John 16:
"Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God." (v.2) "I have said these things to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (v.33) This chapter begins with Jesus telling His disciples they will face severe persecution and ends with Jesus saying but you're gonna be OK. Because of Me and what I am about to do, the death I am about to die, you can face anything.
Saul, before he met Jesus and became the apostle Paul, is a good example of verse 2 in action. In our world today, there are those who think killing anyone who doesn't believe as they do is offering service to God. Jesus says they do these things because they know neither Him nor the Father. (v.3)
I don't think I will face that kind of persecution but it made me start thinking about killing the spirit as I remembered how, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus went straight from murder to anger and calling people fools as all making one liable for judgment. And it was not just any anger but anger directed toward "your brother" which I understand to mean my fellow Christian.
Maybe I am angry by what I heard or read or just think it's foolish but I need to be careful in voicing that opinion. I am not in a position to say God's revelation to me, my way of thinking, is God's only revelation. If it doesn't involve one of the non-negotiables such as the virgin birth or Jesus is the only way for salvation because of His death and His resurrection (there are a few more) we can just agree to disagree. God doesn't need me to defend Him. If He can create everything out of nothing, I'm quite confident He can defend Himself better than I can.
Mark 16:
"But go, tell His disciples AND PETER that He is going before you to Galilee. There you will see Him just as He told you." (v.7) The emphasis here is mine because I just love this. Even though Peter was the first to proclaim, "You are the Christ" Peter spoke up on other occasions and either said the wrong thing or actually brought rebuke on himself from Jesus. And of course he ended up denying Jesus three times as Jesus said he would. Peter had professed his willingness to die with Jesus but he chickened out.
So Peter was devastated and Jesus knew it. Jesus always looks at our hearts. He always knows when we are repentant and He always draws near to us so that we can be assured He will never leave us or forsake us. Just as He called Peter by name, He calls me by name when I have gone astray. I don't pursue God, He is always pursing me.
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