Monday, July 6, 2009

God's Judgment

As I read in Jeremiah, I hear God say over and over how He will punish those who are supposed to be His but deliberately keep sinning and turning away from Him.

I remember when Katrina hit the coast at New Orleans and some preachers were saying it was the judgment of God. Other preachers, including some at the church I attended then, said it was not. I remember one saying that nature is under the same curse as people and the earth is groaning for the day that it will be made right again - peaceful with no earthquakes or hurricanes or "natural" disasters. That is found in Romans so it is true when God says it. But it is also true that Jesus stood up in the middle of a storm and told the wind and the waves to be still. I believe God is very much in control of nature even when nature is out of control!!

Personally, I believe God allows all sorts of disasters - natural or otherwise - to come into our lives, into our country to try to steer us back to him. After a 9/11 or a Katrina or other great tragedy, the churches are filled up with people seeking answers or relief from their fears or hope for their future.

The tough economy we are dealing with now is the result of poor choices by many people. The housing collapse, the banking and financial scandals, the automotive problems are not God's doing but are the result of sin in the the lives of a lot of people. People who let greed and the god of money or success drive them to hurt others in their rush to get rich.

Would God let our country collapse? He let Israel be taken into captivity. He let them suffer through droughts and famine. He let them be defeated in battle. Are our sins any less grievous to a righteous and holy God?
I know we are NOT the same as Israel - God's chosen nation - but God has blessed this country tremendously over 200+ years. I wonder sometimes how long it will last.

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