lives of my family. Today Nathan asked for a Bible after church. I asked him if he would read it and he said he yes so we got a Bible from Guest Services. Nate started Fuse last week and has already invited someone to go with him this Wednesday.
Jeremy and Holly signed up today to be part of a home group. I hope they will be able to find a group of people they can bond with. I am seeing a real interest in the things of God in their lives that was not there even a few months ago.
In my own life I am having opportunities to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time. One of those things is helping Kevin in Production to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, etc. so that he can be proactive in communicating with the team members, to foster a real since of family. I would love to see this develop into an actual care ministry within the Production Team.
God is SO good. He loves us so much and really wants us to be alive in Him. He wants to give us so much but it is often hard to trust Him with our futures. Giving up control is not easy but God is so much wiser than me. He has more resources than me. He has more power than me. Keep me, Jesus, close to Your heart. I want to be on Your team. I want to be on fire for You, to surrender all that I am and all that I have!
Jeremy and Holly signed up today to be part of a home group. I hope they will be able to find a group of people they can bond with. I am seeing a real interest in the things of God in their lives that was not there even a few months ago.
In my own life I am having opportunities to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time. One of those things is helping Kevin in Production to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, etc. so that he can be proactive in communicating with the team members, to foster a real since of family. I would love to see this develop into an actual care ministry within the Production Team.
God is SO good. He loves us so much and really wants us to be alive in Him. He wants to give us so much but it is often hard to trust Him with our futures. Giving up control is not easy but God is so much wiser than me. He has more resources than me. He has more power than me. Keep me, Jesus, close to Your heart. I want to be on Your team. I want to be on fire for You, to surrender all that I am and all that I have!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Today Was a Good Day
Perry was pumped up today as he preached at NewSpring! He's really on fire to see people reach their potential in Christ and his excitement is contagious.
After church Holly said they need to attend a membership class. I reiterated the need to tithe and to volunteer and she said surely there is something they can volunteer for that will work into their schedule. (This being Jeremy going to school Mon - Thurs from 8-11 AM, plus 2 online classes, plus kids get home from school at 3 PM, plus he goes to work at 5 and works until midnight.) All this said as we were leaving the church and they were headed to the Fuse building to get the scoop on Fuse and to let Nate see and hear what will be going on.
Nate is excited about going to Fuse. I hope this will carry over so that he will study hard to get his homework done so he can go every week. Bella was very excited today as well about moving up to her K5 group. She learned about making friends and also got a sticker for being the first one to find all her items in a scavenger hunt.
I am so glad that NewSpring is a place they look forward to attending; that God is working in their lives; and that He is going to show himself faithful as they trust Him with everything.
After church Holly said they need to attend a membership class. I reiterated the need to tithe and to volunteer and she said surely there is something they can volunteer for that will work into their schedule. (This being Jeremy going to school Mon - Thurs from 8-11 AM, plus 2 online classes, plus kids get home from school at 3 PM, plus he goes to work at 5 and works until midnight.) All this said as we were leaving the church and they were headed to the Fuse building to get the scoop on Fuse and to let Nate see and hear what will be going on.
Nate is excited about going to Fuse. I hope this will carry over so that he will study hard to get his homework done so he can go every week. Bella was very excited today as well about moving up to her K5 group. She learned about making friends and also got a sticker for being the first one to find all her items in a scavenger hunt.
I am so glad that NewSpring is a place they look forward to attending; that God is working in their lives; and that He is going to show himself faithful as they trust Him with everything.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Taming the Tongue
When many people read what James has to say about taming the tongue, they naturally think of gossip or telling lies or hurting people with our words or bragging about our accomplishments. All these are part of taming the tongue. That can be a lifelong process.
But the passages that really get to me are verses 9 & 10. This really causes me, most of the time, to think before I speak about someone. Especially if I don't particularly like the person. Or maybe it is someone I don't even know personally but is "famous" - a politician, an actor, a church leader - and I disagree with what I read and hear about them.
Even if I don't use profanity, I can still curse someone by holding them in disdain or ridiculing them or dismissing them as stupid or unworthy of thought or respect. ALL people are made in the image of God.
My mom used to say if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That old saying is at the heart of these verses. But in our society today, we all have a "right" to speak our minds and we are bombarded with political pundits and entertainment gurus who want to speak all the dirt they can about everyone they can. It is our habit, although a very bad habit, to have our say, to voice our opinion, to jump into the fray - whatever you want to call it - over things that really don't matter much in the greater scope of things but they cause use to speak all sorts of curses over people made in the image of God.
God loves those we hate. Jesus died for those we disagree with. The Holy Spirit can convict them AND me of sin and draw us to Jesus.
So, do I praise Jesus on Sunday and curse the President on Monday? This should not be!!
But the passages that really get to me are verses 9 & 10. This really causes me, most of the time, to think before I speak about someone. Especially if I don't particularly like the person. Or maybe it is someone I don't even know personally but is "famous" - a politician, an actor, a church leader - and I disagree with what I read and hear about them.
Even if I don't use profanity, I can still curse someone by holding them in disdain or ridiculing them or dismissing them as stupid or unworthy of thought or respect. ALL people are made in the image of God.
My mom used to say if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That old saying is at the heart of these verses. But in our society today, we all have a "right" to speak our minds and we are bombarded with political pundits and entertainment gurus who want to speak all the dirt they can about everyone they can. It is our habit, although a very bad habit, to have our say, to voice our opinion, to jump into the fray - whatever you want to call it - over things that really don't matter much in the greater scope of things but they cause use to speak all sorts of curses over people made in the image of God.
God loves those we hate. Jesus died for those we disagree with. The Holy Spirit can convict them AND me of sin and draw us to Jesus.
So, do I praise Jesus on Sunday and curse the President on Monday? This should not be!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Evangelism Seminar - Now What?
I love my church! On Monday of this week Perry came to Greenville to lead an evangelism seminar. I was working production and didn't get to really listen to all he had to say. So tonight I was able to watch the seminar live from the Anderson campus as Perry concluded a week of live teaching at each campus.
The challenge is to put into action all that he talked about. Building relationships. Preparing and sharing my testimony. Praying for opportunities and boldness. Just being available and willing to talk about what Jesus has done for me.
It's not always easy but God's word IS alive and active and able to do what God intends for it to do. Perry challenged us to prepare to lead one person - just one - to Christ in the next 12 months; to disciple them and encourage them to lead one person to Christ and for me to lead one more. As we multiply this out the potential to reach our state, our nation and the world is staggering.
Open my eyes, Lord, to see the fields ripe for harvest. To understand the part I play in Your plans for the salvation of people in my family and community. Give me a heart that cares for those You care about that are far from God. Give me opportunities and the boldness to grab those opportunities when You present them.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Great Opportunities
Last week I had the opportunity to do a couple of things. On Wednesday I went to the office of one of the ladies where I work to seek information. The office manager was in this office and the conversation turned to communion and baptism and salvation.
I was asked if a person had to be baptized by immersion to take communion at NewSpring. I said no you just have to be able, in your heart, to affirm that you have asked Jesus into your heart and you know that you have a personal relationship with Him. I continued to say that baptism does not save you (to the person who always says at least her children are Christian because they have been baptized and go to a Christian school.) She seemed to be shaken by what I said but I left her in the able hands of the manager.
Later that day a man on staff at Miracle Hill Ministries in Spartanburg was in the office to speak to one of the men. I happened to walk to the copier while they were together and Dan called me into his office to meet Jim. After talking to him and reading the book he gave me, I am absolutely convinced this is the place God wants me to serve. I don't know how God will use me but I am so excited to see what's going to happen.
Jim said they need mentors and Bible study leaders and people to preach at chapel services. I said I'm not a preacher but Dan piped up and said I heard you preaching earlier to those women [in the office]. I laughed and said that I could talk easily about my faith one on one or in small groups but preach - I don't think so.
