Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day

Well, it really wasn't a snow day - more like an ice day! The grandchildren were here on Friday night and so excited about getting snow.  It was supposed to start around 6 pm but when I finally got them in bed about 10, we had nary a drop of anything.

I woke up around 3 to the sound of rain and sleet. By the time the kids got up about 8:00 we had 2 inches of ice on the ground. Not good for snowballs or snow men but certainly good for sledding. Not that I had any sleds at my house but that did not deter us.

Bella got a shallow rectangular bin and Nate got cardboard. They had hours of fun...until we got too wet and cold to stay out any longer. And by then it was lunch time any way. So back to the house to get dry and warm. Then back out again later to do it all over again. The children were here until 4:00. When they left I was exhausted.

But it was that good kind of exhausted when you know that you have created memories. I actually took some video of the kids sledding and let Nate open a YouTube account so he could post it to his facebook page. There wasn't much on the ground but because it was all ice, it made for some fast going!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Those Who Are Skilled

When God was ready to build His tabernacle, He gave very specific instructions to Moses. But He also called one man, equipped with the skills he needed, to do the work. 

In the New Testament, Paul tells us that the Church is given various gifts here and here. Just as God gave skills to Bezalel (and Oholiab) to make all the things God commanded from the delicate filigree work to the huge leather tent coverings, He gives skills to those who make up His church today.

When we sit back and do nothing, when we constantly take and never give back, the Church does not function at its best. When people try to do things just because their is a need, without having been skilled by God for that purpose things do not go well. The person gets frustrated or worn out and the job is usually not done in the best way possible.

In the business world we expect companies to put the best person on the task but we don't expect that in church world. Of course there is always a growing and learning time, a maturing time but even if the skills are not honed, they are there. We should expect to use our skills and have those who are skilled encouraged to give back to the work of God through the local church.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colossians 2: 8-15

8See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. 9For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, 10and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. 11In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead. 13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

I don't think I fully understood the significance of baptism in the life of a person until many years after I was baptized. The powerful testimony, not only to those who observe, but to the person being baptized - if they really really think about what they are doing. Sharing in Christ's death and powerful resurrection...

Because God nailed our debt to the cross, canceling the record.

Spending Time with God

Spending time with God really changes things. When God first spoke to Moses from the burning bush - telling him to go to Egypt to confront pharaoh - Moses had all sorts of excuses about why he couldn't go. One of those excuses was that he didn't speak well. So Aaron was appointed to be the spokesperson.

But by the time God gives the law to Moses, he doesn't have any problem speaking up. Moses doesn't hesitate to confront Aaron and all the Israelites with the terrible thing they have done in making a golden calf to worship. And he doesn't hesitate to go to God to intercede for them so God will not destroy the people because of this great sin.

I spoke to a woman last night who wants to learn how to pray. One thing I said to her was just do to God every day. Not just in formal bow your head, close your eyes prayer but in small conversations all day. She had never thought about speaking to God and telling him things in informal, conversational language through out her day.

The more I recognize God's hand in all the little aspects of my life and tell Him I'm so glad He does all that He does for me, I am building that relationship. As I spend more time with Him, He shares more of who He is with me. As in any relationship, it is a back and forth, give and take from both sides.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Excitement Continues

I'm helping with follow up phone calls to those who registered decisions on Sunday. It is so exciting to hear their stories.

One young mother said she was sure of her salvation before Sunday but when Perry asked - on a scale of 1-10, where are you in your relationship with Jesus - she thought I can't be more than a 3. And she was convicted of her need to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Christ, to be a better wife and mother.

As she and her husband talked afterwards, he was convicted of his need to be more of a spiritual leader in their home. So he suggested they start family devotions...and they did. Her enthusiasm for all that God is showing them is contagious.

I talked to a man who divorced and left the church he had attended. He is now remarried and wants to get this marriage headed in the right direction by having Jesus as the head of his home. They have been attending NewSpring for months but really believe now is the time to think seriously about joining.

Another young man was rather hesitant but confirmed that he asked Jesus into his heart and wants to be baptized and come to a membership class and maybe join NewSpring.

Hearing their excitement and commitment makes me excited. Makes me so thankful that I am part of this church that is constantly seeking to lead the lost to Jesus.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I WAS Darkness

I have been thinking about this statement in Ephesians 5:8...for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 

I WAS darkness. Not I walked in darkness or lived in darkness...I WAS darkness. That is overwhelming. I was not just unredeemed, not just misguided, not just sowing my oats, not just living in the fast lane...I was DARKNESS! And I wonder how much of a black hole effect did I have. Who did I draw into the abyss by my darkness? Who stumbled and fell because I was darkness?

