Sunday, August 30, 2009

Money Message

Perry preached a great message today about my finances. I always need to hear these messages. I don't have any debt except my home but it is so easy to get off the budget without a reminder of what my priorities should be.

As I've looked at my budget again I find that I am wasting money that could be going into savings or additional principal payment on the house. When I say wasting I mean buying lunch and/or sodas at the drive through. I make tea every week and can take that AND my lunch so I don't have to spend money. The reason I don't is usually laziness; I don't get started early enough to get the sandwich made or the tea poured.

I find that I THINK I remember how much spending money I am supposed to allow myself but then don't actually check to see if my rememberance is correct. Now that I have looked I find that I have been spending more than I should...getting off budget. Living on the budget gives me enough to save for the special meals out and other occasions that might come up. Living off the budget can get me in the red in a hurry.

Bella Started School

Bella started school last Monday. She is in K4 at Pine Street School. She was excited about going to school because her big brother, Nate, is in 5th grade and she has been dying to be able to go to school too.

When she and Nate came Friday night, I began to ask Bella questions. I knew she wanted to go initially, I just wanted to be sure she wanted to go back again. And she does! She has 3 friends Mattie, Madison and another girl whose name she couldn't remember but said she is always nice. There is an AnnaBella in her class who uses both names. I had hoped Jeremy & Holly would start using Arabella instead of just Bella but they didn't and with an AnnaBella it's probably just as well.

Bella has decided she doesn't like the spaghetti at school but the hot dogs and sloppy Joe's are good. She also likes taking a blanket & pillow so she can take a nap. I don't think Bella has taken a nap in a long time. She is older than most of the other children because she will be five in October and some of the children have just turned 4. Being older is not a bad thing though.

She is excited about all that she is learning and being where Nathan is and just growing up. Had to measure her this weekend to see how tall she has grown. I hope she will continue to like school and her teachers and make friends easily.

Thursday, August 27, 2009



Sometimes I like authority...when crowds or traffic are controlled in an orderly manner. When the boss praises my completion of a project. When I am the authority.

Sometimes I DON'T like authority...when the blue lights go off in my rear view mirror. When I am reprimanded for something (doesn't matter if it's justified). When the rules are hard or unfair.

At one time I did a lot to buck authority, especially as a teenager and young adult in the 60's and 70's. But I find as I get older that I appreciate authority more and more. Even if I don't agree with the authority I RESPECT the authority of the President or the IRS.

Jesus had some things to say about authority. Concerning His life/death He said,"No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again." John 10:18

In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18) Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."

The people listening to Him teach said,"What is this? A new teaching - and with authority!" Mark 1:27

Jesus is the one authority I need to REALLY take seriously - not just respect but to listen to and to obey. He is the absolute authority; the voice that spoke the world into existence; the one who conquered sin and death.

"Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night." Revelation 12:10

Sad Commentary

As I was reading in John today, I read something that made me sad. In John 12:42-43 we are told "Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in Him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue, for they loved praise from men more than praise from God."

When I read that I wonder how could you not confess your faith when you were right there with Jesus, seeing and even participating in the miracles, hearing His teaching. Fear of the religious leaders, fear of their wrath, fear of the consequences. Of course the synagogue was central to all they did and it was the only church. They needed the priests and the ability to sacrifice for their sins. They needed a place to pray. They needed a place to meet God. Excuses, excuses!

In churches all over America every Sunday there are people who will not take a public stance for Jesus. Their heart may be pounding out of their chest and they KNOW that Jesus is tugging on their heart but they think about what people around them may think if they stand up or walk to the front. They are afraid to confess their faith in Jesus because they fear men more than God.

And I can't say anything about them - either the people in Jesus day or today - because I have had times in my own life when I have feared men (or women) and what they might think of me if I spoke up about Jesus; if I took a stand against risque jokes or really foul language; if I told someone you just need to give your life to Jesus. What excuses do I make to justify MY failure to publicly confess Jesus?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As I've been thinking about Perry's message last Sunday, one of the verses that comes to mind is from Jesus in John 16:33 - I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (NIV)

I believe a lot of the reason we worry so much and don't have victory over all the issues of life, why a crises can come and devastate us is because we don't really believe Jesus has overcome the world. We expect our "victory" to come when we get to Heaven but then we fight, and even fear, death which is what is necessary for us to get to Heaven. Won't go while I'm still alive!