So I had 2, count them TWO, great opportunities last week. I got to share the Gospel with a co-worker who believes in works based religion and I got to talk to Miracle Hill about opportunities of service. I will be calling Jim after I quit work and will go over to the Rescue Mission, take a tour and have lunch with the residents and staff. Then we will see where I might fit in.
God is already working in my retirement. Woo Hoo!!
I was asked if a person had to be baptized by immersion to take communion at NewSpring. I said no you just have to be able, in your heart, to affirm that you have asked Jesus into your heart and you know that you have a personal relationship with Him. I continued to say that baptism does not save you (to the person who always says at least her children are Christian because they have been baptized and go to a Christian school.) She seemed to be shaken by what I said but I left her in the able hands of the manager.
Later that day a man on staff at Miracle Hill Ministries in Spartanburg was in the office to speak to one of the men. I happened to walk to the copier while they were together and Dan called me into his office to meet Jim. After talking to him and reading the book he gave me, I am absolutely convinced this is the place God wants me to serve. I don't know how God will use me but I am so excited to see what's going to happen.
Jim said they need mentors and Bible study leaders and people to preach at chapel services. I said I'm not a preacher but Dan piped up and said I heard you preaching earlier to those women [in the office]. I laughed and said that I could talk easily about my faith one on one or in small groups but preach - I don't think so.
So I had 2, count them TWO, great opportunities last week. I got to share the Gospel with a co-worker who believes in works based religion and I got to talk to Miracle Hill about opportunities of service. I will be calling Jim after I quit work and will go over to the Rescue Mission, take a tour and have lunch with the residents and staff. Then we will see where I might fit in.
God is already working in my retirement. Woo Hoo!!
Fall from Heaven
Although Isaiah 14:12-14 is often quoted as the story of the fall of Lucifer from his place of prominence in Heaven, this passage is actually about the fall of Babylon.
But it doesn't matter who the topic of conversation is about because it is the story of all mankind. It is about me and it is my story as much as that of anyone else.
The "I" pronoun is the prominent feature of this passage. "You said in your heart, 'I will..., I will..., I will..., I will..., I will.'" Before I met Christ that was who I was...selfish, me focused, worshiping myself or my stuff or my resources or anything but God. Because of our sin nature, that is the story of each person until we meet Jesus and surrender all the "I" to Him.
The really scary part of this passage is verse 15, "But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit." Without Jesus I too would be in the pit and facing a life AND eternity without hope. I am so grateful that Jesus saved me and I want to share that as often as possible with those I know.
But it doesn't matter who the topic of conversation is about because it is the story of all mankind. It is about me and it is my story as much as that of anyone else.
The "I" pronoun is the prominent feature of this passage. "You said in your heart, 'I will..., I will..., I will..., I will..., I will.'" Before I met Christ that was who I was...selfish, me focused, worshiping myself or my stuff or my resources or anything but God. Because of our sin nature, that is the story of each person until we meet Jesus and surrender all the "I" to Him.
The really scary part of this passage is verse 15, "But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit." Without Jesus I too would be in the pit and facing a life AND eternity without hope. I am so grateful that Jesus saved me and I want to share that as often as possible with those I know.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Stand Firm
In Isaiah 7, Ahaz has become king of Judah and some of the local tough guys decide to lay siege to Jerusalem. God sent Isaiah to Ahaz to tell him not to be afraid. He said you've heard that Rezin and Aram and Ephraim have plotted your ruin. But God said, "It's will not take place, it will not happen." And then He proceeds to tell Ahaz how these who are plotting against him will be destroyed. Then God says, "If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all."
Stand firm in your faith. What does that really mean? To me it means I should never doubt God. But how many times have I doubted God's presence or His leading or His care or His ability AND willingness to come through in a tough situation. Does doubt running below the surface of my thoughts, my Bible study, my prayers prevent God from acting on my behalf?
In James 1:2-8 we are told "But when he asks [God], he must believe and not doubt." James goes on to say the one who doubts should not expect to receive anything from God.
How can I say I believe God is who He says He is and still have doubts, still have fears, still wonder what will happen next? Although God told Ahaz what would happen next, I don't always get to know how my situation will end. But God still says, "Stand firm!"
Stand firm in your faith. What does that really mean? To me it means I should never doubt God. But how many times have I doubted God's presence or His leading or His care or His ability AND willingness to come through in a tough situation. Does doubt running below the surface of my thoughts, my Bible study, my prayers prevent God from acting on my behalf?
In James 1:2-8 we are told "But when he asks [God], he must believe and not doubt." James goes on to say the one who doubts should not expect to receive anything from God.
How can I say I believe God is who He says He is and still have doubts, still have fears, still wonder what will happen next? Although God told Ahaz what would happen next, I don't always get to know how my situation will end. But God still says, "Stand firm!"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I Love My Church
I love my church. Perry took the time today at NewSpring to do another question and answer service. Well, actually 3 of them.
I just love the way Perry will honestly answer whatever anyone asks. He doesn't beat around the bush or gloss over his answers. He just tells us what God's word says. And that after all is THE final authority for every issue in life.
I just love the way Perry will honestly answer whatever anyone asks. He doesn't beat around the bush or gloss over his answers. He just tells us what God's word says. And that after all is THE final authority for every issue in life.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Night of Vision
Had a great night at the Greenville campus as Perry hosted a night of vision to walk us through changes that are being implemented. I love the technology that we use to get all 4 campuses together for an event like this. There wasn't even a delay tonight. We came in just as the Anderson crowd was told to be seated.
It was great to hear some of the statistics like summer attendance is up at all our campuses. Giving has not dwindled because the economy tanked...we've not had any budget cuts or layoffs of staff. In fact, we are hiring. Since 2008 we have opened 3 campuses and are about to open a 4th.
So why is this going on at NewSpring? The favor of God! First and foremost it's a God thing. BUT it is also because we have a solid vision, passionate servants and financially generous people. I am so blessed that God allows me to be part of this. I am overwhelmed again and again that He chose me to be part of NewSpring.
Perry also shared our new vision statement - NewSpring is a church where change takes place. And our new core values - Found people find people, Saved people serve people, I can't do life alone, Growing people change, and I can't out give God.
One point I really liked was we will no longer be a church with members but with owners. Members have rights but owners have responsibility. That resonated with me...I need to take ownership of this small segment of God's Church to do whatever it takes to follow closely after God to help further the vision and values of NewSpring.
The most exciting part of the night was Perry's announcement that we are going to start local community service projects. That has been something I have mentioned on more than one occasion to Production Staff so I am really glad to see that coming to reality.
I can't wait to see what God does over the next year - or ten!! (Scripture for the night: Hosea 10:12)
It was great to hear some of the statistics like summer attendance is up at all our campuses. Giving has not dwindled because the economy tanked...we've not had any budget cuts or layoffs of staff. In fact, we are hiring. Since 2008 we have opened 3 campuses and are about to open a 4th.
So why is this going on at NewSpring? The favor of God! First and foremost it's a God thing. BUT it is also because we have a solid vision, passionate servants and financially generous people. I am so blessed that God allows me to be part of this. I am overwhelmed again and again that He chose me to be part of NewSpring.
Perry also shared our new vision statement - NewSpring is a church where change takes place. And our new core values - Found people find people, Saved people serve people, I can't do life alone, Growing people change, and I can't out give God.
One point I really liked was we will no longer be a church with members but with owners. Members have rights but owners have responsibility. That resonated with me...I need to take ownership of this small segment of God's Church to do whatever it takes to follow closely after God to help further the vision and values of NewSpring.
The most exciting part of the night was Perry's announcement that we are going to start local community service projects. That has been something I have mentioned on more than one occasion to Production Staff so I am really glad to see that coming to reality.
I can't wait to see what God does over the next year - or ten!! (Scripture for the night: Hosea 10:12)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
It has been a busy day. Nate had a birthday party at No Name Skate Park in Greenville. I helped transport the boys, ages 9-15, who are Nate's friends and skating buddies.
