Sunday, April 11, 2010


Last Sunday, April 4, was Easter. It's usually a high attendance day at most churches. One of the differences at NewSpring is they encourage us constantly to invite the unchurched and those far from God.

On Easter Sunday, all campuses combined saw 16,400+ in attendance, plus those watching the live stream on the web for a total of around 22,000. We saw over 200 people confess Jesus as Lord...53 of those were at the Greenville campus and 1 was my daughter-in-law. WooHoo!

But what amazes me is that the gospel message was preached just as strongly today - the Sunday AFTER Easter - and 23 more people confessed Christ at the Greenville campus. I don't know yet what the total for all campuses is but I know it will be mind blowing.

Many churches don't see 23 people a YEAR confess Jesus as Lord so that just amazes me. The problem is never with God but with the way people conduct church and who they have church for. I think every gospel preaching pastor wants to see people come to Jesus but I don't think most church leadership teaches their people to invest in the lives of those who need to know Him.

God is still changing lives, still making people brand new, still taking the heart of stone and giving a heart of flesh - a new heart - all for HIS glory!! But someone (and it's usually NOT the staff) has to get them in the door.

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