Seems I'm always saying "that's one of my favorite books of the Bible." Maybe I should just change that to the Bible is one of my favorite books. It probably should be my absolute favorite but I must admit I do enjoy a good novel.
But back to Lamentations. A lament for Jerusalem that has been destroyed by the Chaldeans and Nebuchadnezzar. What led to this destruction? The sins of God's people. Why would a book of tears and sorrow be a favorite of mine? Because this book has some of the most hope filled verses in the Bible. In the midst of all that has happened, people taken captive to Babylon, the temple and all the best houses burned, the author (Jeremiah is assumed) finds reason to praise God for His faithfulness.
The most recognized verses are probably Lamentations 3:22-23. In the midst of all the anguish of famine and war and captivity, Jeremiah is able to say, "Great is Your faithfulness! Your mercies are new every morning."
Later in this same chapter vs. 37-42 & 55-57 he acknowledges that nothing happens unless God allows it and I should not be surprised when I am punished for my sin. Rather I should test and examine my ways and turn again in repentance to the Lord. God hears my plea for help and says "Do not fear."
I believe every thing that happens to me and around me needs to be examined through the lens of God's word. Sometimes things happen that are the result of my turning away from God. If I don't look at the situation through God's eyes, things may get a lot worse before they get better. Is there some sin in my life God is trying to get me to recognize? Is there an attitude of pride or rebellion that makes me do things my way without considering God's way? Is God trying to build patience or faith or some other Christ like trait in me? Stuff doesn't just happen to me. Sometimes stuff happens FOR me and I need to be able to see it.
The biggest question I have is do I weep, do I lament over the things in my life that break my relationship with God? Sure I'm saved, I'm going to heaven but do I really HATE my sin that separates me from God? Or am I comfortable with it?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Seems there was a pretty strong storm last night. I heard it begin to rain around 11 PM, I guess, but I never knew we had a storm during the night. I really didn't hear any thunder or wind or see any lightening during the night but I did see the top of a tree lying in my yard this morning when I left for work so I knew something had happened during the night.
Several friends have asked how could you sleep through that?! I don't know. I'm not usually a very hard/deep sleeper - well at one time I wasn't. Maybe that was a long time ago when I had a child at home and I needed to be mom in the middle of the night. Even now I hear Bella when she gets up when she spends the night on the weekends. Maybe I'm just really tired when she leaves and kinda pass out!
I'm not one to worry much about storms. I guess if I knew a tornado was coming down my street I'd go hide in the gully behind the house but most of the time I don't even expect storms. Since I no longer watch TV and get my news from Google, I don't know much about the weather in my neighborhood.
Maybe it's better NOT to know the storm is coming. Just like in life...if I knew I was going get sick or have an accident or something was going to happen to my family, I might spend too much time worrying about things that I might not have any control over.
There are things I can do to prepare but those things should happen regularly whether a storm is expected or not. Like saving for emergency expenses or a job layoff. Like getting checked over by the doctor on a regular schedule. Like changing the oil in my car to keep it running longer. I can prepare but stuff still happens; storms still come. I just don't worry about them.
Several friends have asked how could you sleep through that?! I don't know. I'm not usually a very hard/deep sleeper - well at one time I wasn't. Maybe that was a long time ago when I had a child at home and I needed to be mom in the middle of the night. Even now I hear Bella when she gets up when she spends the night on the weekends. Maybe I'm just really tired when she leaves and kinda pass out!
I'm not one to worry much about storms. I guess if I knew a tornado was coming down my street I'd go hide in the gully behind the house but most of the time I don't even expect storms. Since I no longer watch TV and get my news from Google, I don't know much about the weather in my neighborhood.
Maybe it's better NOT to know the storm is coming. Just like in life...if I knew I was going get sick or have an accident or something was going to happen to my family, I might spend too much time worrying about things that I might not have any control over.
There are things I can do to prepare but those things should happen regularly whether a storm is expected or not. Like saving for emergency expenses or a job layoff. Like getting checked over by the doctor on a regular schedule. Like changing the oil in my car to keep it running longer. I can prepare but stuff still happens; storms still come. I just don't worry about them.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I Love NewSpring Church
What a great and glorious day of worship today at NewSpring!! The music was great and the preaching was great and seeing my friends was great and load out was great (well it was hot and sweaty - but still great).
Seeing the "production" of the service from the auditorium for the first time really blew me away. I've been involved in the backstage stuff since we moved but had not had an opportunity to just worship or to witness the visual effects of all that we do. Good job guys!
God touched my heart so many times through the music as I contemplated how holy and worthy God is; how I want to give Him everything. Roseangela is an intense worship leader who allows the Spirit to just overflow in her. I needed that today - an opportunity to allow the Spirit to overflow in and through me. What a time of renewal and repentance and commitment.
And then there is Perry. I am so glad he does not try to make everyone feel good. He said today that if you are not willing to commit to membership and to serving somewhere - if you are going to be a consumer - please leave NewSpring and go somewhere else.
He is fired up about all that is going to be happening this fall and said those who are not willing to make a commitment and serve are like an albatross around our neck; they are not helping to spread the gospel. Tough, tough words that need to be said at least once or twice a year. Thank you Perry for being bold.
Seeing the "production" of the service from the auditorium for the first time really blew me away. I've been involved in the backstage stuff since we moved but had not had an opportunity to just worship or to witness the visual effects of all that we do. Good job guys!
God touched my heart so many times through the music as I contemplated how holy and worthy God is; how I want to give Him everything. Roseangela is an intense worship leader who allows the Spirit to just overflow in her. I needed that today - an opportunity to allow the Spirit to overflow in and through me. What a time of renewal and repentance and commitment.
And then there is Perry. I am so glad he does not try to make everyone feel good. He said today that if you are not willing to commit to membership and to serving somewhere - if you are going to be a consumer - please leave NewSpring and go somewhere else.
He is fired up about all that is going to be happening this fall and said those who are not willing to make a commitment and serve are like an albatross around our neck; they are not helping to spread the gospel. Tough, tough words that need to be said at least once or twice a year. Thank you Perry for being bold.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Jesus Was Testing Him
Most people know the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 men plus women and children - the miracle of Jesus blessing the the 5 loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish and not only feeding everyone but taking up 12 baskets of left over bread. Very familiar story.
But as I was reading this I read something I don't think I had ever noticed before. In John 6:5-6, Jesus looks at the crowds that are gathered around him and then turns to Phillip and asks,"Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?" Verse 6 is what got to me: He (Jesus) was testing Phillip for He already knew what He was going to do.
Testing him...testing me. When God lays something on my heart that seems absolutely impossible, God could very well be testing me to see if I really believe that He has the ability to bring it off. I think He tests my attitudes, my faith, my logic, my fear.
Do I trust Him completely to bring it about? Do I trust Him to speak to me through His word and people in the Church and prayer to know what my part in His plan is to be? Or do I shrink back in fear believing it to be impossible? Or maybe even the opposite - begin making BIG plans, my plans, without any further consultation with God?
A few verses along in John 6:28-29, which was a day later, as Jesus is talking to the people they say, "We want to perform God's works, too. What should we do?" Jesus told them, "This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one He has sent."
But as I was reading this I read something I don't think I had ever noticed before. In John 6:5-6, Jesus looks at the crowds that are gathered around him and then turns to Phillip and asks,"Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?" Verse 6 is what got to me: He (Jesus) was testing Phillip for He already knew what He was going to do.
Testing him...testing me. When God lays something on my heart that seems absolutely impossible, God could very well be testing me to see if I really believe that He has the ability to bring it off. I think He tests my attitudes, my faith, my logic, my fear.
Do I trust Him completely to bring it about? Do I trust Him to speak to me through His word and people in the Church and prayer to know what my part in His plan is to be? Or do I shrink back in fear believing it to be impossible? Or maybe even the opposite - begin making BIG plans, my plans, without any further consultation with God?