On the way home I enjoyed listening to the 3 boys that were in the car with me. They were speaking a language that I hear from Nate on occasion but this was non-stop...rock the fakie, 50-50, drag your tail, spitfire, mini mini, drop in, sick, pop shove it... I can't remember all the terms. Every trick and every ramp has a special name. Their skateboards have different kinds of boards, grip tape, trucks, wheels and bearings. These kids really live and breathe skateboarding.
I guess every activity is like that to some degree. Each has its own names and unique lingo. It's fun to listen to these kids be so excited about what they can do and so willing to help each other learn.
On the way home I enjoyed listening to the 3 boys that were in the car with me. They were speaking a language that I hear from Nate on occasion but this was non-stop...rock the fakie, 50-50, drag your tail, spitfire, mini mini, drop in, sick, pop shove it... I can't remember all the terms. Every trick and every ramp has a special name. Their skateboards have different kinds of boards, grip tape, trucks, wheels and bearings. These kids really live and breathe skateboarding.
I guess every activity is like that to some degree. Each has its own names and unique lingo. It's fun to listen to these kids be so excited about what they can do and so willing to help each other learn.
By Faith
The 11th chapter of Hebrews is known as the "Hall of Faith". This chapter opens with a verse that is one of the most quoted in Scripture. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The NIV renders this, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I particularly like the Amplified Bible, "Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]."
I like the bracketed comment at the end. I want to have faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Just like the people listed in this Hall of Faith.
Seventeen times the phrase "By faith..." is used to describe people or events. The writer tells us that "Without faith it is impossible to please God...and that He rewards those who seek Him." He goes on to tell in Hebrews 11:32-38 how some conquered kingdoms, some were tortured; some enforced justice, some were mocked and flogged; some obtained promises, some were in chains and imprisoned; some stopped the mouths of lion, some were stoned; some quenched the power of fire, some were sawed in two; some escaped the sword, some were killed with the sword.
Often we Christians view those who experience the "good" half of the comparison to have been rewarded for seeking God and those who experienced the "bad" half of the comparison NOT to be rewarded by God. Yet we are told they were ALL commended for their faith - even though they did not receive what had been promised. NONE of them received what had been promised.
But that promise has now been fulfilled. "Therefore...Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." Hebrews 12:2
Why do we think that God's reward is earthly satisfaction in life with ease and health and plenty? If we have met Jesus, if we have been called to Him we have the greatest reward coming; we have received the promise!
I like the bracketed comment at the end. I want to have faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Just like the people listed in this Hall of Faith.
Seventeen times the phrase "By faith..." is used to describe people or events. The writer tells us that "Without faith it is impossible to please God...and that He rewards those who seek Him." He goes on to tell in Hebrews 11:32-38 how some conquered kingdoms, some were tortured; some enforced justice, some were mocked and flogged; some obtained promises, some were in chains and imprisoned; some stopped the mouths of lion, some were stoned; some quenched the power of fire, some were sawed in two; some escaped the sword, some were killed with the sword.
Often we Christians view those who experience the "good" half of the comparison to have been rewarded for seeking God and those who experienced the "bad" half of the comparison NOT to be rewarded by God. Yet we are told they were ALL commended for their faith - even though they did not receive what had been promised. NONE of them received what had been promised.
But that promise has now been fulfilled. "Therefore...Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." Hebrews 12:2
Why do we think that God's reward is earthly satisfaction in life with ease and health and plenty? If we have met Jesus, if we have been called to Him we have the greatest reward coming; we have received the promise!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Clothed with Christ
I don't have any idea how many times I've read Galatians 3:26-29. But today God opened my eyes to something I don't think I have thought about recently.
Verse 27 says, "for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." I have a note in one of my Bibles that clothed means enveloped. As I thought about that I thought about the clothes I wear. My clothes surround me. Not a head to toe covering but enough to protect me from the sun, insect bites and scrapes. My clothes are the first thing people might notice about me. My clothes project an image and cause people to make a judgement about me whether true or not.
So what about being clothed with Christ. Is my relationship with Christ one of the first things people notice about me? Do my actions and my words speak to others of my being clothed with Christ? Have I allowed my clothing to become ragged and dirty by the way I live?
Jesus Christ clothed me with Himself when I professed Him as my Lord and Savior. This clothing can not be bought or earned. But I think it does require maintenance on my part to keep it fresh and clean...confession of sin; and to keep it mended...daily time in the Word and worship.
Verse 27 says, "for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." I have a note in one of my Bibles that clothed means enveloped. As I thought about that I thought about the clothes I wear. My clothes surround me. Not a head to toe covering but enough to protect me from the sun, insect bites and scrapes. My clothes are the first thing people might notice about me. My clothes project an image and cause people to make a judgement about me whether true or not.
So what about being clothed with Christ. Is my relationship with Christ one of the first things people notice about me? Do my actions and my words speak to others of my being clothed with Christ? Have I allowed my clothing to become ragged and dirty by the way I live?
Jesus Christ clothed me with Himself when I professed Him as my Lord and Savior. This clothing can not be bought or earned. But I think it does require maintenance on my part to keep it fresh and clean...confession of sin; and to keep it mended...daily time in the Word and worship.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Plan B
What a treat to have Pete Wilson from Cross Point Church in Nashville TN with us today at NewSpring. He talked about what you do when your life is a good news/bad news life using the story of Joseph from Genesis.
We all experience bad news at some time - loss of job, divorce, illness, death, etc. How the Christian reacts to this bad news is important because people are watching. Just as the Bible tells us "the Lord was with Joseph" when he was sold as a slave by his brothers and later was put in prison for a crime he didn't commit, God is with us even when we are in the midst of bad news, when we have to go to plan B.
It is imperative that we remember who God is and what He has promised rather than looking at our circumstance. Often we may not feel like God is there but we MUST believe He will never leave us or forsake us. We must take Him at His word!
We all experience bad news at some time - loss of job, divorce, illness, death, etc. How the Christian reacts to this bad news is important because people are watching. Just as the Bible tells us "the Lord was with Joseph" when he was sold as a slave by his brothers and later was put in prison for a crime he didn't commit, God is with us even when we are in the midst of bad news, when we have to go to plan B.
It is imperative that we remember who God is and what He has promised rather than looking at our circumstance. Often we may not feel like God is there but we MUST believe He will never leave us or forsake us. We must take Him at His word!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
KidSpring Takeover
On July 4, KidSpring took over the services at every campus of NewSpring. My family went to the 6 pm service in Anderson. Jeremy and Holly really liked the church facility there and the whole atmosphere. The grandkids - well all of us - loved the actual service.
The acting was very well done and really kept the attention of both children. They clapped and danced and sang all the way through the performance. I thought the message "God has a plan for my family" was clearly presented along with the message about making right choices and that cheating and being mean don't honor God.
After the service was over we went to the little park down the road and had a picnic. There were lots of ducks there and room for the children to run and play. Then we went back toward the church for the evening fireworks.
We had been to downtown Spartanburg for the fireworks on Saturday night as well. I was pleasantly surprised that the fireworks in Anderson were really pretty different from the ones we had seen the night before. We had a really good view too because we were just off 81 in the back lot of the church on the corner of Concord Rd. LOTS of people at both events. Great way to close out July 4, 2010.
The acting was very well done and really kept the attention of both children. They clapped and danced and sang all the way through the performance. I thought the message "God has a plan for my family" was clearly presented along with the message about making right choices and that cheating and being mean don't honor God.
After the service was over we went to the little park down the road and had a picnic. There were lots of ducks there and room for the children to run and play. Then we went back toward the church for the evening fireworks.
We had been to downtown Spartanburg for the fireworks on Saturday night as well. I was pleasantly surprised that the fireworks in Anderson were really pretty different from the ones we had seen the night before. We had a really good view too because we were just off 81 in the back lot of the church on the corner of Concord Rd. LOTS of people at both events. Great way to close out July 4, 2010.
Wii Fit Plus
It has been so hot recently that I have not wanted to go for walks. So I decided to drop a small bundle of cash on a Wii Fit Plus.
