Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So What?!

I don't watch TV on a regular basis; usually only when the grandkids are here. Most of the time my TV is not only not on, it is unplugged, so I don't hear a lot of the news. I do peruse Google news every day or 2 but I find that I don't really care about the news.

Is that weird? I pray about issues that I believe need to change - like gay marriage. I don't like the fact that states are rapidly giving same sex couples the right to "marry" and call themselves a family so I pray that God will intervene; not in the laws of the land but in the hearts of the people. No amount of arguing or saying how wrong something is or calling people names or passing laws or repealing laws will ever change anyone's heart. If a person is so steeped in sin that he/she believes it's OK to be involved in ANY sin - sexual sins of all descriptions, abortion, drugs, murder, theft, gossip, hatred, lying, cheating, stealing - whatever - the only thing that will change 'em is Jesus.

So I don't get all bent out of shape over the news. I don't worry about the economy or terrorists or swine flu. There are so many things that I just can not change or do anything about so I let them go after they pass through my brain as something to be aware of. I may even discuss them with others but, at the end of the day, I don't let them take up residence in my thoughts.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We are coming up on the first 100 days of President Obama's presidency. Somehow over the years this has become a defining moment of the presidency. Obama has certainly gotten his legislation pushed through so I guess he has accomplished a lot.

But what does that mean for us as a country? I don't think Obama is an FDR who did very similar things - shoring up banks and creating jobs - to help bring an end to the Great Depression. FDR also got a war that put lots of people to work building airplanes and bombs.

I find it very unsettling that the legislation that has been passed will increase our national debt by $6.5 trillion...not take it TO 6.5 trillion but ADD that much to what we already have. That's $65 billion A DAY for his first 100 days. China now hold a VERY large portion of our debt. What happens if China decides to ask for payment and we can't pay? What concessions would we have to make to this country that has been our nemesis for so many years - a country that has virtually no personal freedom and certainly no freedom of speech or religion?

I am not a doom and gloom person because my God is always in control but I am more aware of my need to pray for the President and this country.

Earnestly Searching

I've been reading through the Psalms. It always takes so much longer to read them than other books of the Bible because they are so thought provoking. EVERY Psalm has verses that declare the glory of God or the strength or help or provision or faithfulness of God. I can't just read over them without pondering who God is and my relationship with Him.

One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 63:1-8. When I read this several days ago, it struck me again that I need a deep longing for God. IF He is my God, and He is, then I SHOULD earnestly seek Him. I should desire Him more than anything. I should recognize Him when I see Him work in my life and the lives of those around me.

Am I too busy to notice? Do I think I don't really need Him unless things begin to go wrong? Do I take Him for granted - knowing He's always there but kind of ignoring Him most of the time? I don't want that to be the defining line of my relationship with God. If that is the way it is, it's not much of a relationship. 1 O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. You are the living water that satisfies my soul!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


A week or so ago I wrote about my grandson Nathan. Now it's Bella's turn. She is so much like her daddy; I see Jeremy all over her. That can be good and bad...because Jeremy was a lot like me! Strong willed, determined, self centered are just a few of the characteristics I would use for Maria Arabella.

But she is also very loving, tender, and helpful. At 4 1/2 she is a dynamo. She loves her big brother and wants to do and like everything he does and likes. She is a study in contrasts - she will ride a skateboard in a ballerina skirt or practice wrestling moves in a dress. Such a tomboy in so many ways (because of Nathan's influence) but such a girlie girl in others (probably MeMaw's influence).

Sometimes she calls me Grandma Nancy, sometimes MeMaw (which is Holly's mom) and sometimes Grandmother. Doesn't really matter to me. When she walks up and looks at me with those big blue eyes and says, "I love you!" she could call me George for all I care.

She will start school this fall. I know she has the ability to do really well but has the personality to be in trouble all the time. She'll either be head of the class or in detention. I don't see any middle ground for her.

More than anything I really look forward to the day when she comes to know Jesus as her personal Savior. I hope I'm even a small part of the influence that leads her to Him.

