Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a Great Day

I heard a preacher on the radio a few days ago who was preaching on money. He said in Matthew, Mark and Luke one in every 5 verses deals with money and Jesus told 26 parables and 15 are about money. Money is an important subject in the life of most Americans. We just never seem to have enough of it.

The current series Perry is preaching is The Blessed Life. He has been speaking about money for two weeks because Jesus spoke a lot about money. I just love my pastor. He is so unapologetic in the messages he brings to us. Because of that God spoke to me loudly through Perry's message and that makes it a GREAT day!!

Several things Perry said made an impact on me but the one that really got to me was being told over and over I was dead and now I am alive...all because of Jesus and God's great love for me. How can I not give back what God has so generously given to me? One thing I need to do is constantly remind myself that it is God's money. If He wants it back, I should give it to Him. He has promised to provide for all my needs - which He has done extravagantly for years and years!

Perry said we're careful with our money and he didn't mean in a good way. Since retiring and taking a huge cut in pay, I need to be frugal BUT...I don't need to be too careful. When God puts a ministry or a need on my heart, I don't want to second guess God or make excuses for not giving. I already give to NewSpring my tithe and offerings and give to other organizations but today I was convicted that I may not be generous enough with the financial blessings God has given me. I want God to show me how I can be more generous.

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