One of the most comforting things about my relationship with God is that He never stops pursuing me. My relationship is not about what I can do for God or how good I am or how faithful I am. It's all about what God has done for me and how good He is and how faithful He is to me.
I was reminded of that again this morning as I read Ezekiel 16:62-63. God has just finished calling the people whores who have gone after every country, ever ruler, every god but Him. He tells them how He took care of them and clothed them and gave them jewels and made them "somebody" in the world only to have them reject Him for others.
But in these 2 verses God says again, I will establish My covenant with you and you will know that I am the Lord. What really gets to me is the very end of vs. 63 God says when I atone for you for all you have done. God's been speaking disaster but now He says when I atone...
God's anger is justified when He sees my sin. He is holy and without blemish, perfect in all His ways. Yet He wants me to be in a right relationship with Him. He wants it so much that He pays the penalty; He atones for my sin.
Sometimes as parents it is necessary to have "tough love", to allow your child to suffer the consequences of bad choices. In the same way God lets me suffer the consequences of my sin but He has already paid the penalty so that in His eyes, my sin is no more. The depth of that love is more than I can comprehend but I am so thankful for it. So thankful that God did not cast me aside when I cast Him aside. So thankful that He did not forget me when I forgot all about Him. So thankful that Jesus allowed evil men to kill Him so the penalty would be paid.
God has always made a way for men and women to come back to Him. It's just our stubborn, selfish ways that keep many from committing to Jesus.
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