Countdown to Kenya

It's not long until we leave for Kenya. I stand in awe of a God who would entrust me with the responsibility of being on the lead team for our church and foreign missions. I am overwhelmed at the prospect of all God is going to do through me and for me on this trip. The trip won't be easy for a lot of reasons but our God is already preparing me and the other people on the trip as well as the people in Kenya that we are going to serve.

Right now, I have no idea what any of us will be doing but it doesn't matter. Just to know that God can use me to further His kingdom in this way is almost incomprehensible to me. One of the things I said when I learned there were 100's of applications was that I want to be sure I am going because God wants me to go - not just because I want to go.

So thank You, God, for continually drawing me into Your presence over the years to prepare me for this time. Let everything I/we do, everything I/we say come from Your heart and Your lips all to bring glory to Your name.

Great Sunday!

God is soooo good. I can't believe He actually allows me to be part of something as special as NewSpring Church. God is alive and well and leading people to a saving relationship with His son, Jesus.

Perry is currently preaching a series called The Gospel, mainly from Matthew 7. This series started on Easter Sunday and in 2 weeks we've had about 450 people cross over the line from death to life. It is just so awesome to be praying for and expecting God to do miraculous things...and then seeing Him do it!!

The music today was really special in my book. I love every song we sang...Revelation Song, In Christ Alone, Jesus Messiah plus 3 others...all were serious worship songs. And I know more people gave their hearts to Jesus. What an exciting place to be Sunday after Sunday, as God just pours out His Spirit to draw men and women to Himself.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tough Decisions

Learned today that one of the staff members at NewSpring will be leaving his position. Tony Morgan will be seeking God's direction for a new chapter in his life. When people are friends life Perry and Tony are, it is really hard to make tough decisions about who should serve where. But I am glad to be in a church that is willing to make those decisions.

Kenya Is Soon

It's just 7 weeks until I leave for Kenya with the mission team from NewSpring. Not too much to do but pack but I did have to get immunizations. To get 5 shots at one time is NOT fun!! My arm is a little sore from the DTP shot but tetanus always does that to me. I may have a low grade fever in about a week from the yellow fever immunization because it is a live virus. And I still have to get my malaria medication.

I've bought my gallon size zip lock bags and travel size toothpaste, lotion, antibacterial wipes and some protein bars to try. I've never eaten protein bars but it is highly recommended that we carry some since we can't eat a lot of the food out in the field. Gotta find out if snacks go in carry on luggage or need to be packed.

I'm already thinking about which clothes I will take. No jeans are allowed for anyone and women have to wear skirts except for free time. Everything has to be loose fitting and modest. I'll probably take mostly short sleeve t-shirts for tops. It will be the start of their winter so it will be chilly at night. Nairobi is at 5000 ft above sea level. We will be 3 - 4 hours north near Mt Kenya which is 17,000 ft. high.

We will stay in a small hotel with toilets and showers - but usually no hot water and no toilet paper. Out in the villages we will have pit latrines...stand/squat over a hole and go! The latrines are enclosed, that's a plus. Hopefully we won't contract traveler's diarrhea. Hmmm...better buy something for that.

It will be an adventure!! But it's one I am REALLY looking forward to. Gotta be prayed up about it for sure.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Love Nathan

The grandkids were here this weekend and I have to say I love my grandson!! Biologically, we are not related. His mom, my son's wife, was married before and Nathan is Holly and Matt's child. But...Jeremy and Holly have been together since Nate was 3 and he is about to turn 10 so he's been "ours" for a long time.

Nathan is just the coolest kid. I'm not sure "cool" is the correct word to use today but that is what Nate is in my mind. He's an intelligent, kind-hearted, honest, all boy kind of kid. He's loud and raucous and into skateboarding. He has several close guy friends that he shares life with at school and at play.