A few verses along in John 6:28-29, which was a day later, as Jesus is talking to the people they say, "We want to perform God's works, too. What should we do?" Jesus told them, "This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one He has sent."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Ecomony
The stock market is at a record high for this year. But job losses are still increasing and businesses are still struggling. Homes are still being foreclosed and some banks have not made a turn around. According to President Obama, health care reform is needed to get the economy back on track but it will cost $1 trillion.
How can the economy get better with added debt? The banks were in debt so the government loaned them money increasing their debt. There is not enough money to pay for health reform so they will decrease payment for health care through Medicare and Medicaid. Does that increase those citizens quality of care?
Maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure it all out but I have never understood how you make debt go away by increasing your debt. Congress always talks about balanced budgets and deficits and no new taxes and less spending but more programs. It just doesn't make sense!
How can the economy get better with added debt? The banks were in debt so the government loaned them money increasing their debt. There is not enough money to pay for health reform so they will decrease payment for health care through Medicare and Medicaid. Does that increase those citizens quality of care?
Maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure it all out but I have never understood how you make debt go away by increasing your debt. Congress always talks about balanced budgets and deficits and no new taxes and less spending but more programs. It just doesn't make sense!
Gauntlet 2009
I've been following some of the twitter and facebook posts from staff at the Gauntlet. They have been having a pretty amazing time. NewSpring sent 18 bus loads of kids, volunteers and staff from the 3 campuses. There have been around 3000 total students in Daytona for the BigStuff camp.
Perry has been able to speak several times to the students. He actually closes out tonight starting at 8:30. He twittered earlier today... Just had a kid tell me, "i loved what you had to say this morning...I sort of fell asleep @ the end...but what I heard was good!" :-)
I'm sure the kids are going full steam all day long and staying up too late so the falling asleep is sort of expected. But the greatest thing about this week was the sunrise baptism on the beach where 115 kids took the plunge, literally, because they have made a commitment to follow Christ. That is just awesome. Thank you Jesus for drawing these kids into a personal relationship with You.
Perry has been able to speak several times to the students. He actually closes out tonight starting at 8:30. He twittered earlier today... Just had a kid tell me, "i loved what you had to say this morning...I sort of fell asleep @ the end...but what I heard was good!" :-)
I'm sure the kids are going full steam all day long and staying up too late so the falling asleep is sort of expected. But the greatest thing about this week was the sunrise baptism on the beach where 115 kids took the plunge, literally, because they have made a commitment to follow Christ. That is just awesome. Thank you Jesus for drawing these kids into a personal relationship with You.
The Word Became Flesh..
Genesis 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26 And God said, Let there be...light; Heaven; dry land, seas, plants; sun, moon, stars; fish, birds; land animals, man...and it was so
John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
That series of verses just blows my mind. How great is our God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who can just speak and the whole universe comes together, everything just IS. But even more mind boggling to me is that spoken, creative word, the Word, took on human form so that He could dwell among us. So that He could touch us and love us and heal us and correct us and teach us and die for us.
I want to question, to ask how'd You do that?! Why'd You do that?! But it is not for me to understand, not now, not in this life. It is for me to believe. Just simply believe. I am so unworthy of all that God has done and continues to do for me. It overwhelms me and all I can say is thank You! All I can do is surrender my heart and allow Him to have full control of my life.
The Word became flesh - Jesus Christ the one and only Son of God - so that I could live for all eternity with Him as a child of God...beginning the very day I said yes to Him!
John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
That series of verses just blows my mind. How great is our God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who can just speak and the whole universe comes together, everything just IS. But even more mind boggling to me is that spoken, creative word, the Word, took on human form so that He could dwell among us. So that He could touch us and love us and heal us and correct us and teach us and die for us.
I want to question, to ask how'd You do that?! Why'd You do that?! But it is not for me to understand, not now, not in this life. It is for me to believe. Just simply believe. I am so unworthy of all that God has done and continues to do for me. It overwhelms me and all I can say is thank You! All I can do is surrender my heart and allow Him to have full control of my life.
The Word became flesh - Jesus Christ the one and only Son of God - so that I could live for all eternity with Him as a child of God...beginning the very day I said yes to Him!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We Don't Listen
When I read about the Israelites and Jeremiah, it is so easy for me to say how could they not listen to and obey the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah. For 40 years, Jeremiah prophesied about the destruction of Jersualem.
On 2 separate occasions the Babylonians (or Chaldeans) entered the land and took the people into captivity. The first to go were the "best" of the land, like Daniel and his friends. The last to go was everyone else except the very poorest of the poor. When there was just a few people left, some who had run away came back.
Again Jeremiah gave them God's word - stay in this land and don't go to Egypt. If you go to Egypt you will all die! So...they went to Egypt, taking Jeremiah with them. All Jeremiah's prophesies had come true yet they still did not believe him. They actually said, "You are lying."
The told Jeremiah things were better when they worshiped the queen of heaven, then they had food and peace. They would not listen to Jeremiah when he told them, God provided all that and He just got tired of their disobedience and took everything away.
It's easy for me to say how dumb those people were! But what about me? How many times have I brought diaster upon myself in relationships, in finances, in work - or any situation, by being my own woman...entering a relationship that I knew was wrong, spending money I knew I should not spend for stuff I did not need, working more hours than I needed to and not accomplishing as much as I should. God has let me suffer the consequences of my sin. If is painful to go through a divorce or work your way out of debt or not get the raise or promotion all the hard work did not bring.
So how dumb am I? How many times have I repeated mistakes before I actually learned the lesson? Am I still making the same mistakes? No, I don't think so but am I making others? Sometimes I just want to do what I want to do. If I am not listening, if God is not directing my paths, my thoughts, my actions, it always leads to trouble.
On 2 separate occasions the Babylonians (or Chaldeans) entered the land and took the people into captivity. The first to go were the "best" of the land, like Daniel and his friends. The last to go was everyone else except the very poorest of the poor. When there was just a few people left, some who had run away came back.
Again Jeremiah gave them God's word - stay in this land and don't go to Egypt. If you go to Egypt you will all die! So...they went to Egypt, taking Jeremiah with them. All Jeremiah's prophesies had come true yet they still did not believe him. They actually said, "You are lying."
The told Jeremiah things were better when they worshiped the queen of heaven, then they had food and peace. They would not listen to Jeremiah when he told them, God provided all that and He just got tired of their disobedience and took everything away.
It's easy for me to say how dumb those people were! But what about me? How many times have I brought diaster upon myself in relationships, in finances, in work - or any situation, by being my own woman...entering a relationship that I knew was wrong, spending money I knew I should not spend for stuff I did not need, working more hours than I needed to and not accomplishing as much as I should. God has let me suffer the consequences of my sin. If is painful to go through a divorce or work your way out of debt or not get the raise or promotion all the hard work did not bring.
So how dumb am I? How many times have I repeated mistakes before I actually learned the lesson? Am I still making the same mistakes? No, I don't think so but am I making others? Sometimes I just want to do what I want to do. If I am not listening, if God is not directing my paths, my thoughts, my actions, it always leads to trouble.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jesus IS My Life
I've been thinking a lot about this scripture. Perry talked about this on Sunday. Jesus is not IN my life, He IS my life.
Is He really??? Is everything I do done because Jesus is living and breathing and acting and thinking and moving and caring and talking and working? I want to be overwhelmed with the presence of Jesus; aware of Him in every moment of my life.
I was reading Oswald Chambers this morning and he was talking about the poor in spirit. Before Jesus can be everything, I must be nothing. When I get to the end of me, then there is only Jesus. That can be really hard because I have mental abilities and talents and gifts that have allowed me to be successful in a lot of different ventures in the business world and in church world. It's hard sometimes to remember that it's not me, I don't do anything. Without Jesus I CAN DO NOTHING! Everything I am is because of God's touch on my life.
