John 5:
"You search the Scriptures...and it is they that bear witness about Me" (v.39) If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote of Me." (v.46)
Some people believe, in this day and time, we should only read the New Testament but the entire Bible is about Jesus. When He made these two statements, only the Old Testament existed. (Well, duh! since the New Testament was happening right before their eyes.) There is much to learn of God and His revelation to His people, Israel, that is applicable to me today because God's character never changes. And knowing that Jesus is all through the Bible makes the Old Testament just as relevant for me as the New Testament.
Mark 5:
There are several different stories in this chapter of Mark, stories of a demon possessed man, Jarius' daughter who died, and a woman who had been bleeding for years. It's not the stories so much that I thought about this time around as it was the reactions to Jesus.
In the first story the demon saw Jesus and caused the man to run to Him and fall at His feet. Then the demon begged for the right to be sent into a heard of pigs. So Jesus gave permission and the legion of demons went into the pigs and drove them into the sea. When the people living in the area came to Jesus after hearing about this they were afraid. And Jesus left them.
When Jarius came to Jesus, he fell at Jesus' feet. When Jesus got to his house after the girl had died, the mourners laughed at Jesus when He said she's not dead. But Jesus got her back on her feet.
The woman who had been sick for so many years had such great faith in Jesus that she believed I only need touch His garment to be made well. She did touch it and she was made well. Jesus recognized the healing power that had gone from Him and wanted to know who touched Him. The woman came in fear and trembling and fell down before Him. And Jesus blessed her.
The one constant with all three of these is they fell at Jesus' feet. That should be my attitude too. Jesus is my brother and my friend but He is also Lord and King and Savior. My best response is always humbleness, falling at His feet, as recognition that He is God and I am not.
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