I'm helping with follow up phone calls to those who registered decisions on Sunday. It is so exciting to hear their stories.
One young mother said she was sure of her salvation before Sunday but when Perry asked - on a scale of 1-10, where are you in your relationship with Jesus - she thought I can't be more than a 3. And she was convicted of her need to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Christ, to be a better wife and mother.
As she and her husband talked afterwards, he was convicted of his need to be more of a spiritual leader in their home. So he suggested they start family devotions...and they did. Her enthusiasm for all that God is showing them is contagious.
I talked to a man who divorced and left the church he had attended. He is now remarried and wants to get this marriage headed in the right direction by having Jesus as the head of his home. They have been attending NewSpring for months but really believe now is the time to think seriously about joining.
Another young man was rather hesitant but confirmed that he asked Jesus into his heart and wants to be baptized and come to a membership class and maybe join NewSpring.
Hearing their excitement and commitment makes me excited. Makes me so thankful that I am part of this church that is constantly seeking to lead the lost to Jesus.
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