Thursday, June 2, 2011

God's Power Toward Us

I wonder sometimes why the journey toward faith is so long and hard. It would be nice if we were "grown ups" in faith as soon as we acknowledged our sin and asked Jesus to forgive us.

In Ephesians Paul talks about "the immeasurable greatness of [God's] power toward us who believe" - the same power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at the right hand of God. This same power was used to raise us from the dead..."you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked. But God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when were were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ...and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus"

Sometimes when I remember the struggles I had with overcoming the sins in my life, I wish it hadn't been so hard to believe God's promises and to walk in His ways. I wanted desperately to live a life pleasing to God but would find myself slipping back into thoughts and actions that were part of my old life. Part of it is the battle "against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."  The enemy doesn't easily let go. It is imperative that I remember that God's power is greater. I don't have to give in to the desires of my flesh.

We all have choices to make all day long. We can choose right or we can choose wrong. We can choose to live for this moment or we can choose to live for eternity. We can choose to please ourselves or we can choose to please God.

Long years ago there was a comedian named Flip Wilson who played a character named Geraldine who often said, "The devil made me do it!" We like that cop out. We don't want to take responsibility. When Adam and Eve sinned back in the Garden of Eden, Adam blamed Eve (and God), and Eve blamed the serpent. From the beginning of time we have claimed to be a victim; claimed "It's not my fault!" But it is.

What great hope there is in knowing that God loves us, Jesus saves us and the Holy Spirit empowers us to live a life that glorifies God by helping us make right choices. God's great power brings life and victory but we must choose to walk in it.

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