So why would I want to remain a child in my spiritual life? I've heard people remark about a church or pastor, I just wasn't being fed. They are not talking about a Wednesday night supper or Sunday dinner on the grounds but about being fed the Word of God. Now maybe that preacher doesn't preach from the Bible but I doubt it. And these are people who have been in church for years, claiming Christianity for years.
Why in the world would a grown up want to be fed? With actual food that's for young children or very old or sick individuals. Why should I expect the pastor to be my main source of nourishment from the Word of God? I have six days in the week to sit down with Jesus and the Bible to learn what He would have me do; how He would have me live; what truths He wants me to learn. Preaching on Sunday should be a reinforcement of all that I am learning on my own time. But of course, the preacher does play an important role in my understanding of Scripture. He is another - not the only - way I hear from God.
Maybe the person not being fed has not prepared his/her heart to hear from God or doesn't have a deep expectation of meeting with Jesus during the Sunday service. Maybe this person doesn't participate in corporate worship by singing AND praying AND giving tithes.
Or maybe, just maybe, God is stirring them to be a feeder of young believers. Bet they never thought about that. In Hebrews 5:12-14, the writer talks about those who ought to be mature but are still seeking milk like a child. Still going to the same Bible studies but never becoming a teacher who shares God's truth with others. They ought to be discerning, mature believers by now rather than seeking to be fed all the time.
Teaching may mean taking on a major responsibility to nurture young believers (regardless of age) in a group setting but it might also mean sharing truth with your children or a neighbor or a co-worker.