Monday, October 22, 2012


Sometimes as I read all the good God character lessons in the Bible I tend to overlook some things. In the life of Joseph, for instance, God's faithfulness is a constant theme for all the years Joseph was a slave in Egypt. We are told the Lord was with Joseph in Potipher's house and in prison and as governor of the land. God allowed Joseph and those he served to prosper.

But Joseph is also a study in how not to conduct a family. Israel loved his sons by Rebecca more than he loved his other sons. Joseph was openly favored above his brothers. I imagine when Joseph told his family of his dreams there was a little smugness, a little hautiness in his telling of it. After all he was the favored son and now he was literally having dreams of grandeur.

When Joseph saw his brothers in Egypt after all those years, he set about making life miserable for them. He wanted a reunion but not before extracting a little revenge. Joseph is now the second most powerful man in a powerful land. He is about 40 years old and looks nothing like the 17 year old boy the brothers hated so much. Joseph takes advantage of that. He accuses his brothers of being spies, keeps a brother as a pledge of honesty, returns their money without telling them and vows they may not buy more grain without bringing their youngest brother back with them. 

I can imagine the fear of being in a foreign country and being accused of a crime. I can imagine the heartache of going home without their brother, Simeon, to tell their father all that happened. I can imagine the confusion of opening grain bags to find money inside; money that was to pay for the grain. I can imagine the fear in Israel's heart and mind when he releases his youngest son to go back to Egypt to buy more grain not knowing if he will return home.

The brothers return again to Egypt and Joseph, buy their grain and start home. But Joseph had his servant put his silver cup in Benjamin's grain bag. He then sends the servant to accuse them of stealing. So back they go to Joseph and Judah pleads for Benjamin's life.

Finally, Joseph says hey guys it's me, your brother! Surprise! Maybe the brothers thought they deserved going through all this fear and intimidation from Joseph but I don't think it endeared him to them any more than the special coat Israel had given to Joseph as a child or the dreams he had spoken to them.

Our family relationships should be grounded in love, honesty, and respect. Not much of that is evident in the life of Joseph and his relationship with his brothers. I'm glad the Bible is full of imperfect people. If God could use and bless them despite all their imperfections, then He can do the same for me! After all, He did give me Jesus!

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