Perry started a new series yesterday at NewSpring called Make War based on the story of David and Goliath found in 1 Samuel 17. He had 4 points about what God has saved us from. Unfortunately I can only remember point 1 - the power of sin; point 2 - a meaningless life; and point 4 - religion. Maybe point 3 will come to me as I type. My notes are still in the car and I'm not going out in the snow to get them.
And of course these are the 3 points that really spoke to me. I have read any number of times various passages in the Bible that tell Christ followers sin is defeated but that has not always been a reality in my life. However, I do have victory now - not at some unforeseen time in the future or when I get to heaven. Jesus defeated sin and death and the Holy Spirit gives me the same power that God used to raise Jesus from the dead. But I do have choices to make. God provides a way out - always - when I am tempted but am I will to take the way out? Or do I want to wallow in my sin and not experience the victory that is mine?
In Ecclesiastes Solomon talks about the meaningless life. He also comes to the conclusion that God is of utmost priority. We are to provide for our families and encourage our children and enjoy the blessings God has given us but when those things become the focus of our life rather than the worship of God, life becomes meaningless. We will not be judged on how much money we make or how new our car is or how big our house is or what college we attended or what football team we pull for but for the way we have touched the lives of those around us.
Ah...religion. Paul was VERY religious but was not a Christ follower. It was not until he surrendered his life to Christ by confessing Jesus is Lord and believing God raised Him from the dead that he learned that religion is not worth a hill of beans. In fact the Greek word skubalon used by Paul and translated as rubbish in this passage actually means the excrement of animals or dung. So religion counts for nothing but a personal relationship with the living Lord Jesus counts for everything.
Sunday was a great day. I am so excited about this series and can't wait to hear what Perry will say over the next 5 weeks.
It is so funny to me that the point you skipped was #3 The Wrath of God. I really liked your take on #2. That's the one I struggle with. This WAS a good sermon and I too am excited about the rest of the series. AND the 600+ people at NSChas. Go, God!