This has been the most fun! I had gotten so tired of the bowling and golf and pool and other games that I had here. Now I am doing yoga and riding a bicycle and jogging and riding a segway. I was concerned about the cost but I think it is going to be a well used addition to my entertainment and fitness library of stuff.
When I retire in a month and a half and the weather, hopefully, is much cooler, I will be able to walk outside AND do some fun exercises inside. After 46 years of employment I will be able to set my own schedule. I won't be pushed for time anymore! WooHoo!!
This has been the most fun! I had gotten so tired of the bowling and golf and pool and other games that I had here. Now I am doing yoga and riding a bicycle and jogging and riding a segway. I was concerned about the cost but I think it is going to be a well used addition to my entertainment and fitness library of stuff.
When I retire in a month and a half and the weather, hopefully, is much cooler, I will be able to walk outside AND do some fun exercises inside. After 46 years of employment I will be able to set my own schedule. I won't be pushed for time anymore! WooHoo!!
Too Great and Too Marvelous
I've been reading Psalms 120-134. Each called "A song of ascents", they were probably written to be sung as pilgrims approached Mt. Zion for the annual feasts. Every one of these songs has something in it that I want to meditate on.
But Psalm 131 has a phrase that really caught my attention. This song is attributed to David who spent a lot of time with God. At the end of verse 1 he says, "I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me." That struck me as a very important verse for me.
I recently heard a preacher talking about God's will. He asked and answered his own questions. Is God sovereign? Yes! Does God know ALL things? Yes! Does man have free will to choose? Yes! How can you have both? I don't know!!
That is one of the things that has been debated for centuries. But it is a concept too great and too marvelous for me! There are other things that I just will not know about God or life or death until I get to heaven some day. In the mean time, I do not need to occupy myself with them. I do not need to spend time debating or trying to reason or prove these concepts. I just need to believe that my God it too great and too marvelous for me to completely understand these things now.
But Psalm 131 has a phrase that really caught my attention. This song is attributed to David who spent a lot of time with God. At the end of verse 1 he says, "I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me." That struck me as a very important verse for me.
I recently heard a preacher talking about God's will. He asked and answered his own questions. Is God sovereign? Yes! Does God know ALL things? Yes! Does man have free will to choose? Yes! How can you have both? I don't know!!
That is one of the things that has been debated for centuries. But it is a concept too great and too marvelous for me! There are other things that I just will not know about God or life or death until I get to heaven some day. In the mean time, I do not need to occupy myself with them. I do not need to spend time debating or trying to reason or prove these concepts. I just need to believe that my God it too great and too marvelous for me to completely understand these things now.
Monday, July 5, 2010
His Heart Is Firm
I just love reading the Psalms. As I read I come across verses that cause a song to pop into my head. I think it's great the way God gave these songs to His people so long ago and musicians today can use them to reach people in our time as well. God's word is timeless.
But I digress...my Bible titles each Psalm. The title for Psalm 112 is "The Righteous Will Never Be Moved". Verses 7-8 say "[The righteous] is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries."
That was great reminder to me in this day of corporate bad news like the economy and the oil spill or even if I should have personal bad news about health or family, my heart should be firm. I am counted among the righteous because of Jesus so my trust should always be in God, not my circumstance.
Jesus said, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
But I digress...my Bible titles each Psalm. The title for Psalm 112 is "The Righteous Will Never Be Moved". Verses 7-8 say "[The righteous] is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries."
That was great reminder to me in this day of corporate bad news like the economy and the oil spill or even if I should have personal bad news about health or family, my heart should be firm. I am counted among the righteous because of Jesus so my trust should always be in God, not my circumstance.
Jesus said, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
I Give Myself to Prayer
I ran across this little sentence in Psalm 109 the other day. David is voicing a complaint to God about men who are lying and deceitful, who have become his enemies and then he says, "...but I give myself to prayer."
That made me stop and think. Do I give myself to prayer? Praying is probably one of the hardest things I do. It is so easy to just mouth a "Forgive me" or "Help me" or something similar without really getting into a deep conversation with God. But if I want to hear from God, I've got to get into those real conversations with him. And that takes more than a couple of minutes of going over my to do list for God.
It means taking time to approach a holy God with an attitude of meekness and humbleness. It means praising Him because He is worthy of praise. It means confessing my sins. It means remembering and thanking him for His faithfulness. And THEN I can offer up my to do list but mixed into all of this is time to listen. A lecture is when one person speaks and another listens. A conversation is give and take, both speak at times and both listen at times. Prayer is to be a conversation WITH God and that means I have to stop talking and just listen.
That made me stop and think. Do I give myself to prayer? Praying is probably one of the hardest things I do. It is so easy to just mouth a "Forgive me" or "Help me" or something similar without really getting into a deep conversation with God. But if I want to hear from God, I've got to get into those real conversations with him. And that takes more than a couple of minutes of going over my to do list for God.
It means taking time to approach a holy God with an attitude of meekness and humbleness. It means praising Him because He is worthy of praise. It means confessing my sins. It means remembering and thanking him for His faithfulness. And THEN I can offer up my to do list but mixed into all of this is time to listen. A lecture is when one person speaks and another listens. A conversation is give and take, both speak at times and both listen at times. Prayer is to be a conversation WITH God and that means I have to stop talking and just listen.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
God Bless America
That phrase has become very trite over the years as people sing it on the 4th of July with hearts that are very far from God. And right now many people don't believe God is blessing our country because of the recession, the unemployment, the uncertainty of the future.
God HAS blessed this country over all the years of our existence. We have more stuff - including food and shelter than most countries in the world. So why is it that we are very rarely satisfied - content might be the biblical word - with what we have. We have an almost insatiable appetite for more. More cars, more TVs, more electronics, more money, more music, more clothes, more, more, more. There are many people who would be satisfied with one meal a day, nothing more, while we accumulate debt to buy stuff we don't need.
But on July 4, 2010 I do want to ask God sincerely to bless America - with revival. Turn our hearts, Lord, to You. Open our eyes to our pitiful condition, not because we don't have enough stuff, but because we are on the highway to destruction. A life lived without Jesus is an empty, pitiable life even if you have all the riches of the world. Luke 12:16-21
Happy 4th of July, America! I love this country! One of the greatest blessing God ever gave to me was allowing me to be born an American. I don't ever want to take that blessing for granted.
God HAS blessed this country over all the years of our existence. We have more stuff - including food and shelter than most countries in the world. So why is it that we are very rarely satisfied - content might be the biblical word - with what we have. We have an almost insatiable appetite for more. More cars, more TVs, more electronics, more money, more music, more clothes, more, more, more. There are many people who would be satisfied with one meal a day, nothing more, while we accumulate debt to buy stuff we don't need.
But on July 4, 2010 I do want to ask God sincerely to bless America - with revival. Turn our hearts, Lord, to You. Open our eyes to our pitiful condition, not because we don't have enough stuff, but because we are on the highway to destruction. A life lived without Jesus is an empty, pitiable life even if you have all the riches of the world. Luke 12:16-21
Happy 4th of July, America! I love this country! One of the greatest blessing God ever gave to me was allowing me to be born an American. I don't ever want to take that blessing for granted.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Nothing Worthless
A day or two ago I read a passage in Psalm 101 that I came back to this morning. The first half of verse 3 says "I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless."
I've been thinking about how much worthless stuff I might be setting before my eyes. I don't watch a lot of TV anyway but I have wondered how much of what I do watch is worthless. Is it really worth spending my time just sitting in front of a TV - or a computer - just looking at stuff? Especially if I am just filling time.
And what about what I read. I read fiction for pleasure and relaxation but is there anything uplifting or beneficial in what I read?
One day I will stand before a holy God. Will what I have watched or read be acceptable to Him? The optimal word here is that God is HOLY! Much of what I watch or read is not. There may be murder and mayhem or sexual innuendo or disrespect for authority or language that I don't use. So does that make it worthless? I would have to say it probably does.
I've been thinking about how much worthless stuff I might be setting before my eyes. I don't watch a lot of TV anyway but I have wondered how much of what I do watch is worthless. Is it really worth spending my time just sitting in front of a TV - or a computer - just looking at stuff? Especially if I am just filling time.
