I got to experience my first Easter at NewSpring. To say that it blew me away is an understatement. I actually attended 2 services over the weekend. Most of my home group planned to go on Saturday evening so we got together and went out for dinner after church. Then my son & his family decided to go to the Sunday evening service so I went again to get to see them and experience it with them.
No church I've ever heard of has sung the AC/DC song Highway to Hell at any service much less Easter. But we did. The scripture reference was Matthew 7:13-14. The wide gate and the road to destruction is the highway to hell. Without Jesus Christ, without the narrow way, we will not go to heaven when we die.
Over and over the Jesus tells us that He is the only way to God. There are so many religions and some claim they all lead to the same place but they can't all be true. ONLY JESUS leads to life - here and hereafter. There is NO OTHER NAME by which man may be saved.
This weekend at NewSpring we saw a total of 324 people give their lives to Jesus. How amazing is that!! As we see gay marriage become law and abortions continue and gang violence and hatred and so much evil in the world, in the midst of all that, God is still at work, still changing lives for all eternity.
Thank You, God, for allowing me to be part of what You are doing in Greenville and Anderson and Florence and Columbia and the across world. What a blessing You have given me by letting me see You work in such powerful ways.
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