Nate thinks I'm a the "best" grandma 'cause I let him do all the stupid, 10 year old boy stuff, like yelling lasagna out the car window at guys riding bicycles. I don't make him take showers or sleep in pajamas (it's just one night a week). I'll watch YouTube with him and help him learn the skateboarding tricks he sees. I don't buy him stuff accept for special occasions but he cuts my grass for money and if he wants to go spend it he can. He listens to the things I say about saving and tithing but doesn't have a "got to" at home for those things.

Nathan asked Jesus into his heart a few years ago. He loves Jesus and does know what is right and good and what is bad.

One skateboarding show he showed me a couple of months ago on Hulu featured this awesome skateboarder - Nate's description - named Bam. Nathan had seen the video on TV but when he found it on Hulu it was full of awful language. He told me he didn't like that. As I watched the video I told Nathan that Bam was a spoiled brat and I didn't like his attitudes or actions or his nasty mouth at all. This weekend, Nathan told me Bam is not his favorite any more. Seems he had an opportunity to actually see Bam in person at a skate park. Nathan's comment - he's a punk. From Nathan that is not good. Bam was obnoxious and rude and Nathan has no use for him anymore. Good decision, Nate!!

I can't wait to see how he takes on the world as he grows up.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

God Looks at the Heart

Pete Wilson had an interesting item on his blog today about the British TV show Britain's Got Talent. The video and accompanying story made me cry but it also made me glad that I am part of a church that doesn't select people based on looks or position or money - as staff or as volunteers.

If they did, I certainly would not qualify for a position because I am not "pretty" on the outside. (Used to be...and it got me in a lot of trouble over the years.) NewSpring encourages EVERY member to become involved in ministry as a volunteer in the church. God makes us all sorts of heights and shapes and colors and dispositions. But the Bible tells us we all have a gift to use to bring glory to His name. The Bible also tells us God looks on the heart and that the outward appearance can be deceiving.

Now my question for heart searching is do I look down on those who are not as nice or smart or clean as me? It doesn't matter whether it is Simon Cowell smirking at the middle aged lady or me turning up my nose at a homeless person or a drunk. The result is the same. I have somehow judged the person as unworthy. Maybe that person crossed my path just so I could speak the name of Jesus to him or her.

God, forgive my arrogance and pride - conditions that keep me from loving people as You do!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter at NewSpring

I got to experience my first Easter at NewSpring. To say that it blew me away is an understatement. I actually attended 2 services over the weekend. Most of my home group planned to go on Saturday evening so we got together and went out for dinner after church. Then my son & his family decided to go to the Sunday evening service so I went again to get to see them and experience it with them.

No church I've ever heard of has sung the AC/DC song Highway to Hell at any service much less Easter. But we did. The scripture reference was Matthew 7:13-14. The wide gate and the road to destruction is the highway to hell. Without Jesus Christ, without the narrow way, we will not go to heaven when we die.

Over and over the Jesus tells us that He is the only way to God. There are so many religions and some claim they all lead to the same place but they can't all be true. ONLY JESUS leads to life - here and hereafter. There is NO OTHER NAME by which man may be saved.

This weekend at NewSpring we saw a total of 324 people give their lives to Jesus. How amazing is that!! As we see gay marriage become law and abortions continue and gang violence and hatred and so much evil in the world, in the midst of all that, God is still at work, still changing lives for all eternity.

Thank You, God, for allowing me to be part of what You are doing in Greenville and Anderson and Florence and Columbia and the across world. What a blessing You have given me by letting me see You work in such powerful ways.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christianity as Entertainment

I don't watch TV often so I get my news from Google news and other internet sources. As I was scrolling down the list of articles, I came to one on the celebration of Easter in Jerusalem - which was filed in the entertainment section!

I don't know why that makes me laugh because it is really so sad. The story of Jesus' death and resurrection and the people who celebrate it are classified as entertainment. A large portion of the world accepts ANY religion as honorable and worthy of respect - except those who follow Christ. Maybe it's because we have let "religion" distort our message. Maybe it's because we talk too much about what we are against and not enough about what we are for. Maybe it's because Jesus doesn't fit the model of what people expect in a Savior.