And what about what I read. I read fiction for pleasure and relaxation but is there anything uplifting or beneficial in what I read?
One day I will stand before a holy God. Will what I have watched or read be acceptable to Him? The optimal word here is that God is HOLY! Much of what I watch or read is not. There may be murder and mayhem or sexual innuendo or disrespect for authority or language that I don't use. So does that make it worthless? I would have to say it probably does.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Brad Cooper tweeted something several days ago that I really liked. In fact I liked it so much I wrote it down and now have it in my study Bible. It is a quote from St. Augustine:
"Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand."
That has really given a new perspective to my study time. Before if I came across something difficult, I would read it for understanding with an attitude of I'm not sure I can believe this until I understand what God is trying to say. Now I start with an attitude of I AM sure I believe this God because You wrote it, help me to understand.
I have believed God's word for a long time but now I am going to focus more on believing. No wavering, no doubts.
"Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand."
That has really given a new perspective to my study time. Before if I came across something difficult, I would read it for understanding with an attitude of I'm not sure I can believe this until I understand what God is trying to say. Now I start with an attitude of I AM sure I believe this God because You wrote it, help me to understand.
I have believed God's word for a long time but now I am going to focus more on believing. No wavering, no doubts.
Songs of Praise
I really love reading the Psalms of praise.
"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord...let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!" "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Psalm 95
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before Him all the earth." Psalm 96
"The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice..."; "Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to His holy name!" Psalm 97
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" Psalm 98
"The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!" "Let them praise Your great and awesome name! Holy is He!" "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy!" Psalm 99
"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!" Psalm 100
"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord...let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!" "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Psalm 95
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before Him all the earth." Psalm 96
"The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice..."; "Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to His holy name!" Psalm 97
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song..."; "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" Psalm 98
"The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!" "Let them praise Your great and awesome name! Holy is He!" "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy!" Psalm 99
"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!" Psalm 100
Friday, June 25, 2010
World Cup
This morning as I came to work I was listening to some reports about the World Cup. France and Italy, former winners, both lost in early rounds.
What was so amazing to me was the response from the home countries. The Minister of Sports in France got up in their Parliament or whatever it is called and spoke of the disgrace to the country and the damage to all the school children because their team did not fare well in a soccer tournament. A SOCCER TOURNAMENT!!
The French team did act badly and brought the loss on themselves by their refusal to practice. They found it necessary to sneak back into the country through a small, seldom used airport so they would not have to face the public or the reporters. The Sports Minister spoke of the loss of hope.
One guy who was interviewed spoke of the economic issues that had everyone depressed and now this - the depression just gets worse.
I guess it's true in America too that people let their identity and worth be tied into the success or failure of their favorite sports team whether college or professional. What a sad day for the French and the Italians and even for our world, that the hope of a country rides on the shoulders of a soccer team, or a baseball team, or any kind of team.
If our hope is in any person except the person of Jesus Christ, we are in a sad state indeed. People will always disappoint us but Jesus NEVER will.
What was so amazing to me was the response from the home countries. The Minister of Sports in France got up in their Parliament or whatever it is called and spoke of the disgrace to the country and the damage to all the school children because their team did not fare well in a soccer tournament. A SOCCER TOURNAMENT!!
The French team did act badly and brought the loss on themselves by their refusal to practice. They found it necessary to sneak back into the country through a small, seldom used airport so they would not have to face the public or the reporters. The Sports Minister spoke of the loss of hope.
One guy who was interviewed spoke of the economic issues that had everyone depressed and now this - the depression just gets worse.
I guess it's true in America too that people let their identity and worth be tied into the success or failure of their favorite sports team whether college or professional. What a sad day for the French and the Italians and even for our world, that the hope of a country rides on the shoulders of a soccer team, or a baseball team, or any kind of team.
If our hope is in any person except the person of Jesus Christ, we are in a sad state indeed. People will always disappoint us but Jesus NEVER will.
I listened to and sang the song "Better is one day in Your courts, better is one day in Your house, better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere" until I thought if I hear that song again I'll scream. That used to be a huge youth group song.
So when I read it this morning in Psalm 84 it immediately brought that song to mind. I thought I know it's scripture but I really do hope I don't have to hear it ever again. I like the rest of verse 10 that says I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.
To me being a doorkeeper is a sign of servanthood, of surrender. The doorkeeper is not the big shot or the rich and famous or the CEO but rather one who is willing to just be there to open doors, to make entrance a little easier. Most times people don't even know or notice the doorkeeper - unless he is absent.
Dwelling in the tents of the wicked can certainly be fun and sometimes profitable, being a doorkeeper doesn't bring much excitement and not much reward in the eyes of the public. But serving people, especially in the house of God, has rewards that are so much greater than anything the world has to offer.
So when I read it this morning in Psalm 84 it immediately brought that song to mind. I thought I know it's scripture but I really do hope I don't have to hear it ever again. I like the rest of verse 10 that says I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.
To me being a doorkeeper is a sign of servanthood, of surrender. The doorkeeper is not the big shot or the rich and famous or the CEO but rather one who is willing to just be there to open doors, to make entrance a little easier. Most times people don't even know or notice the doorkeeper - unless he is absent.
Dwelling in the tents of the wicked can certainly be fun and sometimes profitable, being a doorkeeper doesn't bring much excitement and not much reward in the eyes of the public. But serving people, especially in the house of God, has rewards that are so much greater than anything the world has to offer.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Restore Us
Our country is sorely in need of revival from God. His Church in America is sorely in need of revival. We - the American Church - are like the church at Laodicea that received a rebuke from Jesus for being lukewarm and self-satisfied.
Verses 3, 7, 19 of Psalm 80 are my prayer today for the Church. I like the way the Psalmist expands his view of God in these verses - from God to God Almighty to LORD God Almighty.
But of course the Church is people so that means me! I need a fresh, expanded view of God, a renewed fervor, a new sense of God's purpose in me. So this prayer is not just for the Church "out there" but for the life of God's Son "in here", in me...restore us, O LORD God Almighty! Let Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
Verses 3, 7, 19 of Psalm 80 are my prayer today for the Church. I like the way the Psalmist expands his view of God in these verses - from God to God Almighty to LORD God Almighty.
But of course the Church is people so that means me! I need a fresh, expanded view of God, a renewed fervor, a new sense of God's purpose in me. So this prayer is not just for the Church "out there" but for the life of God's Son "in here", in me...restore us, O LORD God Almighty! Let Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I've read Psalm 78 several times over the last few days. This Psalm is an admonition to teach the next generation about God's faithfulness. But there is much about Israel's forgetfulness.
HE: established, appointed, commanded
They: turned back, did not keep, refused, forgot
HE: divided, led, split, gave, made
They: tested, spoke against, [doubted]
HE: was full of wrath BECAUSE
They: did not believe God and did not trust His saving power
HE: commanded, opened, rained, gave, sent, caused, let
They: sinned; did not believe
HE: made their days vanish, killed
They: repented, sought, remembered, flattered, lied
HE: atoned, restrained, remembered
They: rebelled, grieved, tested, provoked, did not remember
HE: performed His signs in Egypt, led out, brought, drove out, apportioned, settled
They: tested, rebelled, turned, acted treacherously, twisted, provoked, moved Him to jealousy
HE: wrath, rejected, forsook, delivered to captivity, gave over, vented, awoke, put to rout, put to shame, rejected, chose, built, founded
Nothing much ever really changes. God certainly doesn't. Even with all the rebellion and forgetfulness on the part of Israel, God still provided for needs, still atoned, still led. Yes, He punished sin but He never stopped caring for His people.
And nothing much changes with people either. We're still rebellious and testing and unbelieving during so many of our days...at least I seem to be. Help me, Lord, to be sold out to You so that I do believe, so that I have no desire to be rebellious or test You.
