As I've been pondering the people of Israel and Judah and the prophesies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, I sometimes find myself thinking how could the people not recognize how far they had strayed from God? How could they not believe Jeremiah and Ezekiel?
Jeremiah was still in Jerusalem and Ezekiel was in Babylon but they were both saying the same things. They kept warning the people that God's wrath was going to be poured out because of their sin; Jerusalem would be destroyed. No one heeded the warning.
But then I think about me! How hard headed and strong willed and determined to live MY life MY way was I years ago when I walked away from my family, my God, my church and turned to a life of sin and darkness? How many times had I heard that it was wrong? That my sins would find me out? That I was just fooling myself into thinking it was fun? That life in the fast lane was the way to go? That the grass is greener ANYWHERE else?
I was nearly destroyed just as the Israelites were. Why am I amazed that they didn't listen when I was the same way?
Hopefully now I know better although I still have times when I seem to put God on the back burner and desire, even lust after, the things of the world whether it's stuff or position or recognition or money or anything that takes God's place in my life.
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