But praise be to God who now says I AM light in the Lord! But that comes with demands. Walk as children of light. Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matt 5:16). [Be] children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world (Phil 2:15)

So now the questions are who is walking toward the light of Christ because of His light in me? Who's path is heading in the right direction because Christ is lighting the way through me? Who thinks I'm different than others in my attitudes, habits, work ethic because I have the light of Christ directing my path?

Lord God, let me never again be a stumbling block but always shine the light of Jesus all around me so others may come to know You.

Much Will Be Demanded

I don't know how God does it but I can read the Bible over and over and over and every time I read it something jumps up and grabs me.

In Exodus this morning I was reading about the tabernacle. As I was reading the instructions God gave for making the tabernacle, I was struck with how much work was involved. Making this huge tent by hand - cutting, sewing and embroidering the fabric. And no running to the local store to buy thread or material.

No going into the local hardware store for poles and boards already cut to length. No pretty silver bases to choose from. Or golden lampstands already hammered out of one piece of gold.

There was a lot of hard work involved, a lot of time involved. It cost the Israelites a lot to provide the basic materials then make it into the finished product. Maybe they got most of it from the Egyptians when they left Egypt but still...

I was reminded of King David who wanted to build and altar. The guy who owned the threshing floor wanted to give it to the king but David said no, he wouldn't give to God something that cost him nothing.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48b (NIV)

What am I willing to give...or to give up?

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Best Is Yet to Come

What a day at the Bi-Lo Center! I love these 2 pictures that Brad Cooper posted on his website. Lots of pictures from lots of people have been posted on facebook. It's really cool to look at them and think I was there!! I am so thankful that I get to be part of this every Sunday.

I am praying that the excitement and anticipation that was in the air BEFORE church at the Bi-Lo Center will continue into the future. I am praying for those who made decisions to surrender their lives to Christ will grow in their relationship with him. I am praying for Perry and his ability to discern God's voice, God's vision, God's direction for His church. I am praying for attenders to become members and for members to give sacrificially of their time, money and giftedness.

This weekend was a wonderfully great Sunday of celebration and worship but I really do believe the best is yet to come!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Than I Can Comprehend

I find that I often don't expect enough from God. My view of Him is WAY too small. In Ephesians 3:20-21 Paul says God is able to do FAR more abundantly than ALL we can ask or think...

I can't even begin to THINK about all that God can and wants to do. I am, however, going to be part of a huge celebration this Sunday, January 24, 2010, that I believe God had planned more than 10 years ago - even before Perry started his Wednesday night Bible study.

Having church (real church, not a conference or a convention or a denominational meeting or a nationally recognized speaker - just Sunday church) for 15,000 people in the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC is almost more than I can comprehend. It is certainly something I NEVER expected to be part of just a few short years ago.

Being part of NewSpring Church has expanded my view of God. It has changed my view of the people God calls and uses to bring glory to Himself and to transform lives! It has turned my concept of church upside down. It has ignited new passion and excitement into my relationship with God. It has created within me a new awareness of God's love for ALL people - "normal", freaky, young, old, tattooed, pierced, disabled, rich, poor, educated and uneducated. God loves 'em all and wants to radically change lives. And I am a witness to it! Hallelujah!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Anniversary Anticipation

The 10th Anniversary Service of NewSpring Church is this weekend. Excitement is at a fever pitch. We are expecting more than the 15,000 the Bi-Lo Center can hold.

I thank God over and over for bringing me to NewSpring. I have never been part of a church that EXPECTS God to do great things. I have never been part of a church that has seen as much life change as happens at NewSpring. I have never been part of a church that tells people if you are not ready to plug into the life of the church with tithes and time serving somewhere, please don't join our church. I've never been part of a church where the pastor tells people "I want you to leave" if they can not fully accept the vision of the church. I have never been part of a church that practices church discipline. I have never been part of a church where the pastor desperately seeks Jesus' vision without seeking the approval of the deacons or church body.  All this makes NewSpring an amazing place to be.

I can wait to see what Jesus is going to do over the next 10 years!!

The Presence of God

When Israel was being led out of Egypt, God was with them in a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. I wonder how different my life would be if I had that view of God.

Even though I can't see the pillar of fire or the pillar of cloud, God is there with me just the same. He tells me His word is a lamp for my feet. He tells me He will never leave me or forsake me.