Of course He didn't fit the model in His own day either. That's why the religious people killed Him. I'm so glad I'm not part of a religion. My Savior asks me to have a personal relationship with Him. Yes, He died 2000 years ago but guess what?! The tomb is empty. Jesus did rise from the dead - conquering death for all time. Jesus did pay the penalty for my sins. Jesus does sit at the right hand of God in Heaven interceding for me. Jesus will welcome me home one day to live forever with Him.

He did it all! My acceptance by God is not about me and what I do for God. (Thank goodness, because I screw up all the time.) But about what Jesus did for me.

Do I Love God's Correction?

David, a man after God's own heart, loved God's word and loved God's correction. Without God's correction/discipline, sins grow and separate us from God.

As I read the passage above from Psalm 19, I had to ask myself, do I REALLY love God's laws and commandments? Do I position myself to "succeed" with God in the sense that I obey what I know God wants me to do? And not just the rules and regulations, but the thoughts He speaks into my heart and mind. Am I obedient in even the smallest thing, the smallest urging, the quietest voice? Do I ever see how close to sin I can get without falling over the edge?

With God my salvation is sure, but if I really BELONG to Him shouldn't I want to do what He asks, what He expects? My joy comes from having a deep, personal relationship with a loving Father. Just as there is peace in a home when children obey their parents and don't whine and complain and try to get out of chores or homework; when they accept "No" as final; when they say "Thank you" for even small things, so there is peace in my heart - God's home - when I ask His direction for how to spend my time and energy and money and then do what I know He wants me to do.

God's love, His discipline, His patience, His directions, His laws are all perfect. Why would I not love His correction when He sees me headed for disaster? Too often I want the gifts, the blessings but not the "No". Help me, Lord, to love the "No" - knowing that You always have the right answer.

God's Love Overwhelms Me

What a beautiful Easter Sunday! What a wonderful Easter Saturday night! We had church at NewSpring last night. The message was one of the most powerful I have heard/seen since I started at NewSpring almost a year ago.

Although I have been a Christ follower most of my life, I am still overwhelmed at the price Jesus paid to redeem my sorry, sinful life so that I can be called a daughter of the Most High God. I am so glad the story never gets old for me. As I thought about all Jesus suffered, the death and punishment He accepted so I wouldn't have to be punished, I wept. Not tears of regret but tears of joy that God loves me so much that He would pay such a price for me. For me! Who am I that God should love me so?

And it's not just me He loves. God loved the WORLD and He gave His one and only Son, that ANYONE who believes in Him will have eternal life. John 3:14-17 Last night about 10 people in Greenville, gave their lives to Jesus. They are now the recipients of God's grace and God's love and part of my family. I don't know their names, but we will spend all eternity together in heaven. Yeah!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I love the Easter season. A lot of people think that Christmas is the main holiday for the Church...Jesus being born in a manger. And it is important. It is the fulfillment of a ton of prophecy and lots of years of expectation.

But the only reason Jesus left His home in Heaven to be born to a virgin Jewish teenager was to die on a Roman cross so that He could pay the penalty for my sins. That just blows me away. Jesus, part of the Trinity of the God-head, son of the Living God, gave up His position, His "rights", His home in Heaven to come to earth as a man. He faced all that we face - hunger, thirst, abandonment, loneliness, tiredness, frustration, anger, temptation, joy, peace - anything, everything human existence affords.

The greatest thing He did was take on the sins of the world, bear those sins into death and the pit of Hell and then, 3 days later, rise from the dead, victorious over sin and death. And He did this for me!! So all my sins can be forgiven and I can be reconciled to a holy God; so I can have the Holy Spirit to fill me with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control; so I can spend all eternity with Him in Heaven when this body finally dies.

Easter - without it there is no hope, no forgiveness, no salvation, no forever in the presence of God.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Am I Real with God?

I'm reading the Psalms each day. One of the things that I like about David's songs to the Lord is just how real David is. When he feels abandoned, he asks God where are you. When he's in the midst of hard times, he asks God to intervene. When his enemies attack him, verbally or physically, he calls on God to deal with them.