HE: established, appointed, commanded
They: turned back, did not keep, refused, forgot
HE: divided, led, split, gave, made
They: tested, spoke against, [doubted]
HE: was full of wrath BECAUSE
They: did not believe God and did not trust His saving power
HE: commanded, opened, rained, gave, sent, caused, let
They: sinned; did not believe
HE: made their days vanish, killed
They: repented, sought, remembered, flattered, lied
HE: atoned, restrained, remembered
They: rebelled, grieved, tested, provoked, did not remember
HE: performed His signs in Egypt, led out, brought, drove out, apportioned, settled
They: tested, rebelled, turned, acted treacherously, twisted, provoked, moved Him to jealousy
HE: wrath, rejected, forsook, delivered to captivity, gave over, vented, awoke, put to rout, put to shame, rejected, chose, built, founded
Nothing much ever really changes. God certainly doesn't. Even with all the rebellion and forgetfulness on the part of Israel, God still provided for needs, still atoned, still led. Yes, He punished sin but He never stopped caring for His people.
And nothing much changes with people either. We're still rebellious and testing and unbelieving during so many of our days...at least I seem to be. Help me, Lord, to be sold out to You so that I do believe, so that I have no desire to be rebellious or test You.
Itching Ears
Last night at home group, I mentioned something I had read on Todd Rhodes blog about the ordination of non-celibate gay and lesbian people to the clergy and to positions of leadership in "Christian" churches.
It really bothers me that those who profess Christ, and are in leadership positions in the church, uphold a persons sin rather confront it. ALL sinners - no matter what the particular sin - need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't need to be told you're OK just as you are but rather your sin has consequences (the wages of sin is death) that separate you from a holy God who loves you so much He sent His son to die in your place.
As I was thinking about this on the way home, 2 Timothy 4:2-3 came to mind. Right now, itching ears want to hear that homosexuality is normal, acceptable. I have walked the path of sexual immorality and there is nothing normal about it, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual. It is emotionally, physically and spiritually devastating.
We all struggle with sin. The Bible says if anyone says he is without sin, he is a liar. That is why I am so thankful for Perry and NewSpring Church and leadership that believes God's word is Truth. I am grateful that week after week the message is the same - Jesus Christ! The church does not gain by embracing the lies of the evil one but by standing on the firm foundation of Jesus.
It really bothers me that those who profess Christ, and are in leadership positions in the church, uphold a persons sin rather confront it. ALL sinners - no matter what the particular sin - need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't need to be told you're OK just as you are but rather your sin has consequences (the wages of sin is death) that separate you from a holy God who loves you so much He sent His son to die in your place.
As I was thinking about this on the way home, 2 Timothy 4:2-3 came to mind. Right now, itching ears want to hear that homosexuality is normal, acceptable. I have walked the path of sexual immorality and there is nothing normal about it, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual. It is emotionally, physically and spiritually devastating.
We all struggle with sin. The Bible says if anyone says he is without sin, he is a liar. That is why I am so thankful for Perry and NewSpring Church and leadership that believes God's word is Truth. I am grateful that week after week the message is the same - Jesus Christ! The church does not gain by embracing the lies of the evil one but by standing on the firm foundation of Jesus.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
As I listened to Perry today about my plans for me vs God's plans for me, I thought about how I often want God to give me the long range plans so I will know how something is going to turn out. That means I don't really believe God has GOOD plans for me or that He will provide what I need along the way.
In the model prayer, one of the things Jesus taught the disciples to pray was "give us this day our DAILY bread". Not this week's or this month's or this year's - but today's bread.
Psalm 68:19 says "Blessed be the Lord, who DAILY bears us up; God is our salvation."
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning [DAILY]; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23
If God is going to be there for me on a daily basis, I need to be sure I connect with Him on a daily basis. I must not neglect my time in the Bible, in prayer, in worship. That should be a priority of my day, every day.
As Perry said today, God wants my joy. Surrendering everything - every fear, every hope, every plan, every need, every relationship - to Him is the surest way to real joy. Joy that is internal and not based on my circumstance.
Father's Day
I was thinking about my daddy today. It's been 5 1/2 years since my daddy died and there are still times when I miss him a lot. At 91 years of age, I was blessed to have him around for a long time - and in good health until the day he died.
My daddy was a godly man who loved my mama and my brother and me. He also loved God and other people. He worked hard all his life to provide for our family. He baked cookies for the "girls" at his bank. He remembered birthdays - not just family but friends as well. He was generous with his money.
He taught me to look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, deal honestly with people, don't spend more than you earn, give at least a tithe (plus offerings) to the church. He loved me even when I was doing all sorts of stuff I should not have been doing, not just as a rebellious teenager but as a rebellious adult. More than once he got me out of a jam with sound advice or money or whatever the situation needed. He had my back!
Daddy was not a hugger or verbal with the "I love yous" but I always knew that he did love me. I look forward to the day when I will be with him - and Mama and David - in heaven to worship Jesus together for all eternity.
My daddy was a godly man who loved my mama and my brother and me. He also loved God and other people. He worked hard all his life to provide for our family. He baked cookies for the "girls" at his bank. He remembered birthdays - not just family but friends as well. He was generous with his money.
He taught me to look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, deal honestly with people, don't spend more than you earn, give at least a tithe (plus offerings) to the church. He loved me even when I was doing all sorts of stuff I should not have been doing, not just as a rebellious teenager but as a rebellious adult. More than once he got me out of a jam with sound advice or money or whatever the situation needed. He had my back!
Daddy was not a hugger or verbal with the "I love yous" but I always knew that he did love me. I look forward to the day when I will be with him - and Mama and David - in heaven to worship Jesus together for all eternity.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
In Beth Moore's book, "Believing God" at one point near the end of the book she shares a pretty dramatic example of God showing up in a situation. But then she asks a question - what do you do until the next dramatic encounter with God?
You focus on the fundamentals - prayer, a daily quiet time with God, praise and worship, attending church, serving a church body, giving. These, she says, are the fundamentals and they never change. We can make all the excuses in the world for not practicing this one or that, but they represent the backbone of obedience. We may want the mystical while God often insists on the practical. We may want a constant dose of dramatics, but God enjoys seeing the perseverance and proven faithfulness of daily devotion.
You focus on the fundamentals - prayer, a daily quiet time with God, praise and worship, attending church, serving a church body, giving. These, she says, are the fundamentals and they never change. We can make all the excuses in the world for not practicing this one or that, but they represent the backbone of obedience. We may want the mystical while God often insists on the practical. We may want a constant dose of dramatics, but God enjoys seeing the perseverance and proven faithfulness of daily devotion.
In His Steps
I've just finished reading "In His Steps" the original version of "What Would Jesus Do?" I have a 1935 edition of this book that was written in 1896.
This was a time in America of great class distinction. This book takes aim at the "haves" and how they should live their lives in light of the sufferings of Christ. Over and over again the author asks how can the well to do Christian live a life of luxury and ignorance or even abhorrence for the poor, wretched masses.
In my minds eye I can see the fine carriages and top hats of the social elites, along with the women in all their refinement as well as their large houses. (Too many movies perhaps!) I can also see the tenements, the slums, with no heat, no running water, no toilets - death and disease at their door, the people wearing rags and wondering where their next meal is coming from.
A pastor who gave up his position to move into the slums told those in his church who were appalled at his decision they would think differently if he was going overseas to be missionary to India or Africa. They would applauded his sacrifice but to move a short distance away, to give up his luxury, to try to reach people of his own city was baffling.
One character in the book, Rollin, was a rich, lazy young man who spent his time in social clubs. After meeting Christ, he continues to go to the clubs to try to convert whom he may saying that the rich have no one else. Many churches and charitable organization donate to the poor but who considers the rich whose god is his money?
I suppose it is not much different from today except "What Would Jesus Do" became a slogan, a feel good t-shirt or wrist band to wear. But really - how many Christ followers step regularly into situations willingly seeking the mind of Christ to walk in His steps - to actually follow Christ - no matter what it costs us in reputation, money, job, friendships? Romans 8:17, Philippians 3:10
This was a time in America of great class distinction. This book takes aim at the "haves" and how they should live their lives in light of the sufferings of Christ. Over and over again the author asks how can the well to do Christian live a life of luxury and ignorance or even abhorrence for the poor, wretched masses.
