Monday, January 3, 2011

God Grants Repentance

I've been reading Acts for several days now. Acts 11:18 is the end of Peter's story to the Apostles in Jerusalem about his trip to the Gentiles and God's revelation to Peter that salvation is available to all...even the Gentiles.

Today we would say, well, duh! But in those days they really believed salvation was only for the Jews. However, we are just as guilty of sitting in our little cocoons and being content and not reaching out to those around us because God wouldn't want to use ME to reach THEM. "Them" being those we think of as beyond God's reach because their lives are so screwed up or people we assume are okay even though they may be totally un-okay because they have no relationship with Jesus or maybe we just don't like them so we can't be bothered.

Yesterday in a clip from Andy Stanley at the NewSpring Leadership Conference, Andy said the church is not for church people. He asked how many church people were in the church when Jesus launched the church? And the answer is...Zero!

So, how am I going to be available to be used by God this year? What am I willing to do, where am I willing to go, what expense am I willing to bear to see God grant repentance to those I come in contact with?

Open my eyes, my ears, my heart to You, O Lord, that I might see as You see, hear Your direction, love as You love to be Your agent for change in the lives of those around me.

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