What a great and glorious day of worship today at NewSpring!! The music was great and the preaching was great and seeing my friends was great and load out was great (well it was hot and sweaty - but still great).
Seeing the "production" of the service from the auditorium for the first time really blew me away. I've been involved in the backstage stuff since we moved but had not had an opportunity to just worship or to witness the visual effects of all that we do. Good job guys!
God touched my heart so many times through the music as I contemplated how holy and worthy God is; how I want to give Him everything. Roseangela is an intense worship leader who allows the Spirit to just overflow in her. I needed that today - an opportunity to allow the Spirit to overflow in and through me. What a time of renewal and repentance and commitment.
And then there is Perry. I am so glad he does not try to make everyone feel good. He said today that if you are not willing to commit to membership and to serving somewhere - if you are going to be a consumer - please leave NewSpring and go somewhere else.
He is fired up about all that is going to be happening this fall and said those who are not willing to make a commitment and serve are like an albatross around our neck; they are not helping to spread the gospel. Tough, tough words that need to be said at least once or twice a year. Thank you Perry for being bold.
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