Jesus should be my life. The Holy Spirit dwells in me to conform me to the image of Christ. That is the only way Jesus can be my life. Paul said to live is Christ, not to be like Christ. Let it be so in my life, Lord.
Is He really??? Is everything I do done because Jesus is living and breathing and acting and thinking and moving and caring and talking and working? I want to be overwhelmed with the presence of Jesus; aware of Him in every moment of my life.
I was reading Oswald Chambers this morning and he was talking about the poor in spirit. Before Jesus can be everything, I must be nothing. When I get to the end of me, then there is only Jesus. That can be really hard because I have mental abilities and talents and gifts that have allowed me to be successful in a lot of different ventures in the business world and in church world. It's hard sometimes to remember that it's not me, I don't do anything. Without Jesus I CAN DO NOTHING! Everything I am is because of God's touch on my life.
Jesus should be my life. The Holy Spirit dwells in me to conform me to the image of Christ. That is the only way Jesus can be my life. Paul said to live is Christ, not to be like Christ. Let it be so in my life, Lord.
Nathan at the Beach
Nathan has gone on his first long trip away from the family. He left last Saturday to go to the beach with his friend Cole and Cole's mom and dad and won't be back until this Saturday. Nathan has been away with Cole for the weekend before but never for this long.
Sunday night he called and wanted to come home but Jeremy told him everything at home was good - everyone was well and missing him BUT Nate should get a good night's sleep and call back Monday morning. If he still wanted to come home, they would drive down to pick him up. By Monday morning, he was ready to stay. They had outings to the skate park and the water park planned for the day.
When Jeremy & Holly go to the beach with the children, they also have Holly's mom and dad, her brother & his girlfriend, her sisters (at least one) and some of their friends. The house is always full but it is always family. Going away for a week without any of your family is a big deal for a 10 year old. This is a great growing up experience for Nate and I hope he sticks out the week.
Sunday night he called and wanted to come home but Jeremy told him everything at home was good - everyone was well and missing him BUT Nate should get a good night's sleep and call back Monday morning. If he still wanted to come home, they would drive down to pick him up. By Monday morning, he was ready to stay. They had outings to the skate park and the water park planned for the day.
When Jeremy & Holly go to the beach with the children, they also have Holly's mom and dad, her brother & his girlfriend, her sisters (at least one) and some of their friends. The house is always full but it is always family. Going away for a week without any of your family is a big deal for a 10 year old. This is a great growing up experience for Nate and I hope he sticks out the week.
Jeremy got his motorcycle license yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I love to ride but I am not sure about Jeremy riding a bike every day.
He acquired his motorcycle from a friend who lived down the street from him. The guy, who was the tennis pro at a local country club, is from South Africa. He had been in the US for 8 or 10 years I think but the government decided not to renew his visa. So he had to quit his job, sell every thing he owned and go back home for 6 weeks before he can apply for a new visa and work permit.
The motorcycle is not a big Harley or anything but just a small street bike - not even sure of the make. But Jeremy loves riding it and it only costs a couple of bucks to fill it and he can ride it for a week on that 2 or 3 dollars.
I know that Jeremy will be careful. But most motorcycle accidents don't happen because of the motorcycle driver but because of car and truck drivers who don't see them and pull out in front of them or change lanes into them.
Or maybe I'm just jealous because I would really love to have a motorcycle for me!
He acquired his motorcycle from a friend who lived down the street from him. The guy, who was the tennis pro at a local country club, is from South Africa. He had been in the US for 8 or 10 years I think but the government decided not to renew his visa. So he had to quit his job, sell every thing he owned and go back home for 6 weeks before he can apply for a new visa and work permit.
The motorcycle is not a big Harley or anything but just a small street bike - not even sure of the make. But Jeremy loves riding it and it only costs a couple of bucks to fill it and he can ride it for a week on that 2 or 3 dollars.
I know that Jeremy will be careful. But most motorcycle accidents don't happen because of the motorcycle driver but because of car and truck drivers who don't see them and pull out in front of them or change lanes into them.
Or maybe I'm just jealous because I would really love to have a motorcycle for me!
Ignore God's Word
One of the things God asked Jeremiah to do was write down all the things God had said to him. So Jeremiah dictated all God had said to Baruch who wrote it all on scroll. Jeremiah 36:4
Because Jeremiah did not speak words the leaders wanted to hear, he had been banned from going to the temple so he sent Baruch there with the scroll to read it to the people. After the leaders heard this they took it to the king. As each section was read, the king cut it off and threw it into the fire.
Do I ever do that? I don't literally cut up my Bible and throw it in the fire but do I read it and then ignore what it says? Do I think that if I just ignore it, I don't have to believe it or it won't be true?
I think that is what King Jehoiakim thought...if I just burn it up, this prophesy I don't like will not come true. But God IS God and His word is ALWAYS true! Ignoring what God says doesn't make it go away or take away my responsibility to it.
Because Jeremiah did not speak words the leaders wanted to hear, he had been banned from going to the temple so he sent Baruch there with the scroll to read it to the people. After the leaders heard this they took it to the king. As each section was read, the king cut it off and threw it into the fire.
Do I ever do that? I don't literally cut up my Bible and throw it in the fire but do I read it and then ignore what it says? Do I think that if I just ignore it, I don't have to believe it or it won't be true?
I think that is what King Jehoiakim thought...if I just burn it up, this prophesy I don't like will not come true. But God IS God and His word is ALWAYS true! Ignoring what God says doesn't make it go away or take away my responsibility to it.
Often people talk about following Jesus as being easy...if we follow Jesus we will be rich and healthy and happy and no problems...but as I read the Scriptures, that is just not the picture God shows of those who follow him.
Jeremiah spoke the word of the Lord to Israel and Judah for around 40 years. His message was one of captivity and destruction. Of course God always said if they repent, I will relent. Jeremiah 36:3.
During the time that Jeremiah was faithfully prophesying what God told him, doing what God said, he was imprisoned, ridiculed, thrown into a pit, threatened with death, wore a yoke around his neck, bought a field when the country was about to be captured. God asked Jeremiah to do hard things and Jeremiah did and things did not necessarily go well for him. But God always was there with him, watching over him. Jeremiah 15:19-21.
That's not to say God doesn't bless His followers. He does. The Spirit of God fills us with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Galatians 5:22-23. But when we are living on the edge for Jesus, working hard to make Hell less crowded, opposition will come.
When I have NO opposition - and there are times like that in my life - when everything seems to be going great, am I just being allowed a breather or am I getting really slack in my walk and my obedience to doing the things God asks of me?
Jeremiah spoke the word of the Lord to Israel and Judah for around 40 years. His message was one of captivity and destruction. Of course God always said if they repent, I will relent. Jeremiah 36:3.
During the time that Jeremiah was faithfully prophesying what God told him, doing what God said, he was imprisoned, ridiculed, thrown into a pit, threatened with death, wore a yoke around his neck, bought a field when the country was about to be captured. God asked Jeremiah to do hard things and Jeremiah did and things did not necessarily go well for him. But God always was there with him, watching over him. Jeremiah 15:19-21.
That's not to say God doesn't bless His followers. He does. The Spirit of God fills us with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Galatians 5:22-23. But when we are living on the edge for Jesus, working hard to make Hell less crowded, opposition will come.
When I have NO opposition - and there are times like that in my life - when everything seems to be going great, am I just being allowed a breather or am I getting really slack in my walk and my obedience to doing the things God asks of me?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Lots to Pray About
Lots of people ask me to pray about various things. The challenge for me is not to forget. One of the worst things, in my mind, is to tell someone I will pray for them and then not do it. Or perhaps I know of a need in someones life that I should be praying about whether they ask me to or not. Not doing what I know I should be doing is sin.
