Saturday, May 19, 2012


My pastor, Perry Noble, has been having vision events around the state this week to tell us what God's plans are for the future of NewSpring Church in reaching the lost of SC with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have not actually heard this vision yet because he is coming to my location tonight. But I have heard through social media that two new campuses have been announced with one pastor already in place. These two, along with three new campuses this year including the Spartanburg Campus that I attend, will bring our total campuses to 10.

All of this costs money - a lot of money - so I have been thinking about how God would have me support this work and whether I am I willing to sacrifice something if necessary to give what God would have me give. One of the expressions Perry uses is "if it's God's will, then it's God's bill" meaning God will supply from His great riches all that is needed to support what He asks us to do. But He funnels those riches to people and then asks us to give.

Ah, but I'm not rich! Based on America, maybe not. Based on the rest of the world, I am infinitely rich. The problem is, I'm just not used to having to sacrifice anything. Tithing and giving are in my budget so it's no sacrifice; the money is allocated and I give it each month. But if God asks me to sacrifice something, would I be willing to do it?

I don't have a smart phone with a data plan. I don't have cable or satellite TV. I don't have magazine subscriptions I can cancel. So those kinds of sacrifices are not possible. I really do live a pretty simple life on a pretty small budget. But if I had them, and God asked me to, would I give them up to advance His kingdom?

As I have been seeking God on this, a budget item came to mind that I could reallocate to "Take the Land". I have already said OK to God about that. This reallocation would cause a small lifestyle change for me so maybe that is sacrifice on my part. It just seems so simple and I take such joy in giving the money that I don't see it as sacrifice. What a privilege to be part of what God is doing here!

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