Thursday, October 4, 2012


In Genesis 22 we read the story of God's test for Abraham. This is the story of the God promised child being taken by his father Abraham to the top of Mount Moriah to be offered as a sacrifice to God. Human sacrifice was not unusual in this area at this time but Abraham must have wondered why this was necessary. We know now that is was not necessary and that God did provide a ram for the sacrifice and that Abraham passed the test. But Abraham didn't know any of that.

Of course this wasn't the first test Abraham had faced. Long years before God told him to move far away fom his home. So Abraham moved and God blessed him with great wealth. God told Abraham to circumcise all the males in his household - Hebrews and foreigners, free men and slaves. "On that very day Abraham...circumcised them, as God told him. (Genesis 17) And God made him the father of many nations.

After Isaac was born, God told Abraham to send Ishmael away. "The matter distressed Abraham greatly because it concerned his son." (Genesis 21:8-21) But Abraham believed God's promise to him about Ishmael and sent him away. Then God made nations from Ishmael.

Abraham passed these tests and the more difficult test with his son Isaac. Every time God tells us to do something it is a test because we have a choice. We can obey and do what we know God is asking of us or we can refuse and then try to rationalize why we didn't do it.

Well, you might say, I've never had Jesus drop in for dinner like Abraham did. (Genesis 18) Or had God speak to me audibly as He did with Abraham. And I would say that is true. But God does still speak to us today. We have the Bible that records God's purposes for and interactions with mankind. "The word of God is living and active..." (Hebrews 4:12) We can trust it to guide us along the path of life. 

The Holy Spirit of God speaks into our hearts and our minds with all kinds of promptings to do this or not do that. "When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.." (John 16:13) I can tell if it is the Spirit of truth speaking because "He will glorify [Jesus]..." (John 16:14)

Too often we probably fail the tests God gives us because we are too busy to listen to God or too busy to act on what He said or are too afraid to act or don't really believe God said it or don't really trust God to help us do what He said. Excuses, excuses! We need to be more like Abraham who listened to God then did what he was told. No wonder God could use him to create His chosen people through whom He would redeem mankind. How much do you think God longs to bless us if we would just pass the test!?

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