Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Seems I'm always saying "that's one of my favorite books of the Bible." Maybe I should just change that to the Bible is one of my favorite books. It probably should be my absolute favorite but I must admit I do enjoy a good novel.

But back to Lamentations. A lament for Jerusalem that has been destroyed by the Chaldeans and Nebuchadnezzar. What led to this destruction? The sins of God's people. Why would a book of tears and sorrow be a favorite of mine? Because this book has some of the most hope filled verses in the Bible. In the midst of all that has happened, people taken captive to Babylon, the temple and all the best houses burned, the author (Jeremiah is assumed) finds reason to praise God for His faithfulness.

The most recognized verses are probably Lamentations 3:22-23. In the midst of all the anguish of famine and war and captivity, Jeremiah is able to say, "Great is Your faithfulness! Your mercies are new every morning."

Later in this same chapter vs. 37-42 & 55-57 he acknowledges that nothing happens unless God allows it and I should not be surprised when I am punished for my sin. Rather I should test and examine my ways and turn again in repentance to the Lord. God hears my plea for help and says "Do not fear."

I believe every thing that happens to me and around me needs to be examined through the lens of God's word. Sometimes things happen that are the result of my turning away from God. If I don't look at the situation through God's eyes, things may get a lot worse before they get better. Is there some sin in my life God is trying to get me to recognize? Is there an attitude of pride or rebellion that makes me do things my way without considering God's way? Is God trying to build patience or faith or some other Christ like trait in me? Stuff doesn't just happen to me. Sometimes stuff happens FOR me and I need to be able to see it.

The biggest question I have is do I weep, do I lament over the things in my life that break my relationship with God? Sure I'm saved, I'm going to heaven but do I really HATE my sin that separates me from God? Or am I comfortable with it?

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