So why do I sometimes doubt Him? Why do I do or say things that if I REALLY thought about God seeing or hearing, I would be so ashamed? Why do I not recognize His presence with me all the time?

Lord God...I know You are with me at all times. Help me to live my life to reflect that. Give me the faith to know that You are in control. Give me the wisdom to remember Your presence before I say or do things that would be displeasing to You or not worthy of Your child.

Equal Sacrifice Update

Seems my initial amount was an error and should have been $60k. The final total collected was over $73,000. The Greenville campus gave over $15,000. What generosity!!

The question still remains, though, do we - no, do I - give out of my wealth or out of my poverty?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Equal Sacrifice

I've been thinking about the $16k NewSpring raised on Sunday for Samaritan's Purse to use to help Haiti and thought about Perry's message on giving. That is a huge amount for a one day offering on a holiday weekend. But when I think about the 11,000 in attendance it really isn't much...especially since Perry told us only 10% of the MEMBERSHIP (not attenders) tithe.

I do understand that we just took a Christmas offering of $600,000 a few weeks ago. For many to give anything may be tough in this economy. Many are without jobs or are stretched to the breaking point. It's time to pay property taxes and Christmas bills are coming in. And I do think that $16,000 is a great offering!

But I have a friend who pastors a small church in White Castle, LA (pop about 1900), He had 30 people at church on Sunday and their offering for Haiti was $1300. I don't really know anything about the congregation. They may all be millionaires living in the "suburbs" of Baton Rouge. And my intention is not to play a comparison game.

It just made me think about giving God's way. Sometimes that is until it hurts. It made me reflect on my own giving. What do I spend unnecessary money on that could be given to God's work? And then I read Pete Wilson's blog for today. God speaks and I really want to listen

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Love Perry Noble

I love my pastor! That I love him is not any immoral thing (I'm old enough to be his mother) but a deep respect for who he is and who I believe he wants me to be in Christ. He preaches God's word with boldness in a way that I don't have to guess exactly what he means. His passion for the lost AND for believers to live lives of obedience is encouraging and challenging.

And today - again - seems like every week, we saw people (55) come to Christ. I am just amazed at what God continues to do through His Spirit and His Word as it is preached at NewSpring. I don't know why I am amazed - God is just doing what He said He would. I just haven't seen it before. Thank you, Jesus, for leading me to this church where you are allowed to do whatever you want to do.

Perry and I have never met, and probably won't until we get to heaven. But that doesn't matter. I just love him bunches!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Does It Matter?

My friend, Donald, gave me a book about the differences in the translations of the Bible - word for word vs thought for thought.

I haven't finished the book yet but I have concluded that the guy who wrote it is WAY too smart for me. But mostly I have been thinking about the Bible and what it says and how it impacts my life.

My preferred translation is the ESV (which this author helped translate = good) but I also like to read the NIV and the NLT (= not good in his eyes). Some of what he says I agree with. I don't necessarily like changing the word "man" in a poetic passage in Psalms to "they" as the NLT does in one of his sited passages. I think the passage loses something of its "poetic-ness" by the change but I don't mind that it now includes "all" in the blessing.

Sometimes translations or paraphrases that are too easy to understand don't require that I dig deep or wrestle with God over the meaning, which may not be a good thing. But if I am more prone to read because I CAN understand, then that is good. I have to admit I'm not a big fan of The Message but I do believe it has its place.

God's word is alive and fluid and powerful. It is up to the Holy Spirit, not the translators, to give me understanding. But I have to be reading the Bible in the first place.

For me it is important to read a lot of different translations. I have 8 different complete translations and 3 others that are just New Testament. With the internet Bible sites I have access to even more. I usually read one version for Bible study and a different one for reading through the Bible (which I change every year). I do this because I find I don't read as closely as I should when the passages are very familiar. I have a tendency to skim rather than actually read for insight and understanding. A new translation gives that unfamiliar aspect.

So does it matter which translation a person uses? I don't think long as one doesn't get stuck in a particular translation for life. If the person reading has a real desire to know and understand and obey what God has said, God will reveal His truth.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday Was Amazing

Perry always amazes me. And Sunday was no exception. I like the fact that he said we will never play it safe as a church. Mostly American Christians think hardship is not agreeable with God's favor but over and over those who are following Jesus most closely and doing what He says are right in the midst of strife and trouble.