Right now I am praying for a single mom and her daughter; for friends who have separated after 19 years of marriage; for the last week of Crossroads camp; for the Gauntlet; for my grandchildren and their parents; for a friend's mom who is very sick; for our President; for Perry and his family; for other staff at NewSpring at all campuses.
But do I pray for them with earnestness? Do I really stand in the gap for them? Do I just say help, heal, restore, guide or do I really wrestle with God for them? Do I beg God to do great and miraculous things in their lives? Or are they just a passing thought in my mind as I pray?
Right now I am praying for a single mom and her daughter; for friends who have separated after 19 years of marriage; for the last week of Crossroads camp; for the Gauntlet; for my grandchildren and their parents; for a friend's mom who is very sick; for our President; for Perry and his family; for other staff at NewSpring at all campuses.
But do I pray for them with earnestness? Do I really stand in the gap for them? Do I just say help, heal, restore, guide or do I really wrestle with God for them? Do I beg God to do great and miraculous things in their lives? Or are they just a passing thought in my mind as I pray?
Beautiful Summer Day
Today, between services at NewSpring, I was outside on the patio at the Carolina First Center. It was an absolutely beautiful day! Not too hot, blue skies, sunshine.
Thank you, Father, for giving us such a beautiful world to live in and the eyes and heart to appreciate it.
Thank you, Father, for giving us such a beautiful world to live in and the eyes and heart to appreciate it.
Wow, What a Day
That's about all I can say...WOW! What a day. Perry gave a really powerful message today aimed at Christians. I know it's been a great message when God breaks my heart!
Am I obsessed with my image before men when my heart is not right with God? Do I have garbage in my life I am trying to hide or cover up with outside stuff? Who am I when no one is looking? Do I believe the lie that I can walk with God and keep the garbage hidden?
Jesus had some of His strongest criticisms for the Pharisees who were the religious elite, the most "godly" people around in His day. But Jesus called them hypocrites and blind and whitewashed tombs! Looking good on the outside but full of garbage on the inside. Matthew 23:25-28.
Do I have idols in my life? Is there ANYTHING or ANYONE I love more than Jesus? My service, my family, my stuff, my habits? If there is it is an idol!! Ezekiel 14:1-5
Am I resisting the invasion of the Holy Spirit to convict me of the garbage and/or idols? As a Christ follower, someone who claims Jesus as Savior, He is not IN my life, He IS my life. Colossians 3:1-4.
Lord, as I listened to I Surrender All, I knew there were things I have not completely surrendered to You...whether an action or attitude. Thank you for convicting me. Help me to totally surrender to You in EVERY area of my life!
Am I obsessed with my image before men when my heart is not right with God? Do I have garbage in my life I am trying to hide or cover up with outside stuff? Who am I when no one is looking? Do I believe the lie that I can walk with God and keep the garbage hidden?
Jesus had some of His strongest criticisms for the Pharisees who were the religious elite, the most "godly" people around in His day. But Jesus called them hypocrites and blind and whitewashed tombs! Looking good on the outside but full of garbage on the inside. Matthew 23:25-28.
Do I have idols in my life? Is there ANYTHING or ANYONE I love more than Jesus? My service, my family, my stuff, my habits? If there is it is an idol!! Ezekiel 14:1-5
Am I resisting the invasion of the Holy Spirit to convict me of the garbage and/or idols? As a Christ follower, someone who claims Jesus as Savior, He is not IN my life, He IS my life. Colossians 3:1-4.
Lord, as I listened to I Surrender All, I knew there were things I have not completely surrendered to You...whether an action or attitude. Thank you for convicting me. Help me to totally surrender to You in EVERY area of my life!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Fridays always come with mixed blessings. It is the end of the work week but it is also a slow day at work (usually) so the day seems longer than most.
Friday nights I have my grandchildren here with me. I love Nate and Bella so much and I really enjoy watching them grow up. But having them here means I never get to "sleep in" on Saturday morning. Of course I don't sleep late anyway but having them here means fixing breakfast and being active at an early hour. There is no sitting and reading a book or drinking a cup of tea QUIETLY on the deck. Bella is 4 and talks constantly about everything and nothing. But it won't be long until they will be doing their own thing on Friday nights - football and movies and dates - and they won't have much time for Grandma Nancy.
This week will be just Bella and me. Nate is spending the night with Cole because he is going to the beach with them and they are leaving early Saturday morning. It is a much slower pace when it's just us girls. Bella enjoys being able to watch the movies she wants to watch with no argument from her brother. Nate, at 10, takes great pleasure in taunting his little sister so with him away, Bella won't cry and won't get angry and won't have to tattle all weekend. MUCH quieter!!
Friday nights I have my grandchildren here with me. I love Nate and Bella so much and I really enjoy watching them grow up. But having them here means I never get to "sleep in" on Saturday morning. Of course I don't sleep late anyway but having them here means fixing breakfast and being active at an early hour. There is no sitting and reading a book or drinking a cup of tea QUIETLY on the deck. Bella is 4 and talks constantly about everything and nothing. But it won't be long until they will be doing their own thing on Friday nights - football and movies and dates - and they won't have much time for Grandma Nancy.
This week will be just Bella and me. Nate is spending the night with Cole because he is going to the beach with them and they are leaving early Saturday morning. It is a much slower pace when it's just us girls. Bella enjoys being able to watch the movies she wants to watch with no argument from her brother. Nate, at 10, takes great pleasure in taunting his little sister so with him away, Bella won't cry and won't get angry and won't have to tattle all weekend. MUCH quieter!!
God Pursues
Most of the prophecy of Jeremiah is spent telling the people of Israel and Judah about the wrath of God that is coming, and has already come, in the form of exile to Babylon and the destruction of Jerusalem.
God is angry because His people, the people He led out of captivity in Egypt and brought to this land flowing with milk and honey, have turned away from Him to worship and serve other gods. Jeremiah 32:31-35
But God has relentlessly pursued them. He says in Jeremiah 32:39, "And I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants." In chapter 33 verses 6-9, God says, I will heal, I will restore, I will cleanse, I will forgive, I do good for them, I provide.
How many times has God had to pursue me? How many times have I walked away from the truth of His word or the conviction of His Spirit? How many times have I turned my back on God? How many times have I congratulated myself for something when without God it wouldn't be?
Thank you, Lord, for never leaving me or forsaking me. When I have been at my worst, You pursued me relentlessly; convicting me of sin and cleansing me from all the filth. Even now when I long to serve You and to live by Your word, I still stumble, I still sin but You are ALWAYS there ready to forgive. Your arms are ALWAYS open as You wait for me to respond to the conviction of Your Spirit. Thank You, Father, for healing, restoring, cleansing, forgiving, doing good and providing!! Amen
God is angry because His people, the people He led out of captivity in Egypt and brought to this land flowing with milk and honey, have turned away from Him to worship and serve other gods. Jeremiah 32:31-35
But God has relentlessly pursued them. He says in Jeremiah 32:39, "And I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants." In chapter 33 verses 6-9, God says, I will heal, I will restore, I will cleanse, I will forgive, I do good for them, I provide.
How many times has God had to pursue me? How many times have I walked away from the truth of His word or the conviction of His Spirit? How many times have I turned my back on God? How many times have I congratulated myself for something when without God it wouldn't be?
Thank you, Lord, for never leaving me or forsaking me. When I have been at my worst, You pursued me relentlessly; convicting me of sin and cleansing me from all the filth. Even now when I long to serve You and to live by Your word, I still stumble, I still sin but You are ALWAYS there ready to forgive. Your arms are ALWAYS open as You wait for me to respond to the conviction of Your Spirit. Thank You, Father, for healing, restoring, cleansing, forgiving, doing good and providing!! Amen
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nathan's 10th Birthday
Nathan's birthday is actually today but we celebrated last Saturday. Seven of his friends went with us to SPOG (Skatepark of Greenville) for several hours of skateboarding, pizza and cake.