What we really need to take hold of is that we have victory over all our troubles right here, right now if I have committed my life to Christ. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Those are the things I need to deal with just about anything from the death of a loved one to a financial crises to marriage gone bad to disrespect in the work place to loneliness to illness.

If I want to have victory in this life, I have to REALLY believe what Jesus says. He says He has overcome, so I have overcome; He will provide so I shouldn't worry about any of it. Jesus was betrayed by one of His inner circle. He was lied about, His motives were questioned. Everything I could possible face, Jesus faced in His 33 short years on earth. He KNOWS what I go through - physically and emotionally when times are tough. He can help because He sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit to be with me always.

Monday, August 24, 2009

5 Lies of the Devil

Perry started a new series this week at NewSpring. In the message this week he talked about the lie that God will never give you more (or put more on you) than you can bear.

I have heard that all my life. I'm not sure I have ever used that phrase myself but I think I have believed it. But as Perry told us Sunday, that lie is to keep us from declaring our inability to cope or to deal with the situation and just fall on our face before God in desperation and need of HIM to intervene.

Perry talked about Jehoshaphat and Paul. Jehoshaphat was king of Judah. Things had been going pretty good for him when he received word that a vast army was marching against him. He gathered all the people to fast and pray and declared to God that he did not know what to do.

When God told him to march out against the enemy, Jehoshaphat put the singers, the worship leaders at the front of the army singing "Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever."

For those who have given their lives to Jesus Christ, the battle is God's...the cancer is God's, the marriage is God's, the financial crush is God's, the wayward child is God's. He does not intend for us to fight our battles alone. He does expect us to worship Him, to trust Him, and to give the battle to Him; to declare our inability to face this "foe" without Him.

I have seen Christ followers who are almost ashamed to admit that they are having problems. They don't want anyone to know that they are struggling. Somehow facing a struggle with your child or your marriage or your money or your health means you don't have enough faith or maybe you're not really a Christian...all of which is another lie!

I know how hard it is to admit I can't handle something. When I closed my family's business, I went through a whole series of what ifs with God. As I think about them now, they were very self-centered what ifs. When I finally said I trust You, You do what is best, I was so overwhelmed with God's peace, with knowing that whatever happened it would be OK, I found giving up my income and my job with no prospects of any became one of the best times of my life.

That's all God wants from anyone when the times are uncertain, when times are hard...just to rely completely on Him!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sometimes - Questions

As I am reading through Ezekiel, I come across things I don't always understand at first reading. Like God telling the people He will restore them and His servant David will be their king. This is about 400 years after David died.

I don't know who Gog, of the land of Magog is but he's mentioned in Revelation also. God is changing gears in chapter 38 talking about in "latter years". Is this an end times prophecy? He's been talking about returning the people from Babylon to Israel after the 70 years of captivity.

I don't understand why Ezekiel is told to prophesy to the mountains - not people, but land - to tell them God will make them fertile and people will live on them again. Since God spoke "land" into existence, and Jesus calmed the seas with a "Be still", I guess that means that EVERYTHING can hear the voice of God. I think I knew that but I just hadn't really thought about it that way.

Chapter 37 starts off with Ezekiel prophesying in a valley to dry bones who put themselves together and get muscles and flesh and finally breath and become a great army-because Ezekiel did what God asked him to do. Now, really, how weird is that but this shows that God is sovereign over even death. NOTHING is too hard for God!

One thing I don't question is God's desire AND ability to take a hard, callused heart and turn it into a soft, pliable heart that He can use for His glory. The reason I am so sure about THAT is that He did that for me. He radically changed my life, my perspective, my desires and all to bring Him glory. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

God Is GOOD!

Had a great Guest Services team meeting last night at NewSpring, Greenville. I guess there were about 100 people there. I didn't realize being on the Prayer Team which is part of the Sunday Care Team is also part of the Guest Services Team.

