Saturday, April 27, 2013

Amazed by God

As I sit here this morning contemplating life and ministry and family and me, I am amazed and humbled at the thought that God cares for me. I don't doubt it, not for a second, but it still amazes me that He knows me personally and cares about me personally and speaks to me personally.

Thousands of years ago, David asked the question that is sometimes on my lips, "When I look at your  heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:4 ESV) I think he probably wrote this when still a shepherd, sitting on a hillside at night watching over his father's sheep. I think I know what David was feeling because in the Caribbean on a very small island with no city and no street lights, I have looked up at a night sky so full of stars it took my breath away.

I am overwhelmed that God who created all those stars and set them in place and calls them by name also created me and loves me and calls me by name. He has a plan for me to help fulfill His purposes on this earth. I was created to live right now, as Esther was told, "...for such a time as this." (Esther 5:14)

I don't ever want to lose the sense of awe that comes from knowing the Creator of the universe. I don't ever want to lose sight of my need for relationship with Him. I don't ever want to take for granted the punishment Jesus bore for my sins. I want to obey Him when He asks me to do anything. I want to gratefully accept and acknowledge the blessings God pours into my life, realizing that everything I have and everything I am is from Him.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nothing Changes Much

I was reading in Genesis about Jacob and Laban and all the shady dealings that went on between them. I have to admit I sometimes question why God puts this stuff in the Bible.

Jacob, with his mother's help, cheated his brother Esau. Esau wants to kill Jacob so Mama Rebekah gets Papa Isaac to send Jacob to Laban. Laban was Jacob's uncle; his mother's brother. Jacob was looking for a wife among his family and when he saw Rachel it was love at first sight. He worked for his uncle for seven years and on his wedding night...ta da...the bride was the older sister Leah. Although Jacob gets Rachel, too, a week later, he works another seven years for her. Then he works another six years before he finally packs up his family to go home. Jacob is now wealthy with flocks and herds and children - 11 of them by 2 wives and 2 servants. What a mess! Still God is planning to use these eleven sons and another to be born later to fulfill the promises He made to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.

I read this and think these people were really dysfunctional. But as I look around at our world today, we haven't changed much. More children in the US are in single mom homes than ever before with no dad in sight; most of these born out of wedlock. For those who do marry, divorce is more the norm than a for a lifetime marriage. There are over 27 million adults and children enslaved around the world, including the US, in sex trafficking and forced labor. People lie and cheat, like the Barney Madoff's of the world, to steal money from friends. Others swindle money from those who want to help in times of tragedy. We are a mean, selfish, greedy people.

Thank You, God, for using Jacob to prepare the way for our Savior! Thank You, God, for telling us stories of redemption so that we don't have to feel hopeless in our sins. Thank You, God, for showing Your love to us despite our sinfulness.

People in the Bible are real people, with real problems, and with real sins, just like me. When I read their stories I see myself and see that God can also use imperfect me, perfected through faith in Christ Jesus, to accomplish His will for my little sphere of His world.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I Love My Church

I am so glad God brought me to NewSpring Church in 2008. God is doing amazing things and I get to be part of it. I think that is the most amazing part!! King David said in Psalm 8, "...what is man that You are mindful of him..." and I would say who am I that You have blessed me with such favor?

As my Father, God wants to give me good things! One of the very good things He has given me is NewSpring Church. I call it "my" church because it is the one I attend but this church, like THE Church - with a capital C - of course is His. It was established by Jesus when He gave His life for sinners and rose from the dead to conquer sin and death and then ascended to the right hand of the Father to intercede for me, for us.

What I love so much about NewSpring is no one cares how you dress or wear your hair. No one cares about your age or your race or your past. No one gets upset when lost people act like lost people. We want the addicts and sexually impure and the gossips and the liars and the drunkards because everyone DOES care that you have a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus went after the lost, the outcasts of society, those shunned by the religious leaders as unclean and unworthy. Since Jesus did, we do too.

People all over South Carolina, and even the world, are submitting their lives to Jesus through the teaching and ministry of NewSpring. We have seen people from just about every scenario of sin you can imagine be set free from the chains of bondage that have held them captive. Not only are they meeting Jesus, they are being baptized and getting into small groups and giving money and serving others through volunteering.

