Old as Methuselah was an expression I heard and used as a child. The people I relegated to that ancient age were probably in their 30's. Methuselah was Noah's grandfather. Back in the days before the flood people lived a long, long time. In the list of Adam's descendants in Genesis 5, Enoch was around for the least years, at a young 365. And he didn't die, God just took him away. Most of the men listed were past 900 when they died with Methuselah being the oldest at 969. Noah didn't even have his sons until he was 500.
I wonder what it would be like to live almost 1000 years. I don't know that much changed in their days. Now changes are so rapid it's hard to keep up. And to think where we might be in 1000 years - well just over 930 for me - is more than I can imagine. Would it be a Jetson's type world of space cars and robots or more of an I Am Legend world of destruction and fear? Only God knows!
Before the flood, when God saw the wickedness of men on the earth, He decreed that man would live 120 years. (Genesis 6:3) By the time Moses comes along, Moses says, "The years of our life are seventy or even by strength eighty..." (Psalm 90:10) But God saw fit to give Moses the full 120 years of life and "his eye was undimmed, and his vigor unabated" when he died. (Deuteronomy 34:7)
And now I'm getting to be the "old as Methuselah" person among the people I know. God has been so good to me over the years of my life but, my goodness, it goes by in a hurry. And that's OK but I would like to hang around to be 100 or 120. That would be so cool but, again, only God knows when I will draw my last breath. Until that time I'll be busy doing the work God has assigned me to do. Old or young, God has a plan and a purpose for His children to glorify Him all the days of our lives.
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