Got to meet some other people on the prayer team and see lots of others that I don't normally see. We also got some statistics for what's been happening around NewSpring since our move to the CFC:
  • Salvations - 37
  • Avg attendance - 1467 (over the summer & July 4th!!)
  • 1st timers - 187
  • Avg GS volunteer - 115
  • 1st serves - 119
Those numbers just blow my mind, especially the 37 salvations. I know churches that don't have 37 A YEAR and God has moved and blessed us to allow us to see 37 in TWO MONTHS! God is doing GREAT things and I am so excited to be part of this.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thus Says the Lord God

Several things I have noticed about the book of Ezekiel as I'm reading through the Bible. I'm up to chapter 31 now and the first thing that really caught my eye as I started reading was how many times Ezekiel says "thus says the Lord God" (ESV translation.)

Number 2 on that list is how many times God says "they shall know that I am the Lord". And He says that whether He is talking about something that is going to happen to the people of Israel and Judah or to the people of Egypt or Babylon or Tyre or any of the other peoples He mentions.

The events He orchestrates are make Himself known not just to people who know about God but also to people who don't have a clue who He is. That is God's mission and purpose - for people to know Him, to be in relationship with Him.

The third thing that just struck me yesterday as I was reading is the time line of the book. The people were to be in captivity in Babylon for 70 years. The book is not in chronological order because it opens with "in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month..." and tells of the great vision of God Ezekiel had. Repeatedly he uses times such as the 6th year, 6th month, 5th day; 7th year, 5th month, 10th day.

Two things strike me as interesting about this. First, the very fact that he is precise with the time line indicates that this actually happened. This is not a made up story. Second, Ezekiel knows without a doubt when God has spoken. That says to me that Ezekiel is really looking for God to speak to him - anticipating that it will happen. He recognizes the voice of God and is ready to act on it.

I don't know HOW God spoke to Ezekiel but I know that He still speaks today. I too can hear God's voice if I am anticipating He will speak to me, if I am reading His word so I can recognize His voice (He never says things that contradict His written word) and if I am ready to act on it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Personal Evangelism

We're not having home group tonight because our fearless leaders are in Alaska and our hostess is trying to get her daughter packed and ready to move to college this weekend.

So I am here at Barnes and Noble on a Wednesday night and seeing people I know. They should be in church, but aren't. :)

I am really getting into Bill Hybels book, "Just Walk Across the Room". One of the things that makes it so practical, so useful is his honest approach of being ready to share Jesus but not always having an opportunity. His constant reminder that it's all about the work of the Holy Spirit rather than anything I do. My being available and then following the prompting of the Spirit is all that is required of me.

He also reiterates the seed planting, watering, harvesting principles of scripture. Not every word will be the one that causes someone to see the light but every word, every action done in the name of Jesus is a step in the process.

I am praying that God would use me anytime, any way He sees fit.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Live for Christ

As I was reading in 2 Corinthians today, I read in chapter 5 vs 15 "and He (Jesus) died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised."

That really goes along with Bill Hybels book, "Just Walk Across the Room" that I have started reading. NewSpring gave each family a copy of the book Sunday. Although I am not very far into the book the main theme is stop being so busy and so into yourself and think about others and how you can speak Jesus into their lives. Perry is always telling us to invest in people. Now this book is telling me that too. And last night Chip Ingram was on the radio preaching about personal evangelism.

Then today I read this verse. Makes me wanna ask..."God, are You trying to tell me something here???" If I am truly living for Jesus and not for myself, I will be more concerned about those around me. I will have a broken heart for those who are dying. I will remember that I was dying once and that was a terrible place to be. I will no longer live for myself but let Jesus be the guiding force in ALL that I think and do.

It should be that way already but some days it just isn't. I know that I am saved and that I will one day spend all eternity with Jesus whether I ever "walk across the room" or not. My works don't save me and don't make God love me more but I long to hear "Well, done!" when I stand in His presence one day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Preach the Word

As I have been reading through Ezekiel, over and over God tells Ezekiel to say to the people, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says."

