David, a man after God's own heart, loved God's word and loved God's correction. Without God's correction/discipline, sins grow and separate us from God.
As I read the passage above from Psalm 19, I had to ask myself, do I REALLY love God's laws and commandments? Do I position myself to "succeed" with God in the sense that I obey what I know God wants me to do? And not just the rules and regulations, but the thoughts He speaks into my heart and mind. Am I obedient in even the smallest thing, the smallest urging, the quietest voice? Do I ever see how close to sin I can get without falling over the edge?
With God my salvation is sure, but if I really BELONG to Him shouldn't I want to do what He asks, what He expects? My joy comes from having a deep, personal relationship with a loving Father. Just as there is peace in a home when children obey their parents and don't whine and complain and try to get out of chores or homework; when they accept "No" as final; when they say "Thank you" for even small things, so there is peace in my heart - God's home - when I ask His direction for how to spend my time and energy and money and then do what I know He wants me to do.
God's love, His discipline, His patience, His directions, His laws are all perfect. Why would I not love His correction when He sees me headed for disaster? Too often I want the gifts, the blessings but not the "No". Help me, Lord, to love the "No" - knowing that You always have the right answer.
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