Jeremy got his motorcycle license yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I love to ride but I am not sure about Jeremy riding a bike every day.
He acquired his motorcycle from a friend who lived down the street from him. The guy, who was the tennis pro at a local country club, is from South Africa. He had been in the US for 8 or 10 years I think but the government decided not to renew his visa. So he had to quit his job, sell every thing he owned and go back home for 6 weeks before he can apply for a new visa and work permit.
The motorcycle is not a big Harley or anything but just a small street bike - not even sure of the make. But Jeremy loves riding it and it only costs a couple of bucks to fill it and he can ride it for a week on that 2 or 3 dollars.
I know that Jeremy will be careful. But most motorcycle accidents don't happen because of the motorcycle driver but because of car and truck drivers who don't see them and pull out in front of them or change lanes into them.
Or maybe I'm just jealous because I would really love to have a motorcycle for me!
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