That's one of the things I like so much about Perry. Although he is not a prophet in the sense that he will tell people about things that will take place in the future, he is a prophet in the sense that he speaks the words of God that are placed in his heart by the Sovereign Lord. Those words get their start in the Bible as Perry reads and studies and prays.

God has given us His word. I can read it for myself and get revelation from God, but Perry has a special calling from God to speak His words into the life of countless people. It sometimes amazes me that I can read a passage over and over and then Perry can preach on it and it opens up to me in a whole new way.

I am so grateful that Perry seeks God's wisdom for his messages and not the wisdom of other men. I know he reads books and talks to his friends/pastors but ultimately he preaches what God says, he preaches the Bible.

Back to School

Saturday I took Nate to buy school supplies. Stuff was really pretty inexpensive. He already has a book bag so we just had to get notebooks, paper, pens, pencils...all the utility stuff that 5th graders have to have.

And now tomorrow is the big day. Nate is really excited about getting back into school. He gets pretty bored sometimes over the summer. He really is a sharp kid who does well in school. Teachers mostly like him although he can be a challenge to keep focused sometimes.

One of the things we talked about was foreign language. He currently studies French but I wanted to know if he thought he might change. He will have the opportunity in 6th grade to switch to Spanish. He said he really wants to do that because he doesn't know anyone who speaks French but does know people (like at McDonald's :o) who speak Spanish. He already understands that it will probably be a much more useful language for him.

Bella doesn't start school until next Monday. She is really looking forward to school also. I just hope her excitement lasts beyond day 1. She has never been in a structured situation before so I don't know how well she will do. She is certainly smart enough to do well if she can tame some of her impulse to tell everyone what they are doing wrong.

I want both of my grandchildren to be successful in school and in all of life. I want them to use the gifts and talents they have to expand their world now and in the future. It is fun watching them grow and change and learn. It's especially nice to be able to send them home when I get tired!!

I thank God for them and hope that the words of wisdom and love and Jesus that I speak to them will bear fruit in their lives.

Fishers of Men

Sunday was one of the most intense Sunday's I have been part of. Perry brought a message that really stepped all over my toes.

Am I BOLD for Christ and the Gospel?
Do I Believe salvation is in the hands of God? Absolutely, I believe He is sovereign and only He can save anybody.

Do I understand I have an Obligation to share the Gospel? Do I really understand that there are people I have an obligation to tell about Jesus?

Do I Leverage my opportunities to speak the name of Jesus into various people and situations?

Will I make a Decision to ask God to use me any time, any place?

Perry read Matthew 4:18-19 and asked...are you fishers of men or keepers of the aquarium? OUCH! As he read that he asked did Jesus say come follow me and I will make you rich? No, He didn't. As I've thought about it He didn't say I will be successful or happy or problem free or have all my dreams come true. He said if I follow Him, I will be a fisher of men; I will lead men and women to Him.

Am I doing that? Am I praying for people I need to start talking to instead? Am I skirting around issues in order not to make someone uncomfortable - like me, or them? They will be REAL uncomfortable if they end up in Hell for all eternity.

No I can't save them but just about everyone who meets Jesus does so because someone took the time to invite them to church, to have the hard conversation, to care more about the other person's eternity than their own comfort zone.

I am willing to pray that prayer...use me God, any way You see fit. Give me opportunities to share my faith and the name of Jesus with those who are dying.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Praying for the President

One of the things that really bothers me is all the negative emails I receive about President Obama. I did not vote for him and do not approve of his policies but he is the President of the United States of America.

Whether I approve of him or not, maybe especially if I don't, God tells me I am to pray for him, for those in authority over me. As president he certainly is in authority!

I have seen emails that are very negative, very racially charged, very emotionally charged, very I'm good he's terrible kind of things. And so many of them come from people who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ. I don't remember reading anywhere in the Bible of Jesus taking on the Romans who were the rulers over the people. Or his telling the people how awful the Gentiles were. Seems to me He went about doing what God asked Him to do and had all His harsh words for the religious.

