Friday, May 6, 2011

The Apple of Your Eye

When I read this phrase today in Psalm 17:8 I began to think about what it means. I've heard the phrase he/she is the apple of my eye throughout my life. This saying has always meant to me that the person holds a special place in the life and thoughts of the speaker. It is an expression of love.

This term is used 4 or 5 times in the Old Testament so I decided it was time to look it up. The Hebrew can be translated literally as "Little Man of the Eye" signifying the image, or reflection, of oneself seen in the pupil of another. When I read that I thought that means you have to be pretty much face to face with someone for that "little man" to be there. That conjured up images of God looking at me face to face as I look into His face. I know I can't physically see Him, but He sure can see me! And He loves me!

But another thing I read was the apple of the eye is the iris and to touch it would be painful so it is protected by the eyelid. The imagery here is we - God's children - are the apple of God's eye and He is the eyelid that protects us. I like that too!

God loves me so much He wants us to draw so close together that my life is reflected in His eyes and because I am His child, He wants to protect me from the evil one who would desire to destroy me. Thank You!!

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