Thursday, April 2, 2009

God Is Always in Control

One of the things that I find so interesting about the book of Job is everyone is trying to speak for God. Job in his sorrow at all he's lost just wants to curl up and die. Then he decides he needs a face to face with God so he can ask what's going on here? Why am I suffering and getting beat up by life? Why have You abandoned me? Why do I deserve this? Sounds like a lot of people. We want an explanation from God for all the trials and hardships and tough times. I've had friends who have said they are making a list and one day they are going to get answers. Yeah, right!

Then there's Job's sure of why Job is suffering. With all their God does this and God doesn't do that you'd think THEY were the one's that God pointed out as righteous. Which by the way is one of the most awesome stories in the whole Bible. The angels come into God's presence and Satan comes too. Always the accuser, he says Job only worships God 'cause of all the stuff God gives him. God gives Satan PERMISSION to take away Job's stuff. The big, bad angel can't do ANYTHING without God's permission. He is really a wimp AND a loser. Jesus already won the battle!!

I'm just about to get to my favorite part of Job; the part when God finally speaks and puts an end to Job's complaining and the "friends" posturing and all their empty speculations. But even with all the wrong stuff, they do say a lot of right things about the sovereignty of God and the power and majesty of God. We see how deep Job's faith is here and here. But then God speaks and like any of us, Job and his friends are left speechless.

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