That, to me, is one of the most powerful statements in the Bible. No condemnation. What does it mean to be condemned? I found these definitions at Jesus Christ was condemned for me so I can live this life and the life to come with no condemnation. That is huge!
As I read these I realize I don't have to face disapproval or experience punishment from God. There are no grounds for convicting me before God. I will never be unfit for use or service in the kingdom of God. Everything I do for the sake of the kingdom of God, even if unseen or unknown by others (menial job), is of value to God. I can not be declared incurable of any disease because healing will come.
[kuh–verb (used with object)
to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicatestrong disapproval of; censure.
to give grounds or reason for convicting or censuring: Hisacts condemn him.
U.S. Law . to acquire ownership of for a public purpose, underthe right of eminent domain: The city condemned theproperty.
to force into a specific state or activity: His lack ofeducation condemned him to a life of menial Jobs.
to declare incurable.
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