John 7:7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that it's works are evil.
Jesus spoke these words to his brothers who were urging him to go to a feast in Jerusalem. They were actually making fun of him because they didn't believe he was anyone special.
As I read these words I thought of all the controversy over Dan Cathy and his comment on marriage. He did not say anything negative about same sex marriage. He didn't say gays would not be served or hired at his restaurants. He didn't say anyone was going to burn in hell. All he said was he believes the Bible's view on marriage.
Because of this declaration he is going to be denied licenses to do business in various cities. He is being vilified by people all over the country. He is being labeled a bigot and intolerant. The world hates him because he spoke truth from God's word.
The thing is, if we are about sharing the truth of God, the world will hate us, just as it hated Jesus. John the baptist was put in prison and beheaded because he called Herod out on his adultery.
Our response should not be to hate the world back, but to love the lost as Jesus did. Jesus died for ALL mankind. Jesus wept over the masses who were like sheep without a shepherd.
Jesus got angry but the anger he had was toward the religious, those who were harsh and legalistic and unable to love those "sinners" around them. While Jesus was building relationships with tax collectors and prostitutes and adulterers and healing those sick of body and of soul, the religious were plotting how to kill him.
As a Christ follower I need to be sure I love those Jesus loved and not be counted among those plotting to kill him.
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