Someone has once again predicted the day and the hour of the end of the world. "Christians" in every generation believe they have it all figured out and they make a big to-do about the world coming to an end. This latest guy uses the Bible to supposedly give him the information. He must have failed to read Matthew 24:36.
What I found interesting was the response to reporters on the part of some who were randomly interviewed for their opinion. One woman was actually angry. A young man thought it was ludicrous. So many people are caught up in their own world that they can't even imagine not being able to live out their life to their satisfaction. That's really so sad but it means that the Church still has a lot of people to reach with the truth of Jesus Christ.
I also read a tweet about the "nut-job" who is giving Christians a bad name, making all Christians look foolish. And it made me wonder how Muslim's feel when the radical extremists commit some horrible act bringing death and destruction and Americans, including many Christians, lump them all together as murders or terrorists.
I was made to think of my own attitudes and whether I am willing to pray for the enemies of Christ and the enemies of America. It's real easy to hate just as they do, to ridicule the crazies, but as a follower of Jesus Christ I am to have a different attitude. Are my words, my actions, my thoughts toward those who are so filled with confusion or hate, pleasing to God and glorifying of my Lord?
From the cross Jesus forgave those who killed Him because He knew they didn't know what they were doing. Jesus died while ALL of us were still sinners. And He commissioned His followers to "go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (my emphasis) Last time I checked "all" means all, everyone, every nation.
Kinda hard to make disciples of people I hate or ridicule. Love is hard but it's what I am supposed to do.
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