Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Will of God

I recently heard a great message on the will of God by Pastor Steve Furtick from Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. What he said I already believed but had not been able to articulate well.

His message was based on Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."  (ESV)

Too many times we are much too concerned with the when, where and what of life. So we stress over where should I go to college and what job should I take and is he or she "the one" I should marry?

God is more concerned with the how, why and who of my life. How do I live my life? Is it characterized by integrity, generosity, and love? Why do I want certain things? Are my motives godly and God honoring or are my motives selfish and greedy? Who am I becoming? Who do I get counsel from? Am I becoming more like Christ? Are those who speak into my life - my influencers - people who love me and love Jesus? 

Augustin said love God and do as you please. God will take the "whatever you do" and use it.  Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that ALL things work together for good. (Romans 8:28) That means all things. The good things and the bad things. My great choices and my poor choices. Inside the will of God and outside the will of God. When I submit to Him, He can and will use it all.

As someone who had a lot of years of wrong choices, wrong motives, wrong influencers, I understand this well. My past no longer binds me because Jesus has and is using it in my own life and the life of others to glorify Himself. When I submitted my life to Jesus I no longer wanted to live my life apart from Him. I no longer wanted to live in that valley of sin and death. I can do as I please because I have been set free by Jesus but because my heart is new, as I please means pleasing Jesus.

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