I wonder what our country would be like if all the Christ followers who spend so much time being anti-Obama were to become pro-Christ, 100% obedient to following Him. I think we would have a revival the likes of which we can't even imagine.

But...I gotta start with me, my 100% obedience!

Learn Out Loud

I read Steven Furtick's blog today titled "Please be patient with us". He talks about not having all the answers and sometimes getting it wrong but I really liked this at the end:

Be patient with me. I’m not preaching, teaching, blogging and tweeting because I think I’ve got it figured out. But I figure our church owes it to you to figure it out in front of you. To learn out loud.

I really like the phrase "to learn out loud". One of the things I like so much about NewSpring and Pastor P, is how open he is to sharing his struggles, his triumphs, his fears, his confidence. Because I read his blog and follow him on Twitter, I know more about him than I do a lot of people. Even though I have never met him and he preaches from Anderson and I am in Greenville, I feel such a part of the vision he has for NewSpring.

When I was on staff at FBC, I was amazed at how "closed" each ministry was from the other. People could change positions or even leave their job all together and you usually found out when your email was returned. And when it came to ministry stuff about the church, it was almost an us and them attitude. Don't let them know what we're planning. Them being the guys in the pews - unless you were a deacon. Sometimes them was anyone not a minister.

So I really like the "learn out loud" because we are all in this together! There are lots of decisions that are not made publicly, and rightly so, but there is also lots of vulnerability. They (the ministry teams) are not perfect but they are seeking God with all their heart. That helps me take ownership of the ministry, the vision. It also helps me to see myself as equal to the leadership in that I can seek God with all my heart and expect Him to use me to further His kingdom.

Monday, August 10, 2009

God of Mercy

I've heard people say they just couldn't believe in a God who claims to be good and loving but sends people to Hell. The thing is, people send themselves to Hell because they reject the Holy Spirit and His drawing and His conviction. People - me, us - want to do what makes us happy without focusing on God or what He wants.

It's strange that a parent will tell a child "No", not just arbitrarily but because the parent has been there and knows that the choice is not a good one, and yet will not accept the "No" from God the Father. That's been true in my own life. I KNOW that something is going to bring me pain in some form but I am so dead set on "fun" or having my way that I will think it won't be too bad. But then, of course, it is. For me as a Christ follower, the biggest pain comes from knowing that I have created a rift in my relationship with my Father.

But to get back to what started this, in Ezekiel 18:23 & 32 God says twice He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He would much rather the wicked turn from their sins and live! The fact that I DON'T die because of my sins, that I am NOT going to Hell, is only the result of God's mercy and grace; because I did turn away from my sins and turn toward God.

Lazy Weekend

Boy, I didn't realize how much I stay on the go until I had a REAL lazy weekend! For the first time in a long time, I didn't have the grandkids or any other commitment on Friday night.

Some of my friends were going to The Davenport in Greer to shag and I thought about going 'cause I usually don't have the freedom to go with them. But I decided against it. I think I really knew that I was tired.

So I stayed home Friday night and read a book. Saturday I went out early (7:30) and worked in the yard for about an hour and a half. Then I spent most of the rest of Saturday in a chair reading. I did run a couple of errands but was not gone any time at all. There was no load-in at church on Sunday and I was not working Production so I didn't leave the house until 10:15 Sunday morning. Lazy weekend!!

Only problem with all this laziness, is I couldn't sleep Sunday night and was up until about 1 am. But I did read 3 books over the weekend. Haven't done that in a long time either.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


One of the most comforting things about my relationship with God is that He never stops pursuing me. My relationship is not about what I can do for God or how good I am or how faithful I am. It's all about what God has done for me and how good He is and how faithful He is to me.

I was reminded of that again this morning as I read Ezekiel 16:62-63. God has just finished calling the people whores who have gone after every country, ever ruler, every god but Him. He tells them how He took care of them and clothed them and gave them jewels and made them "somebody" in the world only to have them reject Him for others.

But in these 2 verses God says again, I will establish My covenant with you and you will know that I am the Lord. What really gets to me is the very end of vs. 63 God says when I atone for you for all you have done. God's been speaking disaster but now He says when I atone...