Nathan really has some nice friends who gave him gifts he really skate shirts and these little miniature skate boards and ramps. The thing that made me so proud of Nathan though was how many times he said thank you - to each person and to the group as a whole.
Nate can be a little over the edge sometimes in his excitability and this day was no exception. But his genuine pleasure in the gifts he was given was great to see. He continues to amaze me when I see a different side to him that I have not seen before.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Seek With All My Heart
One of the verses a lot of people have as their life verse is Jeremiah 29:11..."I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord..." That is an important verse - a verse that reminds us that God directs our paths.
But I happen to like Jeremiah 29:13-14a. If I want to know the plans of God, the plans He has for me, I need to seek God with my whole heart. He has promised that I will find Him when I do seek Him this way. There is no other way to really know God's plans for me.
How often though is my seeking half-hearted? What if I am too busy or tired or lazy? How often do I put other things before seeking God? Even though I read my Bible and pray, is it with my WHOLE heart or just because I think I ought to. Am I really trying to find God and His plans or just fulfill a duty? The last half of Jeremiah 12:2 says, "You are near in their mouth but far from their heart." Don't let that be me Lord! Put within me a passion for You and for Your word.
But I happen to like Jeremiah 29:13-14a. If I want to know the plans of God, the plans He has for me, I need to seek God with my whole heart. He has promised that I will find Him when I do seek Him this way. There is no other way to really know God's plans for me.
How often though is my seeking half-hearted? What if I am too busy or tired or lazy? How often do I put other things before seeking God? Even though I read my Bible and pray, is it with my WHOLE heart or just because I think I ought to. Am I really trying to find God and His plans or just fulfill a duty? The last half of Jeremiah 12:2 says, "You are near in their mouth but far from their heart." Don't let that be me Lord! Put within me a passion for You and for Your word.
Warm Days and Nights
Last Sunday was my first load in/load out day. It was a very long day. I got to the Carolina First Center around 4:15 AM to help with the load in and set up. Then I worked production for 2 services. When the 2nd service was over around 1:00 PM we began the tear down/load out. We finished up about 2:30.
The warehouse area is, of course, not air conditioned. We had to roll all the cases, crates, cribs etc to the dock to be loaded. By the time I left I was very hot and sweaty. As I headed toward Spartanburg, I grabbed a sandwich and a COLD drink looking forward to a nap when I got home. That was not to be. When I walked in my house, it was very warm because my air conditioning was on the blink! Two days and $685 later it is working again but my thoughts of a nap went out the window.
Even though I opened the windows and turned on the fans, I just couldn't get really comfortable. One of the ladies I work with offered me her spare room, but I decided to tough it out. Part of that was because I thought how much I do have - water, a roof, food, clothes, a job, a car - I have SO much and knew that I shouldn't be really bent out of shape over a little thing like AC. However, I am VERY glad that it is fixed!!
The warehouse area is, of course, not air conditioned. We had to roll all the cases, crates, cribs etc to the dock to be loaded. By the time I left I was very hot and sweaty. As I headed toward Spartanburg, I grabbed a sandwich and a COLD drink looking forward to a nap when I got home. That was not to be. When I walked in my house, it was very warm because my air conditioning was on the blink! Two days and $685 later it is working again but my thoughts of a nap went out the window.
Even though I opened the windows and turned on the fans, I just couldn't get really comfortable. One of the ladies I work with offered me her spare room, but I decided to tough it out. Part of that was because I thought how much I do have - water, a roof, food, clothes, a job, a car - I have SO much and knew that I shouldn't be really bent out of shape over a little thing like AC. However, I am VERY glad that it is fixed!!
God Gets to Choose
In Jeremiah 27:5-7 God is very adamant that His power created all things and He will "give it to anyone I choose." In this passage God even calls King Nebuchadnezzar His servant.
This king certainly wasn't part of the chosen people of God. He wasn't a Jew or a descendant of Abraham. But God made a choice to use this man for His purposes. His purpose at this time was to punish Israel and Judah for their sins; for continually turning their backs on Him to worship other gods.
It's still true today. God gets to choose whom He will use. His choice will not always be the person we expect or the person we want. But because God is God, He can use those who walk faithfully with Him or those who do not. I guess those who do not walk faithfully with God will believe the things that happen in their lives comes because of their intelligence or hard work or luck.
Whatever one may think, God is in control. Just as He chose Nebuchadnezzar to subdue Israel, his days were numbered and when those days were up, he would become the slave. Through it all, though, God's purposes were being fulfilled.
This king certainly wasn't part of the chosen people of God. He wasn't a Jew or a descendant of Abraham. But God made a choice to use this man for His purposes. His purpose at this time was to punish Israel and Judah for their sins; for continually turning their backs on Him to worship other gods.
It's still true today. God gets to choose whom He will use. His choice will not always be the person we expect or the person we want. But because God is God, He can use those who walk faithfully with Him or those who do not. I guess those who do not walk faithfully with God will believe the things that happen in their lives comes because of their intelligence or hard work or luck.
Whatever one may think, God is in control. Just as He chose Nebuchadnezzar to subdue Israel, his days were numbered and when those days were up, he would become the slave. Through it all, though, God's purposes were being fulfilled.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pray for Perry
Yesterday, I was convicted that I don't pray for my pastor, Perry Noble, nearly enough. He told a story of being in Sam's with Charisse and Lucretia and having a man come up to him and just really tear him down.
I need to keep lifting Perry and his family before the Lord. Not only does he have the tremendous responsibility of being shepherd to 10,000+ sheep, he is faced with an onslaught of attack by the enemy.
I don't know what would make a man think he has the right or responsibility to tell Perry what he thinks of him while in the middle of a store and Perry is holding his 2 year old daughter.
Father, I pray that you would protect Perry, Lucretia and Charisse. Protect them physically from all the stuff of life - accidents, illness, injury. Protect them emotionally from the barbs and arrows of hate and misunderstanding that are flung in their direction. Protect them spiritually so that they will not grow weary in serving You and so that they will never doubt Your presence or the call on their lives. Help me and others be just as vocal in our love for and support of Perry as those who want to tear him down. Amen
I need to keep lifting Perry and his family before the Lord. Not only does he have the tremendous responsibility of being shepherd to 10,000+ sheep, he is faced with an onslaught of attack by the enemy.
I don't know what would make a man think he has the right or responsibility to tell Perry what he thinks of him while in the middle of a store and Perry is holding his 2 year old daughter.
Father, I pray that you would protect Perry, Lucretia and Charisse. Protect them physically from all the stuff of life - accidents, illness, injury. Protect them emotionally from the barbs and arrows of hate and misunderstanding that are flung in their direction. Protect them spiritually so that they will not grow weary in serving You and so that they will never doubt Your presence or the call on their lives. Help me and others be just as vocal in our love for and support of Perry as those who want to tear him down. Amen
One Year
NewSpring Church, Greenville, recognized it's one year anniversary yesterday. What an awesome thing it is to be part of a church like NewSpring. At the Greenville campus we have had over 500 people accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and have baptised over 300. God is doing some great things!
We also had our first day with our live connection to Anderson since moving to the Carolina First Center. There were some issues but we were able to get the 9:15 service up and make a DVD. At 11:15 we lost the signal and had to revert to the playback but it is so nice to have Perry live! Actually it was just nice to have him back after 5 weeks of other preachers.
It was also mentioned yesterday that the Florence campus is moving to the Civic Center in downtown Florence. That will increase their seating capacity to around 1000 and put them in a much more accessible and visible place. Anderson is now able to expand with the youth building and the live technology Greenville has been using for a year. And of course Greenville just about tripled seating capacity with the move to CFC.