In my minds eye I can see the fine carriages and top hats of the social elites, along with the women in all their refinement as well as their large houses. (Too many movies perhaps!) I can also see the tenements, the slums, with no heat, no running water, no toilets - death and disease at their door, the people wearing rags and wondering where their next meal is coming from.
A pastor who gave up his position to move into the slums told those in his church who were appalled at his decision they would think differently if he was going overseas to be missionary to India or Africa. They would applauded his sacrifice but to move a short distance away, to give up his luxury, to try to reach people of his own city was baffling.
One character in the book, Rollin, was a rich, lazy young man who spent his time in social clubs. After meeting Christ, he continues to go to the clubs to try to convert whom he may saying that the rich have no one else. Many churches and charitable organization donate to the poor but who considers the rich whose god is his money?
I suppose it is not much different from today except "What Would Jesus Do" became a slogan, a feel good t-shirt or wrist band to wear. But really - how many Christ followers step regularly into situations willingly seeking the mind of Christ to walk in His steps - to actually follow Christ - no matter what it costs us in reputation, money, job, friendships? Romans 8:17, Philippians 3:10
Friday, June 11, 2010
Can't Take It with You
I was looking at pictures of the children in the Segera mission area of Kenya. David Lazaro is the young man I have started to support each month. To think that $39 a month can help David realize his ambition to be a doctor is unbelievable to me.
When I see pictures of the stick and mud huts, the dirty, worn clothes, and the SMILES my heart breaks. Having been there and seen for myself and met the people, I am overwhelmed that God has put me in a position to help. I have sooo much! By American standards I'm on the lower end of the totem pole financially but by the world's standards I am RICH!
By God's standard, too, I am rich...and not just financially! But I am a daughter to THE King, the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who says, "the world is mine" so that makes me rich financially too.
Next week I'm sending my grandson to skateboard camp at a cost of $119. He's so excited and I'm glad to give him the opportunity to do something he loves and really wants to do. But that same money would support David, or someone like him, for 3 months with food and school supplies and teachers. I AM rich - to have money to spend on something like learning to ride a skateboard when most of the world would just like something to eat.
I want to make a difference in the lives of people, whether here or in Kenya. God has put me where I am for a reason. He has given me the resources He has for a reason. He has given me the desire "to do" for a reason. I don't want to disappoint Him or me by not being faithful to go where He leads and to spend my money as He directs. Psalm 49:16-17 is another "can't take it with you" message so I will look for opportunities to give as God directs. Nothing is mine anyway!!
When I see pictures of the stick and mud huts, the dirty, worn clothes, and the SMILES my heart breaks. Having been there and seen for myself and met the people, I am overwhelmed that God has put me in a position to help. I have sooo much! By American standards I'm on the lower end of the totem pole financially but by the world's standards I am RICH!
By God's standard, too, I am rich...and not just financially! But I am a daughter to THE King, the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who says, "the world is mine" so that makes me rich financially too.
Next week I'm sending my grandson to skateboard camp at a cost of $119. He's so excited and I'm glad to give him the opportunity to do something he loves and really wants to do. But that same money would support David, or someone like him, for 3 months with food and school supplies and teachers. I AM rich - to have money to spend on something like learning to ride a skateboard when most of the world would just like something to eat.
I want to make a difference in the lives of people, whether here or in Kenya. God has put me where I am for a reason. He has given me the resources He has for a reason. He has given me the desire "to do" for a reason. I don't want to disappoint Him or me by not being faithful to go where He leads and to spend my money as He directs. Psalm 49:16-17 is another "can't take it with you" message so I will look for opportunities to give as God directs. Nothing is mine anyway!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
There was a time in my life when I used to question my salvation. Not because I didn't love Jesus but because of 1 John 3:6. Every time I would sin I would think I must not really belong to God. This verse says no one who lives in [Christ] keeps on sinning.
I know to God sin is sin but to man there are often classifications of sin...gossip or little white lies are OK but adultery or homosexuality or murder are BIG, BAD sins. For years I couldn't reconcile my life, my salvation and this verse whether the sin was "little" or "big".
Then I read (and understood) verse 8 in the ESV. Whoever makes a PRACTICE of sinning, is of the devil. I learned that although I do have a choice whether I sin or not, whether I glorify God or not in any situation by what I say or think or how I act, I was not making sin a practice in my life. Even the little sins would haunt me. I would be filled with remorse and repent.
1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There was complete forgiveness of all my sin - past, present and future - when Jesus shed His blood on Calvary. And there were immediate changes in my life when I surrendered to Him but I have learned that this cleansing is a lifetime process.
The Keep on Truckin' logo of the 60's is what comes to mind when I think about making a practice of sinning. Just following the crowd with no thought of where I go or what I do. Just keep on sinnin'...and that definitely is NOT me.
I know to God sin is sin but to man there are often classifications of sin...gossip or little white lies are OK but adultery or homosexuality or murder are BIG, BAD sins. For years I couldn't reconcile my life, my salvation and this verse whether the sin was "little" or "big".
Then I read (and understood) verse 8 in the ESV. Whoever makes a PRACTICE of sinning, is of the devil. I learned that although I do have a choice whether I sin or not, whether I glorify God or not in any situation by what I say or think or how I act, I was not making sin a practice in my life. Even the little sins would haunt me. I would be filled with remorse and repent.
1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There was complete forgiveness of all my sin - past, present and future - when Jesus shed His blood on Calvary. And there were immediate changes in my life when I surrendered to Him but I have learned that this cleansing is a lifetime process.
Do Not Fret
I was at a cookout Saturday night with a group of church people. One of the guys who had not been there in a long time got all excited - angry even - when one of the ladies made the comment she had read an article that the Tea Party was dangerous. (He didn't know we don't take politics seriously.) He began to rail against the liberals who are the dangerous ones. He was raising his voice to make his point.
When he stopped his harangue to take a breath, I said I don't much care. My understanding of the Bible is that God puts rulers and authorities over us and my job as a Christ follower is to pray for them. I go out and vote but I don't worry about the outcome. The Bible tells us as the time for Christ to return gets closer, things will get worse and worse in the world. So it really kind of excites me - maybe the Day will come in my lifetime!!
This morning I read Psalm 37:1-3. I don't want to waste my energy fretting over things I ultimately have no control over. God will sort out the "good" and the "evil" and deal with us all as He has ordained. I want to live our verse 3 - "Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."
When he stopped his harangue to take a breath, I said I don't much care. My understanding of the Bible is that God puts rulers and authorities over us and my job as a Christ follower is to pray for them. I go out and vote but I don't worry about the outcome. The Bible tells us as the time for Christ to return gets closer, things will get worse and worse in the world. So it really kind of excites me - maybe the Day will come in my lifetime!!
This morning I read Psalm 37:1-3. I don't want to waste my energy fretting over things I ultimately have no control over. God will sort out the "good" and the "evil" and deal with us all as He has ordained. I want to live our verse 3 - "Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."
Friday, June 4, 2010
Why I Read the Bible
"Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them - bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping." 2 Peter 1:21-2:3
There are so many people, TV people, public people, well respected people, "church" people who teach things that sound good. Maybe what they say even comes from Scripture...or it sounds like it should be Scripture. Satan quoted Scripture to Jesus when he tempted Him but Jesus knew what the words really meant. He understood the heart of His Father and could denounce the enemy with more Scripture. The Bible is not a defensive weapon but an offensive one..."the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
If I don't know what the Bible REALLY teaches, I may be drawn into a destructive belief pattern that could give me a false sense of hope, a false sense of salvation. It could make me view God from the wrong perspective. It could make me distrust the Church. It could be my downfall.
The Bible is the LIVING Word of God that gets better and better the more I read it. As I grow in my relationship with God, His word grows with me. That sounds weird because the words don't ever change, but I am able to see new things, understand new things which means my relationship with God grows and I see new things and understand new things and my relationship grows and the cycle continues.
