Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We are coming up on the first 100 days of President Obama's presidency. Somehow over the years this has become a defining moment of the presidency. Obama has certainly gotten his legislation pushed through so I guess he has accomplished a lot.

But what does that mean for us as a country? I don't think Obama is an FDR who did very similar things - shoring up banks and creating jobs - to help bring an end to the Great Depression. FDR also got a war that put lots of people to work building airplanes and bombs.

I find it very unsettling that the legislation that has been passed will increase our national debt by $6.5 trillion...not take it TO 6.5 trillion but ADD that much to what we already have. That's $65 billion A DAY for his first 100 days. China now hold a VERY large portion of our debt. What happens if China decides to ask for payment and we can't pay? What concessions would we have to make to this country that has been our nemesis for so many years - a country that has virtually no personal freedom and certainly no freedom of speech or religion?

I am not a doom and gloom person because my God is always in control but I am more aware of my need to pray for the President and this country.

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