Can't wait to see what God is going to do in the fall.
We also had our first day with our live connection to Anderson since moving to the Carolina First Center. There were some issues but we were able to get the 9:15 service up and make a DVD. At 11:15 we lost the signal and had to revert to the playback but it is so nice to have Perry live! Actually it was just nice to have him back after 5 weeks of other preachers.
It was also mentioned yesterday that the Florence campus is moving to the Civic Center in downtown Florence. That will increase their seating capacity to around 1000 and put them in a much more accessible and visible place. Anderson is now able to expand with the youth building and the live technology Greenville has been using for a year. And of course Greenville just about tripled seating capacity with the move to CFC.
Can't wait to see what God is going to do in the fall.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Boast in the Lord
I read this passage several days ago. Although it is a very familiar passage to me, I keep coming back to it. This passage has also been made into a song that I listen to.
Often people want to boast about their wisdom, accomplishments, power, riches. It makes us feel important or successful or just validates us in some way. But God tells us here that the important thing to boast about is
"that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord
who demonstrates unfailing love
and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth,
and that I delight in these things.
I, the Lord , have spoken!"
That is the prayer of my heart...that I would not be concerned with, be unduly proud of, feel a necessity to boast about anything but Jesus and His saving grace.
Often people want to boast about their wisdom, accomplishments, power, riches. It makes us feel important or successful or just validates us in some way. But God tells us here that the important thing to boast about is
"that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord
who demonstrates unfailing love
and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth,
and that I delight in these things.
I, the Lord , have spoken!"
That is the prayer of my heart...that I would not be concerned with, be unduly proud of, feel a necessity to boast about anything but Jesus and His saving grace.
Loving Facebook
I recently set up a Facebook profile and started using this "social networking" media. I have to say that I really enjoy knowing what all sorts of people I know, some I never see, are up to. Some are old friends from my previous church that I haven't seen or talked to in over a year but now we are "catching up". I like that!
It's neat to see pictures of grandchildren or graduations or family vacations. It's fun to be able to comment, to let an old friend (or a new one) know that I appreciate, like, pray for whatever is going on in their life. I actually had Josephine, our translator in Kenya, send me a friend request so now I am able to communicate with her and know what she is doing. I can ask her to hug her mom, Faith, for me. That's just too cool.
One of the things I've noticed is that I have lots of people who make lots of comments, share pictures, etc and lots of other people who never say anything. My only issue now is the time I spend on the computer. I didn't even turn it on last night, on purpose. I gave up TV over a year ago and only watch VERY sporadically but I don't want to turn into a computer junkie either. I gave up TV because I was watching more of it than I was reading my Bible or praying or even just reading. I don't want to just transfer that time to the computer. I think the word I need is discipline - but that ain't fun!!
It's neat to see pictures of grandchildren or graduations or family vacations. It's fun to be able to comment, to let an old friend (or a new one) know that I appreciate, like, pray for whatever is going on in their life. I actually had Josephine, our translator in Kenya, send me a friend request so now I am able to communicate with her and know what she is doing. I can ask her to hug her mom, Faith, for me. That's just too cool.
One of the things I've noticed is that I have lots of people who make lots of comments, share pictures, etc and lots of other people who never say anything. My only issue now is the time I spend on the computer. I didn't even turn it on last night, on purpose. I gave up TV over a year ago and only watch VERY sporadically but I don't want to turn into a computer junkie either. I gave up TV because I was watching more of it than I was reading my Bible or praying or even just reading. I don't want to just transfer that time to the computer. I think the word I need is discipline - but that ain't fun!!
Fugitive Roundup
I read an article today about the US Marshall's Service and how they rounded up more than 35,000 fugitives during the month of June.
It's amazing what can be done when law enforcement offices all across the country work together. Some of the fugitives were violent, some in gangs, some even wanted by other countries. This initiative can't be kept up all year, though, because most law enforcement offices are just to small to spare the manpower for this type of manhunt except for a limited time.
It's amazing what can be done when law enforcement offices all across the country work together. Some of the fugitives were violent, some in gangs, some even wanted by other countries. This initiative can't be kept up all year, though, because most law enforcement offices are just to small to spare the manpower for this type of manhunt except for a limited time.
The Joy??? of Home Ownership
Two and a half years ago I decided I wanted to buy a house - actually a townhouse or condo. I had lived in apartments for 25 years and liked where I lived. Well, I didn't like the neighborhood but I liked living downtown, on the 9th floor, with a porch overlooking the city (great for the annual fireworks at Red, White & Boom). Only problem was there was no place for the grandchildren to play.
The apartment was just over 600 sq ft so it was very small with no room to play inside or outside . I decided it would be nice to have a bigger place where the children could play and ride bikes and take walks and all that sort of thing. So I called a realtor friend and started looking.
When I found the townhouse I eventually bought, I thought it was a really good buy and a really good idea. I liked the size, the location, the yard, the price - all of that. But two and a half years later I wish I was still renting. Oh, the kids love it. Nate particularly likes to be here. He cuts my grass to earn money. There is room to spread out so he and his little sister aren't all over each other all the time. There is a concrete drive where Nate can practice skate boarding. The library is only a couple of blocks away and Bella likes to walk there on Saturday mornings.
I have found I don't really have the time, the desire or the money to maintain a house. When Nate is away I have to cut the grass myself. I have bought rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and ladders - things I've never had to spend money on. I need to replace my dishwasher. The furnace and AC need to be inspected/cleaned/tuned up (whatever you do to them) and I think I need a new thermostat. I need to paint the railings on the porches. Just so much to keep up with that I have never had to do. I guess I didn't really think about all that at the time. While I'm still working, I don't want to spend my time off doing upkeep. Now that I am "old" and contemplating retirement, I don't want to put my money into house repairs.
Maybe the economy will revive and I will decide to sell in a few years but until then I have to do what I have to do!
The apartment was just over 600 sq ft so it was very small with no room to play inside or outside . I decided it would be nice to have a bigger place where the children could play and ride bikes and take walks and all that sort of thing. So I called a realtor friend and started looking.
When I found the townhouse I eventually bought, I thought it was a really good buy and a really good idea. I liked the size, the location, the yard, the price - all of that. But two and a half years later I wish I was still renting. Oh, the kids love it. Nate particularly likes to be here. He cuts my grass to earn money. There is room to spread out so he and his little sister aren't all over each other all the time. There is a concrete drive where Nate can practice skate boarding. The library is only a couple of blocks away and Bella likes to walk there on Saturday mornings.
I have found I don't really have the time, the desire or the money to maintain a house. When Nate is away I have to cut the grass myself. I have bought rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and ladders - things I've never had to spend money on. I need to replace my dishwasher. The furnace and AC need to be inspected/cleaned/tuned up (whatever you do to them) and I think I need a new thermostat. I need to paint the railings on the porches. Just so much to keep up with that I have never had to do. I guess I didn't really think about all that at the time. While I'm still working, I don't want to spend my time off doing upkeep. Now that I am "old" and contemplating retirement, I don't want to put my money into house repairs.
Maybe the economy will revive and I will decide to sell in a few years but until then I have to do what I have to do!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bad Things, Good People
Yesterday I wrote about disasters and punishment for our sins as a country. As I read more in Jeremiah this morning and thought about what I wrote, I thought about the church age that we live in now.
God punished Jesus for our sins. He took all the wrath of God's judgment on the cross. Does that apply to countries too? Don't know. God doesn't send the storms of life to punish us but I certainly think He allows them to come for purposes of correction and to cause us to rely only on Him. We can't usually do much when the storms come but hang on for dear life. It's at those times people cry out to God for Him to rescue them.
For those who are Christ followers those are times when our faith is tested and refined. Times when we have to trust God when we have no idea what the outcome will be. I guess it is an age old dilemma about why bad things happen to good people...except the Bible tells us that not one of us is good but God alone!
