I don't know how God does it but I can read the Bible over and over and over and every time I read it something jumps up and grabs me.
In Exodus this morning I was reading about the tabernacle. As I was reading the instructions God gave for making the tabernacle, I was struck with how much work was involved. Making this huge tent by hand - cutting, sewing and embroidering the fabric. And no running to the local store to buy thread or material.
No going into the local hardware store for poles and boards already cut to length. No pretty silver bases to choose from. Or golden lampstands already hammered out of one piece of gold.
There was a lot of hard work involved, a lot of time involved. It cost the Israelites a lot to provide the basic materials then make it into the finished product. Maybe they got most of it from the Egyptians when they left Egypt but still...
I was reminded of King David who wanted to build and altar. The guy who owned the threshing floor wanted to give it to the king but David said no, he wouldn't give to God something that cost him nothing.
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48b (NIV)
What am I willing to give...or to give up?
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