I liked his illustration that for many God is a snuggie and the church is a lounge chair. We prayed a prayer and now we just need to be comfortable. I pray that would never be me! I also pray that I WOULD apply what God teaches me from His Word. How many people do I know that have been to Bible study after Bible study but have never put feet or hands to anything God brings their way?

I also liked the fact that he says we won't be predictable. I actually like change and so unpredictable works well for me. But even those who don't like change will like changes that keep us from becoming boring or stagnant or same ol', same ol!

But the thing I liked most was Perry's commitment to finish strong. A leader who is following hard after God will bring his followers to amazing places where they can stand in awe of what God is doing. He promised to finish strong not only as the pastor of the church but as a husband and father. That's a commitment and testimony I need as well.

My Funeral Plans

I went to a funeral on Sunday afternoon for the father of the general manager of my office. I hope my funeral is not like that! It was a nice service - just what one would expect but...

I sure do hope that MY funeral will be fun! I don't want a suit in least not on my best friends and church family. I expect that those who bother to come will come in their jeans and t-shirts and sneakers. And that includes whoever speaks. If it's Howard Frist - well, I've never seen him in a coat & tie and he better not be in one at my funeral.

I want lively music and singing and hand clapping and amening! I want people to CELEBRATE the fact that I am with Jesus and my family and that I will be waiting at the gate for them to show up and join the party.

I expect my family to miss me and to feel sad that they won't see me again for a while but...this earth is NOT my home and the thought of finally going home is just to glorious not to celebrate! I want my family to laugh and sing and remember the good times but most of all I want them to be ready to join me for all eternity!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's All Relative

I do not like cold weather. If I had my way, we would only have 3 seasons - spring, summer and fall. I really don't mind the heat of summer but I really do dislike cold, windy, rainy days in winter.

But I found something to be thankful for today. It has been in the teens at night and low to mid 30's during the day. To me that is COLD!! Today I talked to a woman in Duluth, MN. She was excited because they were having a warming trend. It was up to 3 degrees and they are expecting it to be in the 20's next week. So I asked how cold has it been.

Seems for many days, it has not gotten "warmer" than 20 BELOW zero - without the wind chill. It actually got up to about 40 here today so I am VERY thankful for OUR warming trend. I am also thankful that I live in South Carolina and not Minnesota.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I wish daylight equated to warmth. Today - well, actually the last several days - have been unusually cold for us. But the sun has been shining which is better than cold and rainy even if it doesn't give real warmth.

I was looking for something to be especially thankful for today because the father of one woman in the office is right at death's door. Another woman in the office quit today in the midst of a huge temper tantrum. I've been cold, or at least my hands have been cold, for days.

So it wasn't until I was leaving work that I found something to make me especially thankful. Daylight - at 5:50 PM. There has been no daylight for a while when I've left work in the evening. So today I have my very first indication that spring IS coming because there was still daylight when I walked out the door.

WooHoo!! Thank you Jesus! And I actually said that out loud when I walked out the door.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Today was one of those "wow" days at church. We had our year-end review of all God has done through NewSpring in the past year. It's incredible to hear the numbers of those who have crossed from death to life just in the past year because of the ministry of NewSpring Church.

In our 11 AM service in Greenville, Howard asked those who had given their hearts to Jesus during the last year to stand. It was overwhelming. Then he asked all who had met Jesus and/or been baptized at NewSpring during the last 10 years to stand. Just at the Greenville campus in that one service the numbers are mind boggling. 

All campuses together have seen over 6900 salvations and over 4700 baptisms in the 10 years NewSpring has been in existence. What an absolute privilege it is to be part of all that God is doing here. 

Oh, Lord God, I am in awe that you would allow me to have a small part in what You are doing through NewSpring. Thank you for being persistent in Your push to move me here. I am amazed at ALL You are doing and looking forward to greater things in the future. Help me to be continually gripped by the greatness of who You are and what You desire to do in the lives of people all across the world.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Inside Job

Over this weekend as we start a new year and a new decade, I have been thinking about all the things I am thankful for. Not only have I been thinking about it, I've been trying to verbally thank God for His blessings in, on, through, around and for me.

The thing I am most thankful for today is that I have an "inside" job. The roofers came to my house today to put on my new roof. It was about 26 degrees when they got here this morning. Not only is it a brutally cold day, the wind is blowing. When you're on a roof there is no place to go to get away from it.

They finally had to give it up but will be back tomorrow after lunch to finish up. So today I am thankful that I get to work on the inside of a building with heat and air and water and bathrooms. But I am also thankful for these men who work in these hard conditions so I can have a better home.