God punished Jesus for our sins. He took all the wrath of God's judgment on the cross. Does that apply to countries too? Don't know. God doesn't send the storms of life to punish us but I certainly think He allows them to come for purposes of correction and to cause us to rely only on Him. We can't usually do much when the storms come but hang on for dear life. It's at those times people cry out to God for Him to rescue them.
For those who are Christ followers those are times when our faith is tested and refined. Times when we have to trust God when we have no idea what the outcome will be. I guess it is an age old dilemma about why bad things happen to good people...except the Bible tells us that not one of us is good but God alone!
Ah, Internet
Finally, FINALLY, I have my internet up and running. It was a very simple fix but I just couldn't take the time off from work before my trip to Kenya. And before that it would work a day or two and not work a day or two. But I really got tired of lugging the laptop to work and then to B&N or Panera to use the wi-fi.
I was told to plan on being home from 8 - 12 but the guy got here about 9:45 and by 10:30 I was out the door and headed to work. So all in all it was not a bad experience.
Oh, and the easy part was simply removing one of the feeds into the house. Seems I had 2 feeds and the older line had corroded or something so that no signal was coming through it. Fortunately the line to the jack I actually use for the internet (and I have no home phone) was the newer line. When the tech removed the old line the DSL was not confused about where to send the signal and voila' I now have internet again! (But my mouse died so I have to use the touch pad and I'm not very fast with that.)
I was told to plan on being home from 8 - 12 but the guy got here about 9:45 and by 10:30 I was out the door and headed to work. So all in all it was not a bad experience.
Oh, and the easy part was simply removing one of the feeds into the house. Seems I had 2 feeds and the older line had corroded or something so that no signal was coming through it. Fortunately the line to the jack I actually use for the internet (and I have no home phone) was the newer line. When the tech removed the old line the DSL was not confused about where to send the signal and voila' I now have internet again! (But my mouse died so I have to use the touch pad and I'm not very fast with that.)
Monday, July 6, 2009
God's Judgment
As I read in Jeremiah, I hear God say over and over how He will punish those who are supposed to be His but deliberately keep sinning and turning away from Him.
I remember when Katrina hit the coast at New Orleans and some preachers were saying it was the judgment of God. Other preachers, including some at the church I attended then, said it was not. I remember one saying that nature is under the same curse as people and the earth is groaning for the day that it will be made right again - peaceful with no earthquakes or hurricanes or "natural" disasters. That is found in Romans so it is true when God says it. But it is also true that Jesus stood up in the middle of a storm and told the wind and the waves to be still. I believe God is very much in control of nature even when nature is out of control!!
Personally, I believe God allows all sorts of disasters - natural or otherwise - to come into our lives, into our country to try to steer us back to him. After a 9/11 or a Katrina or other great tragedy, the churches are filled up with people seeking answers or relief from their fears or hope for their future.
The tough economy we are dealing with now is the result of poor choices by many people. The housing collapse, the banking and financial scandals, the automotive problems are not God's doing but are the result of sin in the the lives of a lot of people. People who let greed and the god of money or success drive them to hurt others in their rush to get rich.
Would God let our country collapse? He let Israel be taken into captivity. He let them suffer through droughts and famine. He let them be defeated in battle. Are our sins any less grievous to a righteous and holy God? I know we are NOT the same as Israel - God's chosen nation - but God has blessed this country tremendously over 200+ years. I wonder sometimes how long it will last.
I remember when Katrina hit the coast at New Orleans and some preachers were saying it was the judgment of God. Other preachers, including some at the church I attended then, said it was not. I remember one saying that nature is under the same curse as people and the earth is groaning for the day that it will be made right again - peaceful with no earthquakes or hurricanes or "natural" disasters. That is found in Romans so it is true when God says it. But it is also true that Jesus stood up in the middle of a storm and told the wind and the waves to be still. I believe God is very much in control of nature even when nature is out of control!!
Personally, I believe God allows all sorts of disasters - natural or otherwise - to come into our lives, into our country to try to steer us back to him. After a 9/11 or a Katrina or other great tragedy, the churches are filled up with people seeking answers or relief from their fears or hope for their future.
The tough economy we are dealing with now is the result of poor choices by many people. The housing collapse, the banking and financial scandals, the automotive problems are not God's doing but are the result of sin in the the lives of a lot of people. People who let greed and the god of money or success drive them to hurt others in their rush to get rich.
Would God let our country collapse? He let Israel be taken into captivity. He let them suffer through droughts and famine. He let them be defeated in battle. Are our sins any less grievous to a righteous and holy God? I know we are NOT the same as Israel - God's chosen nation - but God has blessed this country tremendously over 200+ years. I wonder sometimes how long it will last.
Who's Afraid of Portable Church
Yesterday was the first "tear down" day for me at NewSpring since we went portable. We started a 1:00 and were finished at 2:21. I mean finished with trucks ready to drive off.
We had taken down and loaded all the video, audio, lights and cabling as well as all the children's ministry things. Although this is still a work in progress, the organization was amazing.
First every rolling case for audio, video and lighting had a A, V or L on it (KV for kid video). Also the cases were labeled with a number: 1-# or 2-#. The 1 or 2 indicated the truck it was to go on. The other numbers indicated the order for loading on the truck. Those actually on the truck had a color coded diagram to show what was stacked on top of what and whether the case was to go longways or sideways in the truck.
I only saw 3 trusses (out of 9 or so total) and some plates to hold the trusses that were not on wheels. As things were taken down and packed or covered they were rolled into a single file. Once everything was packed, the train started moving everything to the dock. I couldn't believe all this stuff was packed and ready to go in less than an hour and a half.
Now, this coming Sunday will be my first "load in". I'm sure set-up will take a lot longer. Aligning projectors and hanging screens and white balancing cameras and hanging speakers and lights and running all the cables to make it all work again just takes longer. But I am still so impressed with how it all comes together.
God is so good to give us this place!
We had taken down and loaded all the video, audio, lights and cabling as well as all the children's ministry things. Although this is still a work in progress, the organization was amazing.
First every rolling case for audio, video and lighting had a A, V or L on it (KV for kid video). Also the cases were labeled with a number: 1-# or 2-#. The 1 or 2 indicated the truck it was to go on. The other numbers indicated the order for loading on the truck. Those actually on the truck had a color coded diagram to show what was stacked on top of what and whether the case was to go longways or sideways in the truck.
I only saw 3 trusses (out of 9 or so total) and some plates to hold the trusses that were not on wheels. As things were taken down and packed or covered they were rolled into a single file. Once everything was packed, the train started moving everything to the dock. I couldn't believe all this stuff was packed and ready to go in less than an hour and a half.
Now, this coming Sunday will be my first "load in". I'm sure set-up will take a lot longer. Aligning projectors and hanging screens and white balancing cameras and hanging speakers and lights and running all the cables to make it all work again just takes longer. But I am still so impressed with how it all comes together.
God is so good to give us this place!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
God Bless America
That is a pretty trite expression these days. Kinda like having "In God We Trust" on our money. But it is the prayer of my heart - that God would continue to bless America.
Whenever I go out of the country, whether it's a poor country like Kenya, a warring country like Israel, a beautiful island like the Caymans, or a neighbor like Canada, I always return with a grateful heart that God favored me to be born in America and in the time that I am living.
I ofter take for granted the blessing of God for my heritage; to grow up in a country like this. Even with all its flaws (for nothing will be perfect until the New Jerusalem and New Earth), it is a wonderful place.
I came of age in the 60's so I remember all the racial tension of that era; the Vietnam war and all the protests; the bombs and guns on college campuses; the assassinations of the President, his brother, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X; the Black Panthers; the threats from the Russians and the Cubans. Even though those were very difficult times and we were in the throes of a mini civil war, this was and is the best country in the world.