So help me, Lord, to find time every day to read Your story. Speak to my heart as I read and give me ears to hear what You want me to hear.
There are so many people, TV people, public people, well respected people, "church" people who teach things that sound good. Maybe what they say even comes from Scripture...or it sounds like it should be Scripture. Satan quoted Scripture to Jesus when he tempted Him but Jesus knew what the words really meant. He understood the heart of His Father and could denounce the enemy with more Scripture. The Bible is not a defensive weapon but an offensive one..."the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
If I don't know what the Bible REALLY teaches, I may be drawn into a destructive belief pattern that could give me a false sense of hope, a false sense of salvation. It could make me view God from the wrong perspective. It could make me distrust the Church. It could be my downfall.
The Bible is the LIVING Word of God that gets better and better the more I read it. As I grow in my relationship with God, His word grows with me. That sounds weird because the words don't ever change, but I am able to see new things, understand new things which means my relationship with God grows and I see new things and understand new things and my relationship grows and the cycle continues.
So help me, Lord, to find time every day to read Your story. Speak to my heart as I read and give me ears to hear what You want me to hear.
Test My Heart
The shepherd boy, David, already had a heart for God long before he became King David and wrote all the great Psalms. It is because David HAD a heart for God that he became King.
When I read Psalm 26:2 my first thought was that's a risky thing to ask God to do. One Psalm over David says, "My heart says to You, Your face, Lord, do I seek." And then in the next Psalm he says, "...my heart trusts in [God]...my heart leaps for joy..." David knew how is heart was devoted to God.
Even as a Christ follower with the Holy Spirit residing in my heart, I can still have pockets of fear or doubt or hatred or greed or pride - all sorts of things that show my heart is not fully devoted to God. But God DOES test my heart whether I ask Him to or not. "If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your HEART that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 Before I can even claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, God has tested my heart to see if I believe.
Test my heart, Lord. Show me if there is anything in me that does not bring glory to Your name, any hidden corner of my heart, sin that I might harbor, that I'm trying to hide from You.
When I read Psalm 26:2 my first thought was that's a risky thing to ask God to do. One Psalm over David says, "My heart says to You, Your face, Lord, do I seek." And then in the next Psalm he says, "...my heart trusts in [God]...my heart leaps for joy..." David knew how is heart was devoted to God.
Even as a Christ follower with the Holy Spirit residing in my heart, I can still have pockets of fear or doubt or hatred or greed or pride - all sorts of things that show my heart is not fully devoted to God. But God DOES test my heart whether I ask Him to or not. "If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your HEART that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 Before I can even claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, God has tested my heart to see if I believe.
Test my heart, Lord. Show me if there is anything in me that does not bring glory to Your name, any hidden corner of my heart, sin that I might harbor, that I'm trying to hide from You.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Yet You Are Holy
Psalm 22 was written by David. This is a personal cry of anguish, yet prophetic of the suffering of Christ. I don't know what David was going through when he cried, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" David wants relief from his suffering but it doesn't seem to be forth coming.
However, immediately after his "where are You" questions, David says, "Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel."
Often in my life, I have assumed because God didn't rescue me from whatever or "come through" for me that God was not able or had deserted me or didn't care or I wasn't worthy of an answer. Too often when I didn't get what I wanted from God, I have turned my back on Him. Like I think God is there to do MY bidding.
I want to have the faith, the strength to say yet You are holy - even when I don't perceive God to be near or working on my behalf. I want God to open my heart and mind to what I may need to learn through whatever is going on. I want God to convict me of sin if that is the case. I can be awfully disobedient and unrepentant yet expect God to jump through my hoops. I want to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. I want to praise His name, just because He is worthy to be praised, not because He responds to my needs.
However, immediately after his "where are You" questions, David says, "Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel."
Often in my life, I have assumed because God didn't rescue me from whatever or "come through" for me that God was not able or had deserted me or didn't care or I wasn't worthy of an answer. Too often when I didn't get what I wanted from God, I have turned my back on Him. Like I think God is there to do MY bidding.
I want to have the faith, the strength to say yet You are holy - even when I don't perceive God to be near or working on my behalf. I want God to open my heart and mind to what I may need to learn through whatever is going on. I want God to convict me of sin if that is the case. I can be awfully disobedient and unrepentant yet expect God to jump through my hoops. I want to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. I want to praise His name, just because He is worthy to be praised, not because He responds to my needs.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Praise and Thanksgiving
An acronym I once learned about how to pray is ACTS - adoration (or praise), confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (petitions). Although the sequence is a little different, it is based on the model prayer Jesus taught His disciples.
Too often in my prayer life I forget everything except the supplication. I never forget to ask God for something. Whether it is for me or my family or friends or members of NewSpring, I don't hesitate to ask God for stuff!
Lately I'm trying to focus more on the other aspects of prayer. One of the things I have noticed when I have been involved in corporate prayer, or even conversations, is that most people confuse praise and thanksgiving. We praise God for the new job or house or healing or whatever. But praise is not about what God DOES for us; that is thanksgiving. I am thankful for what God does for those for whom I pray.
Praise is about who God IS. He is praised and adored and worshiped because He is Almighty God; Creator of heaven and earth; holy and righteous; never changing; all powerful (omnipotent); all knowing (omniscient); everywhere present (omnipresent); loving; faithful; Redeemer; Shepherd; King of kings and Lord of lords.
Help me, Lord, to learn to really praise You. I will spend eternity in Your presence and I want to get lots of practice living a life of praise in the here and now.
Too often in my prayer life I forget everything except the supplication. I never forget to ask God for something. Whether it is for me or my family or friends or members of NewSpring, I don't hesitate to ask God for stuff!
Lately I'm trying to focus more on the other aspects of prayer. One of the things I have noticed when I have been involved in corporate prayer, or even conversations, is that most people confuse praise and thanksgiving. We praise God for the new job or house or healing or whatever. But praise is not about what God DOES for us; that is thanksgiving. I am thankful for what God does for those for whom I pray.
Praise is about who God IS. He is praised and adored and worshiped because He is Almighty God; Creator of heaven and earth; holy and righteous; never changing; all powerful (omnipotent); all knowing (omniscient); everywhere present (omnipresent); loving; faithful; Redeemer; Shepherd; King of kings and Lord of lords.
Help me, Lord, to learn to really praise You. I will spend eternity in Your presence and I want to get lots of practice living a life of praise in the here and now.
Strangers in the World
I often wonder why people - Christians - get upset and bent out of shape when the world doesn't agree with the Christian agenda. In the opening verse of 1 Peter, God's elect are called strangers in the world. Jesus said those "in the world" would hate believers. John the apostle said we should not be surprised that the world hates us.
So if someone thinks I am weak (Christianity is just a crutch) or narrow minded (only one way to heaven & God) or a prude (no sex outside of marriage) or a bigot (homosexuality is a sin) or stupid for not trying to "gain the world" (he who dies with the most toys wins), why would I get angry at them? They are just LOST! Totally lost without Jesus. How can I engage them so they have a desire to see what Jesus is all about? How can I love them rather than call them names in return?
One of Perry's complaints about the Church is we're too often more about what we're against than what we are for. If we are vocally against everyone who hates us because of Jesus, how can we be salt and light in the world. Jesus even said we should rejoice at persecution. Now when was the last time THAT occurred in the public arena?
So if someone thinks I am weak (Christianity is just a crutch) or narrow minded (only one way to heaven & God) or a prude (no sex outside of marriage) or a bigot (homosexuality is a sin) or stupid for not trying to "gain the world" (he who dies with the most toys wins), why would I get angry at them? They are just LOST! Totally lost without Jesus. How can I engage them so they have a desire to see what Jesus is all about? How can I love them rather than call them names in return?
One of Perry's complaints about the Church is we're too often more about what we're against than what we are for. If we are vocally against everyone who hates us because of Jesus, how can we be salt and light in the world. Jesus even said we should rejoice at persecution. Now when was the last time THAT occurred in the public arena?
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