But the thing David does most is praise God for who He is, for what He has done, for what He will do. David really seems to KNOW God, not just know about God. He teaches me a lot about worship. He trusts God with all that he has.

I think a lot of times we put on a false face to the world 'cause we don't want anyone to know if we are hurting or scared or angry or doing things we ought not to. I think we've been taught to "be nice" so we won't even open up to God - who already knows what's going on in our hearts and minds. I think that is why David had such a great relationship with God; why God called him "a man after My own heart." David was willing to be real with God and in turn, God became very real to him.

Spring Is Here

Well, maybe not. Just a few days ago, on Saturday, it was 70 degrees. A tad breezy but a great day to be out working in the yard. Today it is cold again...feels like winter.

Bella and I went out around 9:30 Saturday morning; Nathan was still sleeping. She didn't have any long pants or a sweater so I put her in the car with her baby Jaguar (a stuffed toy - from the Dora cartoon). I pulled the car up to where I was and of course I took the keys out. So she played happily, feeding, changing diapers and all the little girl stuff little girls do.

I had started weeding the flower beds Friday evening while the kids rode skateboards and played. On Saturday morning, while Bella was pretending to be mommy, I took up where I left off. Bella wanted to help Friday evening but she didn't want to get the damp earth under her fingernails or hold the worms we uncovered. So she bowed out of the Saturday morning weeding until I started moving mulch. Then she decided she would help and started filling empty plastic flower pots. I'm not sure how much she wanted to help but I do know she enjoyed the "digging" to scoop up the mulch into the pots.

But spring will return. I guess Spring is here whether the temperatures feels like it or not. The azaleas and dogwoods and other early bloomers are just spectacular now. I love this time of year!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

God Is Always in Control

One of the things that I find so interesting about the book of Job is everyone is trying to speak for God. Job in his sorrow at all he's lost just wants to curl up and die. Then he decides he needs a face to face with God so he can ask what's going on here? Why am I suffering and getting beat up by life? Why have You abandoned me? Why do I deserve this? Sounds like a lot of people. We want an explanation from God for all the trials and hardships and tough times. I've had friends who have said they are making a list and one day they are going to get answers. Yeah, right!

Then there's Job's sure of why Job is suffering. With all their God does this and God doesn't do that you'd think THEY were the one's that God pointed out as righteous. Which by the way is one of the most awesome stories in the whole Bible. The angels come into God's presence and Satan comes too. Always the accuser, he says Job only worships God 'cause of all the stuff God gives him. God gives Satan PERMISSION to take away Job's stuff. The big, bad angel can't do ANYTHING without God's permission. He is really a wimp AND a loser. Jesus already won the battle!!

I'm just about to get to my favorite part of Job; the part when God finally speaks and puts an end to Job's complaining and the "friends" posturing and all their empty speculations. But even with all the wrong stuff, they do say a lot of right things about the sovereignty of God and the power and majesty of God. We see how deep Job's faith is here and here. But then God speaks and like any of us, Job and his friends are left speechless.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is It ONLY Wednesday

Yesterday, after lunch, I asked the woman in the next it still Tuesday? Well this morning I still can't believe it's only Wednesday.

I've done enough work already to fill a week but hopefully it will slow down now. Spring break is in full swing in Spartanburg County and people are supposed to be at home or on a mini vacation or something...not calling me with all sorts of issues with their health insurance. Unfortunately it is mostly small businesses struggling financially and past due accounts with carriers.

But my boss says I have the magic bullet this week. I've spent a lot of time on the phone with United Healthcare and have gotten a lot of information for people and a lot of problems solved so that is a good thing. Being on the phone with a carrier doesn't make all the paper on my desk go away, though. I did finally get all the paper sorted and put in the proper folders but it's still got to go into the file room.

Usually when I'm too busy to take lunch or breaks the week flies by but not this one. It's dragging its sorry carcass as slowly as possible. Monday was an 11 hour day but Tuesday was back to just 9. It's looking now like the rest of the days will be the 7.5 hour days I am paid for and that gives me reason to rejoice!!!