God's anger is justified when He sees my sin. He is holy and without blemish, perfect in all His ways. Yet He wants me to be in a right relationship with Him. He wants it so much that He pays the penalty; He atones for my sin.

Sometimes as parents it is necessary to have "tough love", to allow your child to suffer the consequences of bad choices. In the same way God lets me suffer the consequences of my sin but He has already paid the penalty so that in His eyes, my sin is no more. The depth of that love is more than I can comprehend but I am so thankful for it. So thankful that God did not cast me aside when I cast Him aside. So thankful that He did not forget me when I forgot all about Him. So thankful that Jesus allowed evil men to kill Him so the penalty would be paid.

God has always made a way for men and women to come back to Him. It's just our stubborn, selfish ways that keep many from committing to Jesus.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


God, I want to thank You for the affirmation that has come to me recently that I am walking on the right path, that my move to NewSpring was God ordained, that You are pleased with me.

Thank you for allowing me to serve You through the ministries of NewSpring. I am so excited about the future. I can't wait to see what you are going to do in Greenville, Florence and Columbia as we expand in these areas to make the name of Jesus famous one life at a time.

Help me to continue to follow You and to know just where I fit in to Your plan, your big picture. You are a great and might God. I am overwhelmed that You love me, that You saved me, that You use me to do Your work.

Keep me focused on the things that are important to YOU! Amen

Know That I Am God

Something struck me this morning as I was reading Ezekiel 6 & 7. The English Standard Version I am reading is divided into paragraphs. Just about every paragraph begins "Thus says the Lord God" and ends with "Then they will know that I am the Lord."

In between the saying and the knowing is God's pronouncement of disaster, destruction, doom, gloom, war, famine and disease. It struck me as sad that all this disaster had to happen for the people to turn back to God, to know Him as Lord.

I guess it's a good reminder of what's been true in my own life. When I compromise with sin and begin to do things that are not pleasing to God, it is easy to push Him away, to rationalize my sin and to do things that separate me from a Holy God. Often it is not until I have a "wake-up call", something happens that shakes me up, do I recognize how far off the path I have gone.

I was also having fun with the phrase by changing the emphasis:
THEN you will know that I am the Lord.
Then YOU will know that I am the Lord.
Then you will KNOW that I am the Lord.
Then you will know that I AM the Lord.
Then you will know that I am the LORD.

Actually every one is true - when the disaster strikes, THEN - my eyes are opened. When the disaster strikes, YOU - me personally. When the disaster strikes, KNOW - too bad it takes this sometimes to open my eyes to knowing. When disaster strikes, I AM the LORD - He is sovereign over all life, over every situation and wants to be sovereign over me.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Following God Is Not Easy

God chose Ezekiel to be His prophet to the Israelites in captivity in Babylon. He even gave Ezekiel a spectacular vision of His glory. Ezekiel was so overwhelmed he fell face down on the ground. (Ezekiel 1:26-28)

God told Ezekiel that he was going to a land of rebels but he was to say, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says." God even told him they would not listen to him and would say terrible things about him. However, God told him not to be afraid, not to be dismayed. (Ezekiel 2:3-7).

God knew He was sending Ezekiel to do a hard thing. Even harder was the fact that God told him if I tell you to say something and you don't warn the people and the people perish, their blood is on your head. If you tell them and they don't repent, they pay the consequences. (Ezekiel 3:18-19).

That's a huge responsibility for Ezekiel to ALWAYS speak the word of God as He reveals it to him. There have been times in my life when I really felt compelled to say something to someone about Jesus or about the way they were living but I didn't because of fear or uncertainty.

God expects me to be obedient even when it is not easy. Maybe even especially when it is not easy. Jesus went to the CROSS! He is the Son of God, the Creator of the Universe and He LET people abuse Him so He could save us all. Why then am I reluctant to say something that I think someone may not want to hear? Maybe it means I don't really love them or care about them. Maybe it means I'm selfish. Maybe it means I don't really believe the person will end up separated from God for all eternity in a place called Hell.

Show me, Lord, how I can be used by You to reach those around me who need to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Make me dangerous!