I am so encouraged when I read stories of this life change in people I don't know. I am encouraged when I see people I do know experience life change. I am encouraged when my own life is changed as my relationship with Jesus grows and expands. God is so good to me that I overflow with joy!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Will of God

I recently heard a great message on the will of God by Pastor Steve Furtick from Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. What he said I already believed but had not been able to articulate well.

His message was based on Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."  (ESV)

Too many times we are much too concerned with the when, where and what of life. So we stress over where should I go to college and what job should I take and is he or she "the one" I should marry?

God is more concerned with the how, why and who of my life. How do I live my life? Is it characterized by integrity, generosity, and love? Why do I want certain things? Are my motives godly and God honoring or are my motives selfish and greedy? Who am I becoming? Who do I get counsel from? Am I becoming more like Christ? Are those who speak into my life - my influencers - people who love me and love Jesus? 

Augustin said love God and do as you please. God will take the "whatever you do" and use it.  Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that ALL things work together for good. (Romans 8:28) That means all things. The good things and the bad things. My great choices and my poor choices. Inside the will of God and outside the will of God. When I submit to Him, He can and will use it all.

As someone who had a lot of years of wrong choices, wrong motives, wrong influencers, I understand this well. My past no longer binds me because Jesus has and is using it in my own life and the life of others to glorify Himself. When I submitted my life to Jesus I no longer wanted to live my life apart from Him. I no longer wanted to live in that valley of sin and death. I can do as I please because I have been set free by Jesus but because my heart is new, as I please means pleasing Jesus.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I've been seeing all the reports from the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Someone asked today why doesn't God just stop it.

Once He did decide to stop it and start over. Genesis 6:5 let's us in on what God thought of mankind in the days of Noah when He said, "...every intention of the thoughts of [man's] heart was only evil continually."  And then God destroyed everyone and everything except those in the ark with Noah because "Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." After the flood Noah planted a vineyard, made wine, got drunk, and passed out naked in his tent. Only evil, continually.

Unfortunately as long as we live on this planet, as long as people can choose, people WILL choose evil. Some evil, like this bombing, physically hurts so many people so publicly. It hurts us all as we ache at the loss and the senselessness of it.

Some might say I've never killed anyone. And I would counter with have you ever been really angry with someone? Have you ever called someone a fool or an idiot? Jesus said that can get you a ticket to hell. (Matthew 5:21-22)

Have you ever gossiped or told a little white lie or had a little too much to drink or used the name of God or Jesus as an exclamation? Welcome to the world of evil. We are all sinners by nature and by choice. (Romans 3:23)

The only "cure" for evil as we await the return of Jesus, is to surrender to Him as Lord and Savior. We have the responsibility and the privilege to tell others about Jesus so that they might be receptive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. There is NO ONE beyond God's ability to save. Does that mean everyone will be saved? No, but we don't know who will and who won't be saved. So we need to tell everyone we can.

One thing I love so much about NewSpring are the stories of life change that we hear. Stories of radical change in people some might have thought were hopeless..

Life Is Good

That's all I really want to say. Life IS good! I am content with what I have, where I am, and where I am headed. God overwhelms me with His love and I just want to bless His name! 

Friday, April 12, 2013


Wow...I can't believe it's been three and a half months since I wrote something. It's not that things haven't been happening in my family or God and I haven't been having conversations as I read my Bible, it's just, well, time. I should have all the time in the world but it just seems to slip away.

When I was reading in Genesis this week about Abraham, and specifically about Ishmael, one little phrase in Genesis 17:20 caught my attention. Abraham was talking to God about the son to be born to him. He was asking for Ishmael to be the one God would bless. God said nope, the child will be yours and Sarah's, a miracle child of their old age. But God also said, "I have blessed him..." speaking of Ishmael. Although this blessing would not take place for some years, to God it was a done deal.

I know intellectually that God is not restrained by time, but sometimes I forget that He sees ALL of time as now. Even if I can't see the blessing or the fulfillment of a promise or the salvation of a friend, when God declares it will be done it has already happened in His mind. So I need to rest in that knowing that God will always fulfill what He says.