Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is It ONLY Wednesday

Yesterday, after lunch, I asked the woman in the next it still Tuesday? Well this morning I still can't believe it's only Wednesday.

I've done enough work already to fill a week but hopefully it will slow down now. Spring break is in full swing in Spartanburg County and people are supposed to be at home or on a mini vacation or something...not calling me with all sorts of issues with their health insurance. Unfortunately it is mostly small businesses struggling financially and past due accounts with carriers.

But my boss says I have the magic bullet this week. I've spent a lot of time on the phone with United Healthcare and have gotten a lot of information for people and a lot of problems solved so that is a good thing. Being on the phone with a carrier doesn't make all the paper on my desk go away, though. I did finally get all the paper sorted and put in the proper folders but it's still got to go into the file room.

Usually when I'm too busy to take lunch or breaks the week flies by but not this one. It's dragging its sorry carcass as slowly as possible. Monday was an 11 hour day but Tuesday was back to just 9. It's looking now like the rest of the days will be the 7.5 hour days I am paid for and that gives me reason to rejoice!!!

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