As I am reading through Ezekiel, I come across things I don't always understand at first reading. Like God telling the people He will restore them and His servant David will be their king. This is about 400 years after David died.
I don't know who Gog, of the land of Magog is but he's mentioned in Revelation also. God is changing gears in chapter 38 talking about in "latter years". Is this an end times prophecy? He's been talking about returning the people from Babylon to Israel after the 70 years of captivity.
I don't understand why Ezekiel is told to prophesy to the mountains - not people, but land - to tell them God will make them fertile and people will live on them again. Since God spoke "land" into existence, and Jesus calmed the seas with a "Be still", I guess that means that EVERYTHING can hear the voice of God. I think I knew that but I just hadn't really thought about it that way.
Chapter 37 starts off with Ezekiel prophesying in a valley to dry bones who put themselves together and get muscles and flesh and finally breath and become a great army-because Ezekiel did what God asked him to do. Now, really, how weird is that but this shows that God is sovereign over even death. NOTHING is too hard for God!
One thing I don't question is God's desire AND ability to take a hard, callused heart and turn it into a soft, pliable heart that He can use for His glory. The reason I am so sure about THAT is that He did that for me. He radically changed my life, my perspective, my desires and all to bring Him glory. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
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