As I was reading in 2 Corinthians today, I read in chapter 5 vs 15 "and He (Jesus) died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised."
That really goes along with Bill Hybels book, "Just Walk Across the Room" that I have started reading. NewSpring gave each family a copy of the book Sunday. Although I am not very far into the book the main theme is stop being so busy and so into yourself and think about others and how you can speak Jesus into their lives. Perry is always telling us to invest in people. Now this book is telling me that too. And last night Chip Ingram was on the radio preaching about personal evangelism.
Then today I read this verse. Makes me wanna ask..."God, are You trying to tell me something here???" If I am truly living for Jesus and not for myself, I will be more concerned about those around me. I will have a broken heart for those who are dying. I will remember that I was dying once and that was a terrible place to be. I will no longer live for myself but let Jesus be the guiding force in ALL that I think and do.
It should be that way already but some days it just isn't. I know that I am saved and that I will one day spend all eternity with Jesus whether I ever "walk across the room" or not. My works don't save me and don't make God love me more but I long to hear "Well, done!" when I stand in His presence one day.
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