Happy Birthday America!
Whenever I go out of the country, whether it's a poor country like Kenya, a warring country like Israel, a beautiful island like the Caymans, or a neighbor like Canada, I always return with a grateful heart that God favored me to be born in America and in the time that I am living.
I ofter take for granted the blessing of God for my heritage; to grow up in a country like this. Even with all its flaws (for nothing will be perfect until the New Jerusalem and New Earth), it is a wonderful place.
I came of age in the 60's so I remember all the racial tension of that era; the Vietnam war and all the protests; the bombs and guns on college campuses; the assassinations of the President, his brother, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X; the Black Panthers; the threats from the Russians and the Cubans. Even though those were very difficult times and we were in the throes of a mini civil war, this was and is the best country in the world.
Happy Birthday America!
Can I Still Blush?
In my reading in Jeremiah this morning, in 6:15 and 8:12 God asks are the people (His people) not ashamed when they do terrible things. He says no, they don't even blush.
God's heart in these passages is broken because those who are supposed to love Him and follow Him and obey Him are doing their own thing and pushing Him away. They do things that are an affront to a holy God and don't even have the ability to blush with shame.
Are there things in my life, thoughts or actions, that are an affront to a holy God; to the one who sacrificed His Son so I could become His daughter? If I do something wrong and am confronted with it by Scripture or by the Holy Spirit do I have the humbleness, the contrite spirit to blush at my wrong doing or do I make excuses? Do I try to hide my sin? Am I willing to be broken before God in real repentance, not just an "oops, sorry!"?
Previously, in Jeremiah 3:22 God tells His children to return and I will heal you of your waywardness, of your backsliding, of your faithlessness. He wants me to be in a right relationship with Him. He pursues me; all I have to do is return.
God's heart in these passages is broken because those who are supposed to love Him and follow Him and obey Him are doing their own thing and pushing Him away. They do things that are an affront to a holy God and don't even have the ability to blush with shame.
Are there things in my life, thoughts or actions, that are an affront to a holy God; to the one who sacrificed His Son so I could become His daughter? If I do something wrong and am confronted with it by Scripture or by the Holy Spirit do I have the humbleness, the contrite spirit to blush at my wrong doing or do I make excuses? Do I try to hide my sin? Am I willing to be broken before God in real repentance, not just an "oops, sorry!"?
Previously, in Jeremiah 3:22 God tells His children to return and I will heal you of your waywardness, of your backsliding, of your faithlessness. He wants me to be in a right relationship with Him. He pursues me; all I have to do is return.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Richard returned my call last night. Sorry I didn't get to talk to him. We haven't talked in a couple of years. His mom is in the hospital with a broken hip and apparently is having some mental issues as well (Alzheimer's maybe?) Richard's dad died in 2003 and that hit him pretty hard; he's never quite gotten over it I don't think.
Now he and his sister are trying to decide what to do about mom. It's a tough decision to put a parent in a nursing home but sometimes that is the only option. Richard and Debbie both work full time and Debbie lives in Charlotte. Although Richard is a doctor, I don't think he would make a good nurse; doesn't have a very high regard for nurses. I don't think either of them will try to take care of their mother at home.
Richard might want to pay for sitters so his mom could stay in her house but she has steps everywhere (tri-level) and falling is how she broke her hip. Doesn't seem a practical solution to me but then my opinion was not sought. I'm not sure just how much Richard or Debbie rely on God's leading or God's wisdom but I will pray for it none the less.
When Mama was in the nursing home, it was really good for her and for my brother (who was chronically ill himself) and me. It is still hard because Mama often felt abandoned even though I went to see her and eat supper with her 5 nights out of 7 and had lunch with her on Sunday. She got great care and physical therapy after her stroke but she got to the point of not letting the assistants help her to the bathroom or much of anything else. She would tell them Nancy will be here, she'll do it.
I considered it a great privilege to be able to take care of my mom because she never quit praying for me when I was living so far from God. She loved me when I was not very lovable and never gave up on me. We never had a great relationship but those last 6 months drew us close together. I wouldn't take anything for the time we spent together during those last months of her life.
Now he and his sister are trying to decide what to do about mom. It's a tough decision to put a parent in a nursing home but sometimes that is the only option. Richard and Debbie both work full time and Debbie lives in Charlotte. Although Richard is a doctor, I don't think he would make a good nurse; doesn't have a very high regard for nurses. I don't think either of them will try to take care of their mother at home.
Richard might want to pay for sitters so his mom could stay in her house but she has steps everywhere (tri-level) and falling is how she broke her hip. Doesn't seem a practical solution to me but then my opinion was not sought. I'm not sure just how much Richard or Debbie rely on God's leading or God's wisdom but I will pray for it none the less.
When Mama was in the nursing home, it was really good for her and for my brother (who was chronically ill himself) and me. It is still hard because Mama often felt abandoned even though I went to see her and eat supper with her 5 nights out of 7 and had lunch with her on Sunday. She got great care and physical therapy after her stroke but she got to the point of not letting the assistants help her to the bathroom or much of anything else. She would tell them Nancy will be here, she'll do it.
I considered it a great privilege to be able to take care of my mom because she never quit praying for me when I was living so far from God. She loved me when I was not very lovable and never gave up on me. We never had a great relationship but those last 6 months drew us close together. I wouldn't take anything for the time we spent together during those last months of her life.
But What Will You Do in the End?
I've started reading Jeremiah which always make me think of the condition of America. In a lot of ways it is very similar to Israel & Judah in those days. God talks about faithless Israel and treacherous Judah. Wonder if He thinks that about America. He has given us so much in freedom and strength and stuff and we push Him away and say leave us alone.
Something I read this morning that really rocked me is Jeremiah 5:30-31. "A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and the people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?"
In America, I'm not sure we find it shocking any more that our prophets (preachers) prophesy lies. Whole denominations argue over the right to ordain practicing homosexuals or agree to perform marriage ceremonies for gay couples. TV evangelists tell people "Send me your money and God will bless you!" Then the preachers build lavish homes and buy expensive cars and boats and vacations.
And I do believe MANY people like it that way. People want to be told whatever makes them feel good about themselves or want the "rightness" of their sins validated. But God asks an intriguing question...what will you do in the end?
In the end of this life, judgment is given. Those who do not know Jesus Christ will be forever separated from God by the second death. In the end, every knee will bow and proclaim that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. In the end, there is no time to change your mind or repent.
Am I willing to speak boldly to those who are perishing? Am I willing to be uncomfortable to help someone meet Jesus? Am I willing to take chances on losing a friend by telling him (nicely) that what he is doing is wrong - especially if that someone is a believer. Am I willing to listen to correction when it comes to me, and then do something about it?
Something I read this morning that really rocked me is Jeremiah 5:30-31. "A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and the people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?"
In America, I'm not sure we find it shocking any more that our prophets (preachers) prophesy lies. Whole denominations argue over the right to ordain practicing homosexuals or agree to perform marriage ceremonies for gay couples. TV evangelists tell people "Send me your money and God will bless you!" Then the preachers build lavish homes and buy expensive cars and boats and vacations.
And I do believe MANY people like it that way. People want to be told whatever makes them feel good about themselves or want the "rightness" of their sins validated. But God asks an intriguing question...what will you do in the end?
In the end of this life, judgment is given. Those who do not know Jesus Christ will be forever separated from God by the second death. In the end, every knee will bow and proclaim that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. In the end, there is no time to change your mind or repent.
Am I willing to speak boldly to those who are perishing? Am I willing to be uncomfortable to help someone meet Jesus? Am I willing to take chances on losing a friend by telling him (nicely) that what he is doing is wrong - especially if that someone is a believer. Am I willing to listen to correction when it comes to me, and then do something about it?
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