Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 2 - 21 Day Bible Reading Plan

John 2: "...(though the servants who had drawn the water knew)..." (v.9) This little aside is part of the story of the wedding feast at Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle by turning water into wine. The servants obeyed Jesus by filling the water jars, witnessed the miracle, and took the wine to the master of the feast who was astonished at the superior quality of the wine.

There is no indication that Jesus ever told any of the wedding party what He had done. But the servants knew, and His disciples. How often am I tempted to let pride take hold of me and say, "I did that; or I accomplished this." Too often I look for that human pat on the back or that swell of pride that comes from having people know what I did. But I need to remember Jesus' words later in John 15 when He said, "...apart from Me you can do nothing."

John 2 ends with "Jesus...did not entrust Himself to them...for He Himself knew what was in man." That is both comforting and sobering. Jesus knows my heart, my insides, the part I sometimes try to hide from the world - the pride, the resentment, the unforgiveness, that little lie, that desire, that "secret" sin. And yet, Jesus gave His life for me. Took ALL my sin and bore the wrath of God to fulfill love and justice. What a Savior!!

Mark 2: "And the scribes of the Pharisees...said, 'Why does He eat with tax collectors and sinners?'" (v.16) Jesus was making the established religious leaders angry because He associated with the "unclean" - those who were beyond hope in the eyes of those leaders.

Is my heart like that? It has been shown over and over again that the longer a person is in church, the less likely that person is to have friends who don't know Jesus. Am I willing to make friends with those who are outside the comfort zone of most who call themselves Christians? Do I really care that there are people around me who are dying and going to hell? Do I believe they are "too far gone" for God to do a miraculous work in their lives? Make my heart like Yours, Lord. Open my eyes to see the fields white for harvest. Take away any self righteousness, any self satisfaction, any comfort in my own position so that I can remember what it was like to live without You. Help me to remember my own journey toward hell until You rescued me so that I can always believe that no one is beyond Your ability to save.

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