Thursday, July 28, 2011

Exhort One Another

"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews 3:13

Exhort means to give urgent advice, recommendations or warnings. Pastor Perry and Brad Cooper have been doing that all week at the Gauntlet. Perry does that on Sundays in his messages. But what about me? Am I to give urgent warnings about the deceitfulness of sin? Should I expect someone to warn me? Absolutely!

But that doesn't mean I'm to stand on a street corner with bullhorn screaming at random people about the wrath of God. This verse is about believers warning other believers. I can do that through small group conversations as we talk about life. I can do that one on one with people I know and love. I can do that with strangers if they tell me about a sinful lifestyle. (And that does happen to me!) However, anything I say must be tempered by the love of God and the knowledge that I once walked that path but God, in His mercy, turned me around and set me free.

We see the results of the deceitfulness of sin in the family of God when a believer succumbs to sexual temptation and destroys his marriage and/or ministry. When the lust for more stuff causes believers to be deeply in debt. When the lure of a "power play" at work causes a believer to lie or sacrifice the family for the job. When we begin to accept the world's standards as our own. And once our heart is set on something we're trapped in sin. "But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desires. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown bring forth death. DO NOT BE DECEIVED, my beloved brothers." James 1:14-16 (emphasis mine)

So we do have a responsibility to "speak the truth in love" to each other. To help each other through the rough spots. To point out the deceitfulness of sin. But always reminding each other of Christ's great love and forgiveness.

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