I'm No Different

As I've been pondering the people of Israel and Judah and the prophesies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, I sometimes find myself thinking how could the people not recognize how far they had strayed from God? How could they not believe Jeremiah and Ezekiel?

Jeremiah was still in Jerusalem and Ezekiel was in Babylon but they were both saying the same things. They kept warning the people that God's wrath was going to be poured out because of their sin; Jerusalem would be destroyed. No one heeded the warning.

But then I think about me! How hard headed and strong willed and determined to live MY life MY way was I years ago when I walked away from my family, my God, my church and turned to a life of sin and darkness? How many times had I heard that it was wrong? That my sins would find me out? That I was just fooling myself into thinking it was fun? That life in the fast lane was the way to go? That the grass is greener ANYWHERE else?

I was nearly destroyed just as the Israelites were. Why am I amazed that they didn't listen when I was the same way?

Hopefully now I know better although I still have times when I seem to put God on the back burner and desire, even lust after, the things of the world whether it's stuff or position or recognition or money or anything that takes God's place in my life.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday to Me!

I have just celebrated another birthday! WooHoo!! As busy as I've been over the last several weeks I really do FEEL another year older.

It has been a GOOD birthday...lunch with my children and grandchildren on Thursday, lunch with the office ladies on Friday, lots of birthday wishes from facebook friends, some gift cards received, a birthday song from my home group and friends, and I got a raise! I also bought myself an HP netbook. I'd been contemplating a Kindle but I decided to get the mini computer because for the same price it's much more than a book reader. I went on Barnes and Nobles website and download their e-reader and some $4.99 books. Just gotta find a digital Bible.

I couldn't believe I got a raise. Just the day before my boss had called us all into the office to tell us "Time's are tough, but we're OK." He talked to us all about how our income is down and we don't know what a health care reform bill will do to our industry. Wasn't doom and gloom but it was a real times are tough speech. The next day he calls me into his office to say he's giving me a raise. It's not much but it will be more I can save for retirement!!

Cultural Differences

I just completed a class and now I am certified to teach English as a second language. Not sure what I will do with it but I've always wanted to have the training. Right now I'm too tired to even think about teaching a 2 hour class once a week for months.

Classes were taught by the SC Baptist Literacy Mission division of the SC Baptist Convention or the WMU or something and were held in Greer at a small church called His Vineyard. This church was so hospitable to us. They have about 80 -100 attenders I guess (based on the size of their auditorium). They are about to celebrate 4 years as a church and are in their 2nd location. They have a Spanish speaking service every Sunday at 1 PM after their morning English speaking service.

We had 12 people representing 7 churches, most with ministries already in place. The teacher is from a small church in the Valley Falls area of Spartanburg. They have had literacy missions for 12 years and teach mostly Mexicans and Cambodians but also other orientals and Europeans. They have had a ministry in the past to work with the spouses of doctors who come from overseas to do their residency at Spartanburg Regional.

One of the things we talked about at the end of the 15 hours of classes (6-9:30 on Thurs & Fri and 8:30-5:30 on Sat) was the cultural differences - things that Americans do or say that can offend those from other countries.

As I sat an listened to this I thought about the cultural differences between NewSpring and these very traditional churches. Throughout the sessions the teacher would give ideas about how to get last year's missions posters from the WMU or to use a children's Sunday School room because it might have a lot of the visuals you could use. She talked about giving reports at business meetings to generate interest and having the class on Wednesday night so the children could go to the regular church activities while the parents go to their literacy class. None of this fits into the culture of NewSpring. It never occurred to the teacher that their might be a "different" church in the room.

I will let Howard and David Nimmons know that I have this certification but I don't know that the church would want to be the provider of classroom space or put it in the budget. I'll just pray about that. The training I took is meant to be an outreach of the church to share Jesus with the class by having a devotion and prayer before every class and even use scripture for teaching. It also encourages talking about Christmas and Easter, etc. I may get involved with a secular ministry if this is not the right ministry for NewSpring. It was my heart, my desire to know how to do this so God will lead me where I need to go